i have 100 values in array ,need to check first ten values are not empty and all elements should be same count if not unset the values ,i using "|" for combing all the values ,
I have all the values implode with "|" below is the function which im using im not getting final results as required ,finalvalues is given below ,can you please help fixing this issue
finalvalues =array(
"3" =>"Education|Category|Roles|Industry|Address|Email|Phone|Mobile",
"4" => "Bsc|computer|SE|Computers||test@test.com|123123132|123234234234"
$values = array(
"0"=> "Computer Student History",
"1"=> "Computer Student History",
"2"=> "Computer Student History|batch number",
"3" => "| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ",
"4" => "Education|Category|Roles|Industry|Address|Email|Phone|Mobile",
"5" => "Bsc|computer|SE|Computers||test@test.com|123123132|123234234234"
$newVal = array();
foreach ($values as $key => $val) { //$values it is..
$prevalues = explode('|', $val);
$finalvalue = array_empty($prevalues ,$full_null=true);
if($finalvalue == 1){
unset($prevalues); //why??
$vales = implode('|', $prevalues);
$newVal[$key] = $vales; //use $key, to preserve the keys here..
print_r($newVal); //output
function array_empty($ary, $full_null=false){
$count = array();
$null_count = 0;
$ary_count = count($ary);
if ($ary_count == 1) //this means there was no '|', hence no split.
return 1;
foreach($array_keys($ary) as $value){
// echo $value;
//trying check if first value is less then second value unset array similar second is less then third value unset second .. so the all the array values is same count
$count[$value] = count($ary[$value]);
if (isset($prevKey) && $count[$prevKey] !== $count[$value]) {
return 1;
if($value == NULL || trim($value) == "" ){ // trim(..) was what you wanted.
if($full_null == true){
if($null_count == $ary_count){
return 1;
return 0;
2 个解决方案
Here are some much simpler, not crazy ways
PHP 5.3+
$final = array_filter(
function( $v ){
preg_replace( '~\s*\|\s*~', '', $v ) &&
count( explode( '|', $v ) ) === 8;
PHP < 5.3
PHP <5.3
This edits the $values array directly
这直接编辑$ values数组
foreach( $values as $k => $value ) {
if ( preg_replace( '~\s*\|\s*~', '', $value ) == '' || count( explode( '|', $value ) ) !== 8 ) {
unset( $values[$k] );
This should help you (with inline comments):
$newVal = array();
foreach ($values as $key => $val) { //$values it is..
$prevalues = explode('|', $val);
$finalvalue = array_empty($prevalues ,$full_null=true);
if($finalvalue == 1){
unset($prevalues); //why??
$vales = implode('|', $prevalues);
$newVal[$key] = $vales; //use $key, to preserve the keys here..
print_r($newVal); //output
function array_empty($ary, $full_null=false){
$null_count = 0;
$ary_count = count($ary);
if ($ary_count == 1) //this means there was no '|', hence no split.
return 1;
foreach($ary as $value){
// echo $value;
if($value == NULL || trim($value) == "" ){ // trim(..) was what you wanted.
if($full_null == true){
if($null_count == $ary_count){
return 1;
return 0;
Here are some much simpler, not crazy ways
PHP 5.3+
$final = array_filter(
function( $v ){
preg_replace( '~\s*\|\s*~', '', $v ) &&
count( explode( '|', $v ) ) === 8;
PHP < 5.3
PHP <5.3
This edits the $values array directly
这直接编辑$ values数组
foreach( $values as $k => $value ) {
if ( preg_replace( '~\s*\|\s*~', '', $value ) == '' || count( explode( '|', $value ) ) !== 8 ) {
unset( $values[$k] );
This should help you (with inline comments):
$newVal = array();
foreach ($values as $key => $val) { //$values it is..
$prevalues = explode('|', $val);
$finalvalue = array_empty($prevalues ,$full_null=true);
if($finalvalue == 1){
unset($prevalues); //why??
$vales = implode('|', $prevalues);
$newVal[$key] = $vales; //use $key, to preserve the keys here..
print_r($newVal); //output
function array_empty($ary, $full_null=false){
$null_count = 0;
$ary_count = count($ary);
if ($ary_count == 1) //this means there was no '|', hence no split.
return 1;
foreach($ary as $value){
// echo $value;
if($value == NULL || trim($value) == "" ){ // trim(..) was what you wanted.
if($full_null == true){
if($null_count == $ary_count){
return 1;
return 0;