MS Reporting Services 2005 - 报告订阅仅在电子邮件中工作

时间:2022-01-09 08:13:14

I have an internal customer that only receives his email report from MS Report Services 2005 about 30% of the time. It is not getting caught by a SPAM filter. The report takes about 2 minutes to run. Does Reporting Services give up after 60 seconds? How do I begin to troubleshoot this issue.

我有一个内部客户,大约30%的时间只收到MS Report Services 2005的电子邮件报告。它不会被垃圾邮件过滤器捕获。该报告大约需要2分钟才能运行。 Reporting Services在60秒后放弃了吗?我该如何开始解决此问题。

1 个解决方案


Setup a subscription for yourself. Have it mailed to you every 5 minutes for a couple of hours. See what happens...?



Setup a subscription for yourself. Have it mailed to you every 5 minutes for a couple of hours. See what happens...?
