通过电子邮件发送MS Reporting Services 2005报告,就像从特定地址发送一样

时间:2021-10-01 08:13:00

We have various reporting services reports which are scheduled to automatically generate reports and email them to a distribution list. This works really well but they appear to come from MSRepSvc@ourdomain.com.


This is all well and good but the PHB would like them to look like they are coming from OurGroup@ourdomain.com. We've got a group set up so Exchange lets us (those within OurGroup) send messages from Outlook using OurGroup in the From address, but I'm struggling to find how to configure Reporting Services to do this.

这一切都很好,但PHB希望他们看起来像是来自OurGroup@ourdomain.com。我们已经设置了一个组,因此Exchange允许我们(OurGroup内的那些人)使用From地址中的OurGroup从Outlook发送邮件,但我很难找到如何配置Reporting Services来执行此操作。

Is it a server wide configuration option? Is it a user access profile option? Could we do it programatically by attaching to the RS Server using an app (many of the reports are triggered by code already).


Edit: We share the server with other groups - so it has to be for a subset or on a report-by-report basis. (It's RS'05 if it makes a difference, although we're on the path to upgrading to '08.)

编辑:我们与其他组共享服务器 - 因此它必须是子集或逐个报告。 (如果它有所作为,它是RS'05,尽管我们正在升级到'08。)

3 个解决方案



Sorry, you can't.


Because it use SMTP, you are limited to the protocol. The setting are defined in the .config files and are not configurable at run time or in the app or in a report/subscription.


Outlook uses MAPI which allows "From" to be specified.


Now, there are ugly workarounds :-)


  1. If you send the reports to a mailbox, then you can use rules to forward and change the email. However, the mailbox must be associated with a login that you can log into and configure the rules. Otherwsie, you'll need Outlook running to apply rules if you simply connect to the mailbox.


  2. Install RS multiple times and configure the "From" email differently per install. In this case "FROM" is defined in the config files.


  3. Send email to a service that monitors the mailbox to do your forwarding


Option 3 is obviously the neatest but has most investment.




You can configure the sender e-mail address using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager (available under "Configuration" in the SQL Server 2005 start menu item). On the left-side pane, click the "Email Settings" header, and specify the sender address.

您可以使用Reporting Services配置管理器(在SQL Server 2005开始菜单项中的“配置”下提供)配置发件人电子邮件地址。在左侧窗格中,单击“电子邮件设置”标题,然后指定发件人地址。

This is the address that will appear on ALL reports generated on the server you are configuring. I don't believe there is a way to specify sender addresses on a report level.





Are you using a data-driven subscription, or just a simple subscription type in RS to distribute your report?


I believe with a data-driven subscription, you can provide a custom table with information that can be used by the subscription engine to specify properties of the subscription, including the parameters for a report, recipient list, format type, etc. It lets you specify the TO/FROM/SUBJECT, etc for the email communication based on the data found in your custom table. Check it out and let us know if that works out for you.

我相信通过数据驱动的订阅,您可以提供一个自定义表,其中包含订阅引擎可以使用的信息,以指定订阅的属性,包括报表的参数,收件人列表,格式类型等。它可以让您根据自定义表中的数据为电子邮件通信指定TO / FROM / SUBJECT等。检查一下,如果有效,请告诉我们。




Sorry, you can't.


Because it use SMTP, you are limited to the protocol. The setting are defined in the .config files and are not configurable at run time or in the app or in a report/subscription.


Outlook uses MAPI which allows "From" to be specified.


Now, there are ugly workarounds :-)


  1. If you send the reports to a mailbox, then you can use rules to forward and change the email. However, the mailbox must be associated with a login that you can log into and configure the rules. Otherwsie, you'll need Outlook running to apply rules if you simply connect to the mailbox.


  2. Install RS multiple times and configure the "From" email differently per install. In this case "FROM" is defined in the config files.


  3. Send email to a service that monitors the mailbox to do your forwarding


Option 3 is obviously the neatest but has most investment.




You can configure the sender e-mail address using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager (available under "Configuration" in the SQL Server 2005 start menu item). On the left-side pane, click the "Email Settings" header, and specify the sender address.

您可以使用Reporting Services配置管理器(在SQL Server 2005开始菜单项中的“配置”下提供)配置发件人电子邮件地址。在左侧窗格中,单击“电子邮件设置”标题,然后指定发件人地址。

This is the address that will appear on ALL reports generated on the server you are configuring. I don't believe there is a way to specify sender addresses on a report level.





Are you using a data-driven subscription, or just a simple subscription type in RS to distribute your report?


I believe with a data-driven subscription, you can provide a custom table with information that can be used by the subscription engine to specify properties of the subscription, including the parameters for a report, recipient list, format type, etc. It lets you specify the TO/FROM/SUBJECT, etc for the email communication based on the data found in your custom table. Check it out and let us know if that works out for you.

我相信通过数据驱动的订阅,您可以提供一个自定义表,其中包含订阅引擎可以使用的信息,以指定订阅的属性,包括报表的参数,收件人列表,格式类型等。它可以让您根据自定义表中的数据为电子邮件通信指定TO / FROM / SUBJECT等。检查一下,如果有效,请告诉我们。
