ASP。NET - LocalReport.Render() -模拟无效的令牌

时间:2021-07-21 08:10:23

I'm trying to generate a PDF report using local reporting services inside an ASP.NET MVC web application.

我正在尝试使用ASP中的本地报告服务生成PDF报告。净MVC web应用程序。

Problem is, when the call to the Render() method is done inside a separate Task, I get an exception:


Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Failed to load expression host assembly. Details: Invalid token for impersonation - it cannot be duplicated.


If the call to Render() is hit by a user request (via controller -> class library) in the same thread, the exception is not thrown.

如果对Render()的调用被同一线程中的用户请求(通过controller ->类库)击中,则不会抛出异常。

I'm out of choices at the moment. Things I tried so far:


I've tried wrapping the Task inside a using block.


// Doesn't work even with (true) or ()
IntPtr currentUser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(false).Token;
Task.Run(() =>
    using (WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(currentUser))

public static void ProcessStart()
    LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport();

    getting data for the report

    // this statement throws the exception
    byte[] pdfStream = localReport.Render(formatString,
                       out mimetype,
                       out encoding,
                       out fileNameExtension,
                       out streams,
                       out warnings);

    saving bytestream to file

I checked THIS POST but I can't see how that could help me since I'm currently just debugging in localhost.


I checked THIS ANSWER but it suggests to remove the task and do the reporting in the same thread, which I can't do.


Thanks in advance for your time.


1 个解决方案



On my way to the working solution I first started to tinker with the alwaysFlowImpersonationPolicy configuration flag, which seems to exist to deal with passing impersonation tokens between threads in an ASP.NET request lifecycle, there is some useful documentation but it was a dead end.


The problem here is the identity, and the fact that LocalReport.Render uses sandboxed app domains to compile and execute expressions.


If we could prevent the report engine from creating a sandbox app domain, its code would execute in the same domain and execution context as the calling code, avoiding the additional token propagation that throws the inner exception. Inspecting the documentation for the LocalReport class finds us the ExecuteReportInCurrentAppDomain method, promising to do just that:


public static void ProcessStart()
    var localReport = new LocalReport();

    /* ...
     * getting data for the report
     * ... */

    /* prepare to do all rendering in the same appdomain */
    /* now this fails no more */
    byte[] pdfStream = localReport.Render(
        out mimetype,
        out encoding,
        out fileNameExtension,
        out streams,
        out warnings

    /* ...
     * saving bytestream to file 
     * ... */

I tested it, and it actually works! But there is a downside: The method has been deprecated in .NET 4.0 and higher. It is necessary to add two legacy configuration switches to make it work:

我测试了它,它确实有效!但是也有一个缺点:这个方法在。net 4.0或更高版本中已经被弃用了。有必要添加两个遗留配置开关以使其工作:

        <trust legacyCasModel="true" />
         <legacyCasPolicy enabled="true" />    
         <NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy enabled="true"/>

If these are not added, calling ExecuteReportInCurrentAppDomain throws an exception. I am using this code in production now; I am aware that in future versions of .NET this will likely break - perhaps until then the report engine is improved as well. Adding these legacy CAS support stuff is not recommended of course, it it may have an impact on other parts of your application, for example it will prevent the runtime from using NGEN images from GAC.


To try to plant the request identity on the task context is just as pointless as setting the AlwaysFlowImpersonation flag in the Aspnet.config file.


There are many other problems with this approach overall, for example there is no mechanism in place to prevent the host process to terminate the worker thread and your background task with it. Several other posts on SO and elsewhere deal with these additional complications, anyway the most robust solution still is to have a service process running independently from IIS and assigning background tasks to it using a message queue, named pipes or something like that. Starting from .NET framework version 4.5.2, there is the HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem which you could use instead.

这种方法还有许多其他问题,例如,没有任何机制可以阻止主机进程终止工作线程和您的后台任务。其他一些关于SO和其他地方的文章处理了这些附加的复杂性,无论如何,最健壮的解决方案仍然是拥有一个独立于IIS的服务进程,并使用消息队列、命名管道或类似的东西为它分配后台任务。从。net framework 4.5.2版本开始,有HostingEnvironment。可以使用的QueueBackgroundWorkItem。

As there is so much advice against this, why would we still want to go for it? IMO there is just one very good reason: whenever we want a request to return really fast, and we do not care if the result is discarded. I don't know about OP's user story, but mine permits it: we trigger the request from a SCORM e-learning package on page navigation, and we need to avoid any delay here. if the users navigate away before they consume their asynchronously delivered report, the worker thread can as well terminate the task prematurely.




On my way to the working solution I first started to tinker with the alwaysFlowImpersonationPolicy configuration flag, which seems to exist to deal with passing impersonation tokens between threads in an ASP.NET request lifecycle, there is some useful documentation but it was a dead end.


The problem here is the identity, and the fact that LocalReport.Render uses sandboxed app domains to compile and execute expressions.


If we could prevent the report engine from creating a sandbox app domain, its code would execute in the same domain and execution context as the calling code, avoiding the additional token propagation that throws the inner exception. Inspecting the documentation for the LocalReport class finds us the ExecuteReportInCurrentAppDomain method, promising to do just that:


public static void ProcessStart()
    var localReport = new LocalReport();

    /* ...
     * getting data for the report
     * ... */

    /* prepare to do all rendering in the same appdomain */
    /* now this fails no more */
    byte[] pdfStream = localReport.Render(
        out mimetype,
        out encoding,
        out fileNameExtension,
        out streams,
        out warnings

    /* ...
     * saving bytestream to file 
     * ... */

I tested it, and it actually works! But there is a downside: The method has been deprecated in .NET 4.0 and higher. It is necessary to add two legacy configuration switches to make it work:

我测试了它,它确实有效!但是也有一个缺点:这个方法在。net 4.0或更高版本中已经被弃用了。有必要添加两个遗留配置开关以使其工作:

        <trust legacyCasModel="true" />
         <legacyCasPolicy enabled="true" />    
         <NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy enabled="true"/>

If these are not added, calling ExecuteReportInCurrentAppDomain throws an exception. I am using this code in production now; I am aware that in future versions of .NET this will likely break - perhaps until then the report engine is improved as well. Adding these legacy CAS support stuff is not recommended of course, it it may have an impact on other parts of your application, for example it will prevent the runtime from using NGEN images from GAC.


To try to plant the request identity on the task context is just as pointless as setting the AlwaysFlowImpersonation flag in the Aspnet.config file.


There are many other problems with this approach overall, for example there is no mechanism in place to prevent the host process to terminate the worker thread and your background task with it. Several other posts on SO and elsewhere deal with these additional complications, anyway the most robust solution still is to have a service process running independently from IIS and assigning background tasks to it using a message queue, named pipes or something like that. Starting from .NET framework version 4.5.2, there is the HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem which you could use instead.

这种方法还有许多其他问题,例如,没有任何机制可以阻止主机进程终止工作线程和您的后台任务。其他一些关于SO和其他地方的文章处理了这些附加的复杂性,无论如何,最健壮的解决方案仍然是拥有一个独立于IIS的服务进程,并使用消息队列、命名管道或类似的东西为它分配后台任务。从。net framework 4.5.2版本开始,有HostingEnvironment。可以使用的QueueBackgroundWorkItem。

As there is so much advice against this, why would we still want to go for it? IMO there is just one very good reason: whenever we want a request to return really fast, and we do not care if the result is discarded. I don't know about OP's user story, but mine permits it: we trigger the request from a SCORM e-learning package on page navigation, and we need to avoid any delay here. if the users navigate away before they consume their asynchronously delivered report, the worker thread can as well terminate the task prematurely.
