
时间:2021-07-21 08:10:17

I have take over a old asp.net website and there is no Visual Studio Project for it. If i want to change some functionality, is there a way to put in a .cs file overriding the logic in the bin file?

我已经接管了一个旧的asp.net网站,没有Visual Studio项目。如果我想要更改某些功能,是否有一种方法可以放入.cs文件以覆盖bin文件中的逻辑?

2 个解决方案



I am not aware of any other solution but one.


You can decompile the whole dll, create a new project and attach all classes there. Then recompile and replace an old dll with a new one.


You may need to decompile the whole web site, as it is likely there will be some dependencies to other dlls.




For anyone who stumbles across this question, I'd like to suggest an alternate approach. Take a look at Fody. Fody is an IL weaving tool which allows you to weave in changes to existing .dll compiled files. Here is a Basic Fody Addin Project. You'll notice Fody would allow you to inject or 'weave' code changes into the IL without a decompile.




I am not aware of any other solution but one.


You can decompile the whole dll, create a new project and attach all classes there. Then recompile and replace an old dll with a new one.


You may need to decompile the whole web site, as it is likely there will be some dependencies to other dlls.




For anyone who stumbles across this question, I'd like to suggest an alternate approach. Take a look at Fody. Fody is an IL weaving tool which allows you to weave in changes to existing .dll compiled files. Here is a Basic Fody Addin Project. You'll notice Fody would allow you to inject or 'weave' code changes into the IL without a decompile.
