
时间:2021-06-13 03:26:28

I have a simple question but not able to find solution to it. I have set session timeout of the application in the web.config as :


  <sessionState timeout="30" mode="InProc"/>

and its working fine but now I got the requirement that if the user is idle that is, he is not performing any action on the page for one minute his session should get expired. I tried to do it using form authentication as :


<authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" timeout="1"  slidingExpiration ="false" defaultUrl="login.aspx"/>

But its now working. Any help would be appreciated.


1 个解决方案



If I have understood the question correctly (see comments by OP) then the problem is that OP wants both slidingExpiration and absoluteExpiration to be active, but with separate timeouts.


This would enable the system require a user to log back in after a certain time of idling, and to require a user to log back in after a different time even if the user was not idling.


Unfortunately this is not supported out of the box using forms authentication. You have to choose either sliding or absolute expiration. Or you have to build a workaround yourself.


You can use a very simple work around by:


  • Setting the timeout of the session longer than the corresponding forms authentication timeout, and also longer than the desired absolute timeout:


    <sessionState timeout="35" mode="InProc"/>
  • Set forms authentication to use slidingExpiration = true

    设置表单身份验证以使用slidingExpiration = true

  • Create a user logged in timestamp in the session whenever a user logs in:


    Session["userLoggedInAt"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
  • Add an Application_PostAcquireRequestState method to Global.asax:


    void Application_PostAcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpContext context = ((HttpApplication)sender).Context;
        if (context.Session != null && context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
            bool forceLogout = false;
            if (context.Session["userLoggedInAt"] == null)
                forceLogout = true;
            else if (!(context.Session["userLoggedInAt"] is DateTime))
                forceLogout = true;
            else if (DateTime.UtcNow > ((DateTime)context.Session["userLoggedInAt"]).AddMinutes(30))
                forceLogout = true;
            if (forceLogout)

Disclaimer: Code above was hacked together quickly, may not be fool proof...



  • Setting sliding expiration to timeout after 1 minute seems excessively paranoid. Even a fast user will not be able to finish any significant work in the application during that time. Even my web bank has a longer idle timeout that that. I would recommend a minimum of 5-10 minutes.
  • 将滑动到期设置为1分钟后超时似乎过于偏执。即使是快速用户也无法在此期间完成应用程序中的任何重要工作。甚至我的网上银行也有更长的空闲超时。我建议至少5-10分钟。

  • Sliding expiration in forms authentication has an interesting feature: The sliding happens by updating the authentication cookie, moving the expiration date forward when the user is active. But this only happens when at least half the expiration time has passed. If you want to guarantee that a user can be idle for 10 minutes without getting logged out, you must therefore set the timeout to be 20 minutes.
  • 表单身份验证中的滑动过期具有一个有趣的功能:通过更新身份验证cookie,在用户处于活动状态时向前移动过期日期来进行滑动。但这只发生在至少一半的到期时间过去之后。如果要保证用户可以空闲10分钟而不退出,则必须将超时设置为20分钟。



If I have understood the question correctly (see comments by OP) then the problem is that OP wants both slidingExpiration and absoluteExpiration to be active, but with separate timeouts.


This would enable the system require a user to log back in after a certain time of idling, and to require a user to log back in after a different time even if the user was not idling.


Unfortunately this is not supported out of the box using forms authentication. You have to choose either sliding or absolute expiration. Or you have to build a workaround yourself.


You can use a very simple work around by:


  • Setting the timeout of the session longer than the corresponding forms authentication timeout, and also longer than the desired absolute timeout:


    <sessionState timeout="35" mode="InProc"/>
  • Set forms authentication to use slidingExpiration = true

    设置表单身份验证以使用slidingExpiration = true

  • Create a user logged in timestamp in the session whenever a user logs in:


    Session["userLoggedInAt"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
  • Add an Application_PostAcquireRequestState method to Global.asax:


    void Application_PostAcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpContext context = ((HttpApplication)sender).Context;
        if (context.Session != null && context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
            bool forceLogout = false;
            if (context.Session["userLoggedInAt"] == null)
                forceLogout = true;
            else if (!(context.Session["userLoggedInAt"] is DateTime))
                forceLogout = true;
            else if (DateTime.UtcNow > ((DateTime)context.Session["userLoggedInAt"]).AddMinutes(30))
                forceLogout = true;
            if (forceLogout)

Disclaimer: Code above was hacked together quickly, may not be fool proof...



  • Setting sliding expiration to timeout after 1 minute seems excessively paranoid. Even a fast user will not be able to finish any significant work in the application during that time. Even my web bank has a longer idle timeout that that. I would recommend a minimum of 5-10 minutes.
  • 将滑动到期设置为1分钟后超时似乎过于偏执。即使是快速用户也无法在此期间完成应用程序中的任何重要工作。甚至我的网上银行也有更长的空闲超时。我建议至少5-10分钟。

  • Sliding expiration in forms authentication has an interesting feature: The sliding happens by updating the authentication cookie, moving the expiration date forward when the user is active. But this only happens when at least half the expiration time has passed. If you want to guarantee that a user can be idle for 10 minutes without getting logged out, you must therefore set the timeout to be 20 minutes.
  • 表单身份验证中的滑动过期具有一个有趣的功能:通过更新身份验证cookie,在用户处于活动状态时向前移动过期日期来进行滑动。但这只发生在至少一半的到期时间过去之后。如果要保证用户可以空闲10分钟而不退出,则必须将超时设置为20分钟。