
时间:2021-03-30 03:33:35

I have set session time out to 9 hours in web.config file something like this:


“<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="540" />

But often users complain that they are facing time out in less than 9 hours of inactivity and the time interval after they are timed out also varies.


I was wondering if session time out is dependent on any of the below settings in IIS:


  1. Session time setting
  2. 会话时间设置
  3. Idle- time out setting for Application pool
  4. 应用程序池的空闲超时设置
  5. Recycling setting.
  6. 回收设置。

Please advise. Also, how do I check session time out setting in IIS 7.0?

请指教。另外,如何在IIS 7.0中检查会话超时设置?

3 个解决方案



The session will be lost when the ApplicationPool recycles. That's one of the IIS settings that you mentioned. To set only the timeout in the web.config will not be enough. You need to adjust the setting in IIS.


Here is a link I found while I was looking into the same problem.


Also, this question was very useful: Losing Session State




If you are using Forms authentication you should make sure your FormAuthentication Cookie is set to expire at the same time as your Session.

如果您使用的是表单身份验证,则应确保将FormAuthentication Cookie设置为与会话同时过期。

If not make sure your IIS is not getting recycled. ( put a logger in your Global.asax to verify the application end events compared to your users complaints.)

如果不确保您的IIS没有被回收。 (在您的Global.asax中放置一个记录器,以验证与用户投诉相比的应用程序结束事件。)



It is not enough to set session time out in your web config. If the server on which your site is hosted is having less time out value set in IIS setting, your session is time out according to the server session time out value.


also if you are deleting any folder from the server directory, this can also cause your AppPool to recycle unexpectedly.


so please check the server session time out value and if it less then ask your hosting to increase it as per your requirement.




The session will be lost when the ApplicationPool recycles. That's one of the IIS settings that you mentioned. To set only the timeout in the web.config will not be enough. You need to adjust the setting in IIS.


Here is a link I found while I was looking into the same problem.


Also, this question was very useful: Losing Session State




If you are using Forms authentication you should make sure your FormAuthentication Cookie is set to expire at the same time as your Session.

如果您使用的是表单身份验证,则应确保将FormAuthentication Cookie设置为与会话同时过期。

If not make sure your IIS is not getting recycled. ( put a logger in your Global.asax to verify the application end events compared to your users complaints.)

如果不确保您的IIS没有被回收。 (在您的Global.asax中放置一个记录器,以验证与用户投诉相比的应用程序结束事件。)



It is not enough to set session time out in your web config. If the server on which your site is hosted is having less time out value set in IIS setting, your session is time out according to the server session time out value.


also if you are deleting any folder from the server directory, this can also cause your AppPool to recycle unexpectedly.


so please check the server session time out value and if it less then ask your hosting to increase it as per your requirement.
