Is there any quick way to run a file(.cs) in VS 2008 with a Main method ?
有没有快速方法在VS 2008中使用Main方法运行文件(.cs)?
Often you'd want to test some mockup code, Going Alt+f7(Project->ProjectName Properties) and changing the Startup object from a dropdown list is quite cumbersome.
通常,您需要测试一些模型代码,Going Alt + f7(Project-> ProjectName Properties)并从下拉列表中更改Startup对象非常麻烦。
5 个解决方案
To compile one file C# programs I have created a .bat file, on which I drag and drop a .cs file and get a .exe in .cs file directory.
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5
cd %~d1\
cd "%~p1"
csc %1
You can use this .bat file in a Visual Studio macro to compile active .cs file and run the application.
您可以在Visual Studio宏中使用此.bat文件来编译活动的.cs文件并运行该应用程序。
Sub RunCS()
If Not ActiveDocument.FullName.EndsWith(".cs") Then
End If
REM Path to batch file
Dim compileScript = "C:\dev\compileCS.bat"
Dim compileParams As System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
compileParams = New ProcessStartInfo(compileScript, Chr(34) & ActiveDocument.FullName & Chr(34))
Dim compiling As System.Diagnostics.Process
compiling = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(compileParams)
Dim programFile As String
programFile = ActiveDocument.FullName.Substring(0, ActiveDocument.FullName.Length - 3) + ".exe"
Dim running As System.Diagnostics.Process
running = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(programFile)
End Sub
This will run only programs for which all code is in one file. If you want to quickly change projects instead, you can change your solution's Startup Project to Current selection
Get yourself the SnippetCompiler, it's made to run snippets (not inside of VS, but close enough) and may help you.
What about instead of mockups, writing those as unit tests. You can run those quickly without changing entry points. And the tests could stick around for later changes. Instead of writing to the Console, you would use Asserts and Trace Writes.
那些代替模型,把它们写成单元测试。您可以快速运行它们而无需更改入口点。测试可以留待以后的更改。您可以使用Asserts和Trace Writes,而不是写入控制台。
I keep a sandbox solution around that has a console project and other tiny project types that I use frequently. Snippet Tools are nice but usually don't come with the whole Visual Studio shebang like debugging etc.
我保留了一个沙盒解决方案,它有一个控制台项目和我经常使用的其他小项目类型。 Snippet Tools很不错,但通常不会像调试等整个Visual Studio一样。
Snippy, originally by Jon Skeet (who lurks on here I believe) and further developed by Jason Haley.
Snippy,最初由Jon Skeet(我相信潜伏在这里)并由Jason Haley进一步开发。
To compile one file C# programs I have created a .bat file, on which I drag and drop a .cs file and get a .exe in .cs file directory.
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5
cd %~d1\
cd "%~p1"
csc %1
You can use this .bat file in a Visual Studio macro to compile active .cs file and run the application.
您可以在Visual Studio宏中使用此.bat文件来编译活动的.cs文件并运行该应用程序。
Sub RunCS()
If Not ActiveDocument.FullName.EndsWith(".cs") Then
End If
REM Path to batch file
Dim compileScript = "C:\dev\compileCS.bat"
Dim compileParams As System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
compileParams = New ProcessStartInfo(compileScript, Chr(34) & ActiveDocument.FullName & Chr(34))
Dim compiling As System.Diagnostics.Process
compiling = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(compileParams)
Dim programFile As String
programFile = ActiveDocument.FullName.Substring(0, ActiveDocument.FullName.Length - 3) + ".exe"
Dim running As System.Diagnostics.Process
running = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(programFile)
End Sub
This will run only programs for which all code is in one file. If you want to quickly change projects instead, you can change your solution's Startup Project to Current selection
Get yourself the SnippetCompiler, it's made to run snippets (not inside of VS, but close enough) and may help you.
What about instead of mockups, writing those as unit tests. You can run those quickly without changing entry points. And the tests could stick around for later changes. Instead of writing to the Console, you would use Asserts and Trace Writes.
那些代替模型,把它们写成单元测试。您可以快速运行它们而无需更改入口点。测试可以留待以后的更改。您可以使用Asserts和Trace Writes,而不是写入控制台。
I keep a sandbox solution around that has a console project and other tiny project types that I use frequently. Snippet Tools are nice but usually don't come with the whole Visual Studio shebang like debugging etc.
我保留了一个沙盒解决方案,它有一个控制台项目和我经常使用的其他小项目类型。 Snippet Tools很不错,但通常不会像调试等整个Visual Studio一样。
Snippy, originally by Jon Skeet (who lurks on here I believe) and further developed by Jason Haley.
Snippy,最初由Jon Skeet(我相信潜伏在这里)并由Jason Haley进一步开发。