如何加快Visual Studio 2010文本编辑器的渲染速度?

时间:2021-10-18 02:43:34

Visual Studio 2010 moved to using WPF for rendering the editor. This is leading to slowdowns while I am editing code, especially if I'm running something else that uses other video capabilities.

Visual Studio 2010转向使用WPF渲染编辑器。当我编辑代码时,这会导致速度减慢,特别是如果我正在运行其他使用其他视频功能的东西。

How can I speed this up? A new video card? New drivers? Settings?


What technologies does WPF use to render and what video card would complement it?


2 个解决方案



WPF uses DirectX for rendering, so a new top of the line video card would certainly help you out here. Any solid ATI or Nvidia card nowadays supports the latest and greatest DirectX.




The answer from @Charlie is absolutely spot on; and I thought about saying this on a comment but then figured I should put it as an answer.


Under certain circumstances (certainly on my desktop at work, which uses a workstation NVidia card), which are listed in the installation issues (connected with Hyper-V in particular), VS2010 fails to enable video acceleration even if it is available.


Open up Tools->Options, and on the very first options panel you'll see a group in the middle 'Visual Experience'. Just make sure that everything is checked in there and that it says 'Visual Studio is currently using hardware-accelerated rendering...'.

打开工具 - >选项,在第一个选项面板上,您将看到中间“视觉体验”中的一个组。只需确保在那里检查所有内容,并确保“Visual Studio当前正在使用硬件加速渲染......”。

I don't think the hardware requirements for VS2010 are particularly heavy - but your card certainly must be DX capable.

我不认为VS2010的硬件要求特别重 - 但你的卡肯定必须支持DX。



WPF uses DirectX for rendering, so a new top of the line video card would certainly help you out here. Any solid ATI or Nvidia card nowadays supports the latest and greatest DirectX.




The answer from @Charlie is absolutely spot on; and I thought about saying this on a comment but then figured I should put it as an answer.


Under certain circumstances (certainly on my desktop at work, which uses a workstation NVidia card), which are listed in the installation issues (connected with Hyper-V in particular), VS2010 fails to enable video acceleration even if it is available.


Open up Tools->Options, and on the very first options panel you'll see a group in the middle 'Visual Experience'. Just make sure that everything is checked in there and that it says 'Visual Studio is currently using hardware-accelerated rendering...'.

打开工具 - >选项,在第一个选项面板上,您将看到中间“视觉体验”中的一个组。只需确保在那里检查所有内容,并确保“Visual Studio当前正在使用硬件加速渲染......”。

I don't think the hardware requirements for VS2010 are particularly heavy - but your card certainly must be DX capable.

我不认为VS2010的硬件要求特别重 - 但你的卡肯定必须支持DX。