
时间:2021-12-22 02:23:09

I'm writing a batch file that needs to delete all the files in a certain dir and all of it's subdirectories except those of a specific type.


How can I do this?


7 个解决方案


I wrote this batch file after a coworker asked for help with deleting all the files EXCEPT for those of certain types from a folder and all subfolders, while maintaining the directory structure. I would recommend backing up your folder before attempting this. Just open up notepad and paste the following, save it as a .bat instead of a .txt Good luck! ~Carolyn

我写了这个批处理文件之后,同事要求帮助删除文件夹和所有子文件夹中的某些类型的所有文件除外,同时保持目录结构。我建议您在尝试之前备份文件夹。只需打开记事本并粘贴以下内容,将其另存为.bat而不是.txt祝你好运! 〜卡罗琳

REM Use at your own risk, it does a mass DELETE of everything!

SET /p ExcludeFiles=What file type should be kept (NOT deleted)? Type the file name(s) inside parantheses. example: (pdf) or (shp dbf shx)     
SET /p MapDrive=What drive letter is the folder in? example: c or n     
SET /p Directory=Drag the folder you would like to modify into this command prompt then press ENTER.     

cd %Directory%

attrib +a *.* /s
echo %date%
for %%i in %ExcludeFiles% do attrib -a *.%%i /s
echo %date%
del %Directory%\*.* /s /a:a /q

echo %date%
attrib +a %Directory%\*.* /s
echo %date%


You might try something along the lines of


for /f "usebackq delims=" %i in (`dir /s /b *`) do if not %~xi==.txt del %i

For your question in the comment you can try the following:


robocopy source_folder target_folder *.java /s


xcopy *.java target_folder /s

which keeps the directory structure but only copies .java files.



safest way is to copy all the files you do want and delete the rest.
XCOPY *.java c:\new_directory /s

最安全的方法是复制你想要的所有文件并删除其余文件。 XCOPY * .java c:\ new_directory / s

The /s copies subdirectories

/ s复制子目录


I'm using the solution found here: How can I delete all files/subdirs except for some files in DOS?


give it a go :)

搏一搏 :)


Try researching here.


Although it doesn't give you exactly what you are asking, I would say it's a good starting point.



You can try this:


ECHO DIR %address% /S /B | FIND /C %theType%>temptemp.txt
FOR /f %%a IN (temptemp.txt) DO DEL %%a
DEL temptemp.txt

The variable, address, is the directory and the variable, theType, is the type you do not want to delete.



FORFILES /s /p c:\dir /c "if not @ext==.txt del /f @file"


I wrote this batch file after a coworker asked for help with deleting all the files EXCEPT for those of certain types from a folder and all subfolders, while maintaining the directory structure. I would recommend backing up your folder before attempting this. Just open up notepad and paste the following, save it as a .bat instead of a .txt Good luck! ~Carolyn

我写了这个批处理文件之后,同事要求帮助删除文件夹和所有子文件夹中的某些类型的所有文件除外,同时保持目录结构。我建议您在尝试之前备份文件夹。只需打开记事本并粘贴以下内容,将其另存为.bat而不是.txt祝你好运! 〜卡罗琳

REM Use at your own risk, it does a mass DELETE of everything!

SET /p ExcludeFiles=What file type should be kept (NOT deleted)? Type the file name(s) inside parantheses. example: (pdf) or (shp dbf shx)     
SET /p MapDrive=What drive letter is the folder in? example: c or n     
SET /p Directory=Drag the folder you would like to modify into this command prompt then press ENTER.     

cd %Directory%

attrib +a *.* /s
echo %date%
for %%i in %ExcludeFiles% do attrib -a *.%%i /s
echo %date%
del %Directory%\*.* /s /a:a /q

echo %date%
attrib +a %Directory%\*.* /s
echo %date%


You might try something along the lines of


for /f "usebackq delims=" %i in (`dir /s /b *`) do if not %~xi==.txt del %i

For your question in the comment you can try the following:


robocopy source_folder target_folder *.java /s


xcopy *.java target_folder /s

which keeps the directory structure but only copies .java files.



safest way is to copy all the files you do want and delete the rest.
XCOPY *.java c:\new_directory /s

最安全的方法是复制你想要的所有文件并删除其余文件。 XCOPY * .java c:\ new_directory / s

The /s copies subdirectories

/ s复制子目录


I'm using the solution found here: How can I delete all files/subdirs except for some files in DOS?


give it a go :)

搏一搏 :)


Try researching here.


Although it doesn't give you exactly what you are asking, I would say it's a good starting point.



You can try this:


ECHO DIR %address% /S /B | FIND /C %theType%>temptemp.txt
FOR /f %%a IN (temptemp.txt) DO DEL %%a
DEL temptemp.txt

The variable, address, is the directory and the variable, theType, is the type you do not want to delete.



FORFILES /s /p c:\dir /c "if not @ext==.txt del /f @file"