
时间:2021-12-22 02:23:03

I use a similar script to generate and move files into folders.


$ToFolder = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\to"
$FromFolder = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\From"

#Create the sample folder on your desktop
#This line can be commented out if your ToFolder exists
New-Item $ToFolder -ItemType directory -Force

GCI -Path $FromFolder *.torrent | % {
    if ($_.Name -match "(19|20)\d{2}") {

        #Check to see if year folder already exists at the destination
        #If not then create a folder based on this year
        if (!(Test-Path "$ToFolder\$($Matches[0])")) {
            New-Item -Path "$ToFolder\$($Matches[0])" -ItemType directory

        #Transfer the matching file to its new folder
        #Can be changed to Move-Item if happy with the results
        Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination "$ToFolder\$($Matches[0])" -Force

but in my case I want move PDF and different files name and I don't know how solve. Key is title like "Il Corriere dello Sport" withouth suffixes like 02-08-2016 and without -.

但在我的情况下,我想移动PDF和不同的文件名称,我不知道如何解决。关键是像“Il Corriere dello Sport”这样的标题,没有后​​缀,如02-08-2016,没有 - 。


So I need create folders like



P.S: underscore sign _ is not necessary so I prefer replace with space.


and then script must move files relative folders. Finally result should be


├─Il Messaggero [folder]
│ ├─Il_Messaggero_-_02-08-2016 [file]
│ └─Il_Messaggero_-_23-08-2016 [file]
├─Il Messaggero Veneto [folder]
│ └─Il__Messaggero_Veneto_-_31-08-2016HQ [file]

1 个解决方案



Here is a pure solution -- see all the explanatory remarks (rem):

这是一个纯粹的批处理文件解决方案 - 请参阅所有解释性说明(rem):

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem // Define constants here:
set "SPLITCHAR=-"  & rem // (a single character to split the file names)
set "SEARCHSTR=_"  & rem // (a certain string to be replaced by another)
set "REPLACSTR= "  & rem // (a string to replace all found search strings)
set "OVERWRITE="   & rem // (set to non-empty value to force overwriting)

rem // Get file location and pattern from command line arguments:
set "LOCATION=%~1" & rem // (directory containing files to process)
set "PATTERNS=%~2" & rem // (file pattern; match all files if empty)

rem /* Prepare overwrite flag (if defined, set to character forbidden
rem    in file names; this affects later check for file existence): */
if defined OVERWRITE set "OVERWRITE=|"
rem // Continue only if location is given:
if defined LOCATION (
    rem // Change current working directory to given location:
    pushd "%LOCATION%" && (
        rem // Loop through all files matching the given pattern:
        for /F "eol=| delims=" %%F in ('dir /B "%PATTERNS%"') do (
            rem // Process each file in a sub-routine:
            call :PROCESS "%%F" "%SPLITCHAR%" "%SEARCHSTR%" "%REPLACSTR%"
        rem // Restore former working directory:

exit /B

rem // Retrieve first argument of sub-routine:
set "FILE=%~1"
rem // Split name at (first) split character and get portion in front:
for /F "delims=%~2" %%E in ("%~1") do (
    rem // Append a split character to partial name:
    set "FOLDER=%%E%~2"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Right-trim partial name:
if not "%~3"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~3%~2=!"
set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~2=!"
rem /* Check whether partial name is not empty
rem    (could happen if name began with split character): */
if defined FOLDER (
    rem // Replace every search string with another:
    if not "%~3"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~3=%~4!"
    rem // Create sub-directory (surpress error if it already exists):
    2> nul md "!FOLDER!"
    rem /* Check if target file already exists; if overwrite flag is
    rem    set (to an invalid character), the target cannot exist: */
    if not exist "!FOLDER!\!FILE!%OVERWRITE%" (
        rem // Move file finally (surpress `1 file(s) moved.` message):
        1> nul move /Y "!FILE!" "!FOLDER!"
exit /B

The script requires the directory containing all the files to process as the first command line argument. The created sub-directories are placed therein. An optional second command line argument defines a file name pattern to filter certain file types/names. Supposing it is saved as D:\Script\build-folder-hierarchy.bat, the files are contained in D:\Data, and you want to handle *.pdf files only, run it as follows:

该脚本要求包含要处理的所有文件的目录作为第一个命令行参数。创建的子目录放在其中。可选的第二个命令行参数定义文件名模式以过滤某些文件类型/名称。假设它保存为D:\ Script \ build-folder-hierarchy.bat,文件包含在D:\ Data中,并且您只想处理* .pdf文件,运行方式如下:

"D:\Script\build-folder-hierarchy.bat" "D:\Data" "*.pdf"

This is a very similar approach, but with a slightly different directory handling:


@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem // Define constants here:
set "SPLITCHAR=-"  & rem // (a single character to split the file names)
set "SEARCHSTR=_"  & rem // (a certain string to be replaced by another)
set "REPLACSTR= "  & rem // (a string to replace all found search strings)
set "OVERWRITE="   & rem // (set to non-empty value to force overwriting)

rem // Get file location and pattern from command line arguments:
set "LOCATION=%~1" & rem // (directory to move the processed files into)
set "PATTERNS=%~2" & rem // (file pattern; match all files if empty)

rem /* Prepare overwrite flag (if defined, set to character forbidden
rem    in file names; this affects later check for file existence): */
if defined OVERWRITE set "OVERWRITE=|"
rem // Continue only if target location is given:
if defined LOCATION (
    rem // Create target location (surpress error if it already exists):
    2> nul md "%LOCATION%"
    rem /* Loop through all files matching the given pattern
    rem    in the current working directory: */
    for /F "eol=| delims=" %%F in ('dir /B "%PATTERNS%"') do (
        rem // Process each file in a sub-routine:

exit /B

rem // Retrieve first argument of sub-routine:
set "FILE=%~1"
rem // Split name at (first) split character and get portion in front:
for /F "delims=%~3" %%E in ("%~1") do (
    rem // Append a split character to partial name:
    set "FOLDER=%%E%~3"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Right-trim partial name:
if not "%~4"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~4%~3=!"
set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~3=!"
rem /* Check whether partial name is not empty
rem    (could happen if name began with split character): */
if defined FOLDER (
    rem // Replace every search string with another:
    if not "%~4"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~4=%~5!"
    rem // Create sub-directory (surpress error if it already exists):
    2> nul md "%~2\!FOLDER!"
    rem /* Check if target file already exists; if overwrite flag is
    rem    set (to an invalid character), the target cannot exist: */
    if not exist "%~2\!FOLDER!\!FILE!%OVERWRITE%" (
        rem // Move file finally (surpress `1 file(s) moved.` message):
        1> nul move /Y "!FILE!" "%~2\!FOLDER!"
exit /B

This script uses the current working directory to find the files to process. It requires the target directory as the first command line argument, where the created sub-directories are placed in. An optional second command line argument defines a file name pattern to filter certain file types/names. Supposing it is saved as D:\Script\build-folder-hierarchy.bat, the files are contained in D:\Data and need to be moved to D:\Target, and you want to handle *.pdf files only, run it as follows:

此脚本使用当前工作目录查找要处理的文件。它需要将目标目录作为第一个命令行参数,其中放置已创建的子目录。可选的第二个命令行参数定义文件名模式以过滤某些文件类型/名称。假设它保存为D:\ Script \ build-folder-hierarchy.bat,文件包含在D:\ Data中,需要移动到D:\ Target,并且只想处理* .pdf文件,运行它如下:

cd /D "D:\Data"
"D:\Script\build-folder-hierarchy.bat" "D:\Target" "*.pdf"



Here is a pure solution -- see all the explanatory remarks (rem):

这是一个纯粹的批处理文件解决方案 - 请参阅所有解释性说明(rem):

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem // Define constants here:
set "SPLITCHAR=-"  & rem // (a single character to split the file names)
set "SEARCHSTR=_"  & rem // (a certain string to be replaced by another)
set "REPLACSTR= "  & rem // (a string to replace all found search strings)
set "OVERWRITE="   & rem // (set to non-empty value to force overwriting)

rem // Get file location and pattern from command line arguments:
set "LOCATION=%~1" & rem // (directory containing files to process)
set "PATTERNS=%~2" & rem // (file pattern; match all files if empty)

rem /* Prepare overwrite flag (if defined, set to character forbidden
rem    in file names; this affects later check for file existence): */
if defined OVERWRITE set "OVERWRITE=|"
rem // Continue only if location is given:
if defined LOCATION (
    rem // Change current working directory to given location:
    pushd "%LOCATION%" && (
        rem // Loop through all files matching the given pattern:
        for /F "eol=| delims=" %%F in ('dir /B "%PATTERNS%"') do (
            rem // Process each file in a sub-routine:
            call :PROCESS "%%F" "%SPLITCHAR%" "%SEARCHSTR%" "%REPLACSTR%"
        rem // Restore former working directory:

exit /B

rem // Retrieve first argument of sub-routine:
set "FILE=%~1"
rem // Split name at (first) split character and get portion in front:
for /F "delims=%~2" %%E in ("%~1") do (
    rem // Append a split character to partial name:
    set "FOLDER=%%E%~2"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Right-trim partial name:
if not "%~3"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~3%~2=!"
set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~2=!"
rem /* Check whether partial name is not empty
rem    (could happen if name began with split character): */
if defined FOLDER (
    rem // Replace every search string with another:
    if not "%~3"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~3=%~4!"
    rem // Create sub-directory (surpress error if it already exists):
    2> nul md "!FOLDER!"
    rem /* Check if target file already exists; if overwrite flag is
    rem    set (to an invalid character), the target cannot exist: */
    if not exist "!FOLDER!\!FILE!%OVERWRITE%" (
        rem // Move file finally (surpress `1 file(s) moved.` message):
        1> nul move /Y "!FILE!" "!FOLDER!"
exit /B

The script requires the directory containing all the files to process as the first command line argument. The created sub-directories are placed therein. An optional second command line argument defines a file name pattern to filter certain file types/names. Supposing it is saved as D:\Script\build-folder-hierarchy.bat, the files are contained in D:\Data, and you want to handle *.pdf files only, run it as follows:

该脚本要求包含要处理的所有文件的目录作为第一个命令行参数。创建的子目录放在其中。可选的第二个命令行参数定义文件名模式以过滤某些文件类型/名称。假设它保存为D:\ Script \ build-folder-hierarchy.bat,文件包含在D:\ Data中,并且您只想处理* .pdf文件,运行方式如下:

"D:\Script\build-folder-hierarchy.bat" "D:\Data" "*.pdf"

This is a very similar approach, but with a slightly different directory handling:


@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem // Define constants here:
set "SPLITCHAR=-"  & rem // (a single character to split the file names)
set "SEARCHSTR=_"  & rem // (a certain string to be replaced by another)
set "REPLACSTR= "  & rem // (a string to replace all found search strings)
set "OVERWRITE="   & rem // (set to non-empty value to force overwriting)

rem // Get file location and pattern from command line arguments:
set "LOCATION=%~1" & rem // (directory to move the processed files into)
set "PATTERNS=%~2" & rem // (file pattern; match all files if empty)

rem /* Prepare overwrite flag (if defined, set to character forbidden
rem    in file names; this affects later check for file existence): */
if defined OVERWRITE set "OVERWRITE=|"
rem // Continue only if target location is given:
if defined LOCATION (
    rem // Create target location (surpress error if it already exists):
    2> nul md "%LOCATION%"
    rem /* Loop through all files matching the given pattern
    rem    in the current working directory: */
    for /F "eol=| delims=" %%F in ('dir /B "%PATTERNS%"') do (
        rem // Process each file in a sub-routine:

exit /B

rem // Retrieve first argument of sub-routine:
set "FILE=%~1"
rem // Split name at (first) split character and get portion in front:
for /F "delims=%~3" %%E in ("%~1") do (
    rem // Append a split character to partial name:
    set "FOLDER=%%E%~3"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Right-trim partial name:
if not "%~4"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~4%~3=!"
set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~3=!"
rem /* Check whether partial name is not empty
rem    (could happen if name began with split character): */
if defined FOLDER (
    rem // Replace every search string with another:
    if not "%~4"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~4=%~5!"
    rem // Create sub-directory (surpress error if it already exists):
    2> nul md "%~2\!FOLDER!"
    rem /* Check if target file already exists; if overwrite flag is
    rem    set (to an invalid character), the target cannot exist: */
    if not exist "%~2\!FOLDER!\!FILE!%OVERWRITE%" (
        rem // Move file finally (surpress `1 file(s) moved.` message):
        1> nul move /Y "!FILE!" "%~2\!FOLDER!"
exit /B

This script uses the current working directory to find the files to process. It requires the target directory as the first command line argument, where the created sub-directories are placed in. An optional second command line argument defines a file name pattern to filter certain file types/names. Supposing it is saved as D:\Script\build-folder-hierarchy.bat, the files are contained in D:\Data and need to be moved to D:\Target, and you want to handle *.pdf files only, run it as follows:

此脚本使用当前工作目录查找要处理的文件。它需要将目标目录作为第一个命令行参数,其中放置已创建的子目录。可选的第二个命令行参数定义文件名模式以过滤某些文件类型/名称。假设它保存为D:\ Script \ build-folder-hierarchy.bat,文件包含在D:\ Data中,需要移动到D:\ Target,并且只想处理* .pdf文件,运行它如下:

cd /D "D:\Data"
"D:\Script\build-folder-hierarchy.bat" "D:\Target" "*.pdf"