
时间:2021-12-22 02:23:15

I am relatively new to making batch files and while I found some examples of deleting files under a certain file size, I can't find one that simply moves them into a folder (at least not with a solution). This is what I have:


@echo off

::Make fail Folder
md Fail

::Delete Files lower than minimum size
:: Size is in bytes
set "min.size=10000"

for /f  "usebackq delims=;" %%A in (`dir /b /A:-D *.*`) do If %%~zA LSS %min.size% del "%%A"

As you can see it makes a folder named "Fail" in the folder it is in, and this code deletes the files with a size under 10KB.


This script works quite well. The problem is, I do not want to delete the files, but move them to the newly created folder. Can somebody provide assistance?


1 个解决方案



Replace del "%%A" with move "%%A" .\fail\

用移动“%% A”替换del“%% A”。\ fail \

(assuming the fail directory is a subdirectory of the current directory as your code suggests)




Replace del "%%A" with move "%%A" .\fail\

用移动“%% A”替换del“%% A”。\ fail \

(assuming the fail directory is a subdirectory of the current directory as your code suggests)
