
时间:2022-01-05 02:19:29

I'm new to batch script. I want to replace a strings in a particular file. In below script I'm getting error.


@echo off
$standalone = Get-Content 'C:\wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml'

$standalone -replace '<wsdl-host>${jboss.bind.address:}</wsdl-host>','<wsdl-host>${jboss.bind.address:}</wsdl-host>' | 
Set-Content 'C:\wildfly\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml' 

1 个解决方案



The proper way to edit XML is to process it as an XML document, not as a string. That's because the XML file is not guaranteed to maintain specific formatting. Any edits should be context-aware and string replace isn't. Consider the three eqvivalent XML fragments:

编辑XML的正确方法是将其作为XML文档处理,而不是作为字符串处理。那是因为不保证XML文件能够保持特定的格式。任何编辑都应该是上下文感知的,而字符串替换则不是。考虑三个eqvivalent XML片段:


<wsdl-host>${jboss.bind.address:}</wsdl-host >

<wsdl-host >${jboss.bind.address:}</wsdl-host >

Note that whitespacing in element names is different and it's legal to add some. What's more, in practice, a lot of implementations simply discard line breaks in element values, so the two following are likely to provide same results to a config parser:




It really doesn't make much sense to process XML as string, does it?


Fortunately, Powershell has built-in support for XML files. A simple approach is like so,


# Mock XML config
[xml]$x = @'

# Let's change the wsdl-host element's contents
$x.root.'wsdl-host' = '${jboss.bind.address:}'

# Save the modified document to console to see the change

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ibm850"?>

If you can't use Powershell and are stuck with batch scripts, you really need to use a 3rd party XML manipulation program.




The proper way to edit XML is to process it as an XML document, not as a string. That's because the XML file is not guaranteed to maintain specific formatting. Any edits should be context-aware and string replace isn't. Consider the three eqvivalent XML fragments:

编辑XML的正确方法是将其作为XML文档处理,而不是作为字符串处理。那是因为不保证XML文件能够保持特定的格式。任何编辑都应该是上下文感知的,而字符串替换则不是。考虑三个eqvivalent XML片段:


<wsdl-host>${jboss.bind.address:}</wsdl-host >

<wsdl-host >${jboss.bind.address:}</wsdl-host >

Note that whitespacing in element names is different and it's legal to add some. What's more, in practice, a lot of implementations simply discard line breaks in element values, so the two following are likely to provide same results to a config parser:




It really doesn't make much sense to process XML as string, does it?


Fortunately, Powershell has built-in support for XML files. A simple approach is like so,


# Mock XML config
[xml]$x = @'

# Let's change the wsdl-host element's contents
$x.root.'wsdl-host' = '${jboss.bind.address:}'

# Save the modified document to console to see the change

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ibm850"?>

If you can't use Powershell and are stuck with batch scripts, you really need to use a 3rd party XML manipulation program.
