带有Visual Studio内置ASP的HTTPS。网络开发服务器

时间:2022-05-07 02:01:54

Is there a way to access Visual Studio's built-in ASP.NET Development Server over HTTPS?

是否有一种方法可以访问Visual Studio的内置ASP。NET开发服务器通过HTTPS?

4 个解决方案



As of now we can use IIS Express to develope and test in SSL. Here is a complete article explaning how to use IIS Express and Visual Studion 2010 to develope websites in SSL

现在,我们可以使用IIS Express在SSL中开发和测试。这里有一篇完整的文章解释如何使用IIS Express和Visual Studion 2010在SSL中开发网站

带有Visual Studio内置ASP的HTTPS。网络开发服务器



带有Visual Studio内置ASP的HTTPS。网络开发服务器

Then you will get this


带有Visual Studio内置ASP的HTTPS。网络开发服务器

Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress


Introducing IIS Express

引入IIS Express



Cassini does not support HTTPS.


However, you can use IIS to do this, if your using IIS 5.1, download the MS IIS toolpack for IIS 6.0, it comes with a tool to create self signed SSL certificates. This works on IIS 5.1

但是,您可以使用IIS来实现这一点,如果您使用IIS 5.1,请下载IIS 6.0的MS工具包,它附带一个工具来创建自签名的SSL证书。这适用于IIS 5.1



The one tool you need (SelfSSL.exe) works just fine with IIS 5.1. Unfortunately, it comes bundled with a bunch of other stuff.

您需要的一个工具(self - ssl.exe)对IIS 5.1非常有效。不幸的是,它与其他东西捆绑在一起。



  • Install the IIS Tools File. If you want, you can click Custom and tell it to only install SelfSSL.
  • 安装IIS工具文件。如果需要,可以单击Custom并告诉它只安装SelfSSL。
  • Activate the site in IIS that you want to install a SSL certificate too.
  • 激活IIS中希望安装SSL证书的站点。
  • Go to Start / Programs / IIS Resources / SelfSSL
  • 转到Start / program / IIS资源/ SelfSSL
  • This will launch a command prompt in the SelfSSL directory.
  • 这将在SelfSSL目录中启动命令提示符。
  • Using the provided help, run SelfSSL. The command I used was: selfssl.exe /N:cn=[MACHINENAME] /K:1024 /V:90 /S:5 /P:443
  • 使用提供的帮助,运行SelfSSL。我使用的命令是:selfssl。exe /N:cn=[MACHINENAME] /K:1024 /V:90 /S:5 /P:443
  • The /S switch indicates which site to install the certificate. You can figure out the number by looking at your sites in IIS and counting (Starting at 1 for the first site, not 0), to the site you want.
  • /S开关指示安装证书的位置。您可以通过查看IIS中的站点并计算(从第一个站点的1开始,而不是0)来确定数量。
  • Once this has ran, browse to your localhost over HTTPS
  • 一旦运行完毕,通过HTTPS浏览到您的本地主机。
  • You should receive an error message stating that this certificate is from a untrusted source. You can either add your machinename to the browsers “Trusted Authorities” list, or you can tell the browser to ignore this.
  • 您应该会收到一条错误消息,说明该证书来自一个不受信任的源。您可以将您的机器名添加到浏览器“可信权限”列表中,也可以告诉浏览器忽略它。

At this point, you will be able to run your localhost over HTTPS.




Wilco Bauwer wrote a webdev server that will support https. He is one of the developers that worked on cassini visual studio 2005 built in web server. WebDev.WebServer2

Wilco Bauwer写了一个webdev服务器,它支持https。他是在web服务器中构建cassini visual studio 2005的开发人员之一。WebDev.WebServer2



Change from


<security mode="Transport">   


<security mode="None">

in your web.config file. This change will allow you to use http instead of https




As of now we can use IIS Express to develope and test in SSL. Here is a complete article explaning how to use IIS Express and Visual Studion 2010 to develope websites in SSL

现在,我们可以使用IIS Express在SSL中开发和测试。这里有一篇完整的文章解释如何使用IIS Express和Visual Studion 2010在SSL中开发网站

带有Visual Studio内置ASP的HTTPS。网络开发服务器



带有Visual Studio内置ASP的HTTPS。网络开发服务器

Then you will get this


带有Visual Studio内置ASP的HTTPS。网络开发服务器

Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress


Introducing IIS Express

引入IIS Express



Cassini does not support HTTPS.


However, you can use IIS to do this, if your using IIS 5.1, download the MS IIS toolpack for IIS 6.0, it comes with a tool to create self signed SSL certificates. This works on IIS 5.1

但是,您可以使用IIS来实现这一点,如果您使用IIS 5.1,请下载IIS 6.0的MS工具包,它附带一个工具来创建自签名的SSL证书。这适用于IIS 5.1



The one tool you need (SelfSSL.exe) works just fine with IIS 5.1. Unfortunately, it comes bundled with a bunch of other stuff.

您需要的一个工具(self - ssl.exe)对IIS 5.1非常有效。不幸的是,它与其他东西捆绑在一起。



  • Install the IIS Tools File. If you want, you can click Custom and tell it to only install SelfSSL.
  • 安装IIS工具文件。如果需要,可以单击Custom并告诉它只安装SelfSSL。
  • Activate the site in IIS that you want to install a SSL certificate too.
  • 激活IIS中希望安装SSL证书的站点。
  • Go to Start / Programs / IIS Resources / SelfSSL
  • 转到Start / program / IIS资源/ SelfSSL
  • This will launch a command prompt in the SelfSSL directory.
  • 这将在SelfSSL目录中启动命令提示符。
  • Using the provided help, run SelfSSL. The command I used was: selfssl.exe /N:cn=[MACHINENAME] /K:1024 /V:90 /S:5 /P:443
  • 使用提供的帮助,运行SelfSSL。我使用的命令是:selfssl。exe /N:cn=[MACHINENAME] /K:1024 /V:90 /S:5 /P:443
  • The /S switch indicates which site to install the certificate. You can figure out the number by looking at your sites in IIS and counting (Starting at 1 for the first site, not 0), to the site you want.
  • /S开关指示安装证书的位置。您可以通过查看IIS中的站点并计算(从第一个站点的1开始,而不是0)来确定数量。
  • Once this has ran, browse to your localhost over HTTPS
  • 一旦运行完毕,通过HTTPS浏览到您的本地主机。
  • You should receive an error message stating that this certificate is from a untrusted source. You can either add your machinename to the browsers “Trusted Authorities” list, or you can tell the browser to ignore this.
  • 您应该会收到一条错误消息,说明该证书来自一个不受信任的源。您可以将您的机器名添加到浏览器“可信权限”列表中,也可以告诉浏览器忽略它。

At this point, you will be able to run your localhost over HTTPS.




Wilco Bauwer wrote a webdev server that will support https. He is one of the developers that worked on cassini visual studio 2005 built in web server. WebDev.WebServer2

Wilco Bauwer写了一个webdev服务器,它支持https。他是在web服务器中构建cassini visual studio 2005的开发人员之一。WebDev.WebServer2



Change from


<security mode="Transport">   


<security mode="None">

in your web.config file. This change will allow you to use http instead of https
