当script_name设置时,Django static_url?

时间:2021-07-30 01:53:44

So I'm trying to run multiple instances of Django on a server for now, one under /dev/, one under /test/, etc..

所以我现在尝试在服务器上运行Django的多个实例,一个在/ dev /下,一个在/ test /下等等。

The web server is setting the correct SCRIPT_NAME setting and I can serve pages, templates, the whole admin panel fine, except for static assets. Static assets are served by Django using WhiteNoise.

Web服务器正在设置正确的SCRIPT_NAME设置,我可以提供页面,模板,整个管理面板,静态资产除外。 Django使用WhiteNoise为静态资产提供服务。

The application is supposed to use the value of SCRIPT_NAME as the static URL, ie all static assets are served from the application root.


So far I've tried the following settings against the admin panel:


# SCRIPT_NAME = '/dev/' Set in env
# URL for static assets should be `/dev/`
STATIC_URL = '/'  # Browser looks for static assets in `/`, drops script_name
STATIC_URL = None # Browser looks for static assets in `/`, drops script_name
STATIC_URL = `/dev/` # Browser looks for static assets in '/dev/dev/`

I'm wondering if I'm missing a setting here or if the problem might be elsewhere. Going by the docs I understand that STATIC_URL = '/' should work?

我想知道我是否错过了这里的设置,或者问题可能在其他地方。通过文档我明白STATIC_URL ='/'应该有效吗?

1 个解决方案



Finally got a working config for running my app under /dev/:

最后得到一个工作配置,用于在/ dev /下运行我的应用程序:

# SCRIPT_NAME = '/dev/' set from uwsgi, or use FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME
STATIC_URL = '/dev/'

This seems to correctly prepend /dev/ to all static URLs, and makes whitenoise serve static assets from that directory (no subdir).

这似乎正确地将/ dev /前置到所有静态URL,并使whitenoise从该目录提供静态资源(无子目录)。

Not sure if this is the correct approach though?




Finally got a working config for running my app under /dev/:

最后得到一个工作配置,用于在/ dev /下运行我的应用程序:

# SCRIPT_NAME = '/dev/' set from uwsgi, or use FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME
STATIC_URL = '/dev/'

This seems to correctly prepend /dev/ to all static URLs, and makes whitenoise serve static assets from that directory (no subdir).

这似乎正确地将/ dev /前置到所有静态URL,并使whitenoise从该目录提供静态资源(无子目录)。

Not sure if this is the correct approach though?
