
时间:2022-11-28 21:00:36

I am new to javascript. I would like to know how the loading works. Suppose in my html page I have an image whose visibility is set as hidden. I have an button which on click sets the visibility property of the image to visbile using javascript. When the page is loaded will the image load or will it load when the button is clicked.
Similiarly I would like to know about the display property whose value is set as none.
Thanks in advance.


5 个解决方案



In both scenarios the images will be loaded (regardless if you can see or not the image due to visibility or display). The difference between visibility and display is basically on the "space" the element will occupy in the page. With visibility the element will keep that space even if it is hidden. With display the element will not keep the space, other elements will be able to occupy that space.


If you DON'T want the image to be loaded and you want to start loading only when the button is getting pressed then a nice trick to do that is to set the IMG src attribute to "data:" or "about:blank" and then change it on the button click. This way you will "trick" the browser and it will not load the image on page load.

如果您不希望加载图像并且只想在按下按钮时开始加载,那么一个很好的技巧就是将IMG src属性设置为“data:”或“about:blank”并且然后在按钮点击上更改它。这样你就会“欺骗”浏览器,它不会在页面加载时加载图像。

Hope this helps




When page load, image will be loaded and will be hidden. In your button click its style property become show means visible.


If you set style to display:none; it will be hidden;




As long as the img tag is in the DOM, it will load the resource; the CSS will determine whether or not it is actually displayed. Whether or not you're using visibility: hidden; or display:none; will not affect this.

只要img标记在DOM中,它就会加载资源; CSS将确定它是否实际显示。你是否使用可见性:隐藏;或显示:无;不会影响这一点。

The main difference is whether or not the image will occupy any space on the page; an element set to display: none; is not rendered at all, whereas an element set to visibility: hidden; will still occupy the space set by its box model.


You can see this in action here: http://jsfiddle.net/d8NrK/




The better is to use the display property of the CSS to control the visibility and the space it occupies.


document.getElementById( 'elemtId' ).style.display = 'none';

or use jquery to simplify the code.



or use $('#elementId').toggle();


Ref:- http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_hide_show.asp



The browser loads all the images who has src attribute.so use data-src. Here is what you can do


<img class="hidden" data-src="url/to/image.jpg" />
$.fn.reveal = function(){
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
    return this.each(function(){
        var img = $(this),
            src = img.data("src");
        src && img.attr("src", src).load(function(){
            img[args[0]||"show"].apply(img, args.splice(1));

Now call this function when you need it.


Refrence to my code is here




In both scenarios the images will be loaded (regardless if you can see or not the image due to visibility or display). The difference between visibility and display is basically on the "space" the element will occupy in the page. With visibility the element will keep that space even if it is hidden. With display the element will not keep the space, other elements will be able to occupy that space.


If you DON'T want the image to be loaded and you want to start loading only when the button is getting pressed then a nice trick to do that is to set the IMG src attribute to "data:" or "about:blank" and then change it on the button click. This way you will "trick" the browser and it will not load the image on page load.

如果您不希望加载图像并且只想在按下按钮时开始加载,那么一个很好的技巧就是将IMG src属性设置为“data:”或“about:blank”并且然后在按钮点击上更改它。这样你就会“欺骗”浏览器,它不会在页面加载时加载图像。

Hope this helps




When page load, image will be loaded and will be hidden. In your button click its style property become show means visible.


If you set style to display:none; it will be hidden;




As long as the img tag is in the DOM, it will load the resource; the CSS will determine whether or not it is actually displayed. Whether or not you're using visibility: hidden; or display:none; will not affect this.

只要img标记在DOM中,它就会加载资源; CSS将确定它是否实际显示。你是否使用可见性:隐藏;或显示:无;不会影响这一点。

The main difference is whether or not the image will occupy any space on the page; an element set to display: none; is not rendered at all, whereas an element set to visibility: hidden; will still occupy the space set by its box model.


You can see this in action here: http://jsfiddle.net/d8NrK/




The better is to use the display property of the CSS to control the visibility and the space it occupies.


document.getElementById( 'elemtId' ).style.display = 'none';

or use jquery to simplify the code.



or use $('#elementId').toggle();


Ref:- http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_hide_show.asp



The browser loads all the images who has src attribute.so use data-src. Here is what you can do


<img class="hidden" data-src="url/to/image.jpg" />
$.fn.reveal = function(){
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
    return this.each(function(){
        var img = $(this),
            src = img.data("src");
        src && img.attr("src", src).load(function(){
            img[args[0]||"show"].apply(img, args.splice(1));

Now call this function when you need it.


Refrence to my code is here
