将XML数据批量插入SQL Server 2005数据库的最佳方法

时间:2021-07-30 01:53:38

I have to shred around 25 - 30 XMLs into my SQL Server 2005 database (the total size would be around 10 MB). And I need this logic to run automatically as soon as new xml files are copied to the server.

我必须将大约25-30个XML分解为我的SQL Server 2005数据库(总大小约为10 MB)。一旦将新的xml文件复制到服务器,我就需要这个逻辑自动运行。

Ive read many posts on this site and also other sites, but can't still conclude on what must I use to shred data.


Pls let me know which option must I should go with


  1. SqlBulk Copy
  2. SqlBulk复制
  3. C# deserialization
  4. C#反序列化
  5. SSIS
  6. SSIS

I have to create C# classes for my data models. So C# deserialization was my first choice. But pls let me know which option will be right from a performance perspective.


Another thing I forgot to mention was the structure of the XML files will vary. It wouldnt be the same. I will have tables that will have all the columns that could possibly be populated. But the xmls will not have all the data at all times.


Sample of the xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<estateList date="2012-08-06T12:17:05">
  <category name="Apartment" /> 
     <name>DIW Office</name>  
     <telephone type="BH">96232 2345</telephone> 
     <telephone type="BH">9234 2399</telephone>
  <inspectionTimes /> 
  <description>AVAILABLE NOW. </description> 
  <address display="yes">      
    <street>Lachlsan Street</street>        
       <img id="m" modTime="2012-08-06-12:17:05" url="http://images/2409802.jpg" format="jpg" /> 
       <img id="a" modTime="2012-08-06-12:17:05" /> 



1 个解决方案



Given you have your XML in a SQL variabe, you can pretty easily parse out most of the info using straight T-SQL with the XQuery support added in SQL Server 2005.

鉴于您在SQL变量中拥有XML,您可以使用SQL Server 2005中添加的XQuery支持直接使用直接T-SQL轻松解析大部分信息。

Try something like:


DECLARE @Input XML = '<estateList date="2012-08-06T12:17:05">
  <category name="Apartment" /> 
     <name>DIW Office</name>  
     <telephone type="BH">96232 2345</telephone> 
     <telephone type="BH">9234 2399</telephone>
  <inspectionTimes /> 
  <description>AVAILABLE NOW. </description> 
  <address display="yes">      
    <street>Lachlsan Street</street>        
       <img id="m" modTime="2012-08-06-12:17:05" url="http://images/2409802.jpg" format="jpg" /> 
       <img id="a" modTime="2012-08-06-12:17:05" /> 

    EstateListDate = EstL.value('@date', 'datetime'),
    UniqueID = EstL.value('(uniqueID)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    Category = EstL.value('(category/@name)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    ListingAgentName = EstL.value('(listingAgent/name)[1]', 'varchar(50)'),
    ListingAgentTel = EstL.value('(listingAgent/telephone)[1]', 'varchar(50)'),
    ListingAgentEMail = EstL.value('(listingAgent/email)[1]', 'varchar(250)'),
    [Description] = EstL.value('(description)[1]', 'varchar(250)'),
    Price = EstL.value('(price)[1]', 'decimal(14,2)'),
    DisplayAddress = EstL.value('(address/@display)[1]', 'varchar(10)'),
    AddressStreet = EstL.value('(address/street)[1]', 'varchar(100)')
FROM @input.nodes('/estateList') AS Tbl(EstL)

and you should get:


将XML数据批量插入SQL Server 2005数据库的最佳方法

This data could be easily inserted into a table. And this query could be run against any number of XML files on disk, using a fairly easy SSIS package (enumerate the XML, load each into a SQL variable, parse it, insert data into tables etc.)


BUT: the challenging part is going to be questions like:


  • can there be more than one listing agent? And if yes : how to handle that?
  • 可以有多个上市代理吗?如果是的话:如何处理?
  • can there be more than one phone number and how to deal with that?
  • 可以有多个电话号码以及如何处理?
  • what do to with the multiple images per address
  • 如何处理每个地址的多个图像

and so forth ....


Update: this query here would extract the UniqueID and each complete <img> tag's information from that XML input and display it (or insert it into another table):

更新:此查询将从该XML输入中提取UniqueID和每个完整的将XML数据批量插入SQL Server 2005数据库的最佳方法标记的信息并显示它(或将其插入另一个表):

    UniqueID = @input.value('(/estateList/uniqueID)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    ImageID = Images.value('(img/@id)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    ImageModTime = Images.value('(img/@modTime)[1]', 'varchar(50)'),
    ImageFormat = Images.value('(img/@format)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    ImageURL = Images.value('(img/@url)[1]', 'varchar(250)')
    @input.nodes('/estateList/address/ImagesContainer') AS Tbl(Images)



Given you have your XML in a SQL variabe, you can pretty easily parse out most of the info using straight T-SQL with the XQuery support added in SQL Server 2005.

鉴于您在SQL变量中拥有XML,您可以使用SQL Server 2005中添加的XQuery支持直接使用直接T-SQL轻松解析大部分信息。

Try something like:


DECLARE @Input XML = '<estateList date="2012-08-06T12:17:05">
  <category name="Apartment" /> 
     <name>DIW Office</name>  
     <telephone type="BH">96232 2345</telephone> 
     <telephone type="BH">9234 2399</telephone>
  <inspectionTimes /> 
  <description>AVAILABLE NOW. </description> 
  <address display="yes">      
    <street>Lachlsan Street</street>        
       <img id="m" modTime="2012-08-06-12:17:05" url="http://images/2409802.jpg" format="jpg" /> 
       <img id="a" modTime="2012-08-06-12:17:05" /> 

    EstateListDate = EstL.value('@date', 'datetime'),
    UniqueID = EstL.value('(uniqueID)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    Category = EstL.value('(category/@name)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    ListingAgentName = EstL.value('(listingAgent/name)[1]', 'varchar(50)'),
    ListingAgentTel = EstL.value('(listingAgent/telephone)[1]', 'varchar(50)'),
    ListingAgentEMail = EstL.value('(listingAgent/email)[1]', 'varchar(250)'),
    [Description] = EstL.value('(description)[1]', 'varchar(250)'),
    Price = EstL.value('(price)[1]', 'decimal(14,2)'),
    DisplayAddress = EstL.value('(address/@display)[1]', 'varchar(10)'),
    AddressStreet = EstL.value('(address/street)[1]', 'varchar(100)')
FROM @input.nodes('/estateList') AS Tbl(EstL)

and you should get:


将XML数据批量插入SQL Server 2005数据库的最佳方法

This data could be easily inserted into a table. And this query could be run against any number of XML files on disk, using a fairly easy SSIS package (enumerate the XML, load each into a SQL variable, parse it, insert data into tables etc.)


BUT: the challenging part is going to be questions like:


  • can there be more than one listing agent? And if yes : how to handle that?
  • 可以有多个上市代理吗?如果是的话:如何处理?
  • can there be more than one phone number and how to deal with that?
  • 可以有多个电话号码以及如何处理?
  • what do to with the multiple images per address
  • 如何处理每个地址的多个图像

and so forth ....


Update: this query here would extract the UniqueID and each complete <img> tag's information from that XML input and display it (or insert it into another table):

更新:此查询将从该XML输入中提取UniqueID和每个完整的将XML数据批量插入SQL Server 2005数据库的最佳方法标记的信息并显示它(或将其插入另一个表):

    UniqueID = @input.value('(/estateList/uniqueID)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    ImageID = Images.value('(img/@id)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    ImageModTime = Images.value('(img/@modTime)[1]', 'varchar(50)'),
    ImageFormat = Images.value('(img/@format)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    ImageURL = Images.value('(img/@url)[1]', 'varchar(250)')
    @input.nodes('/estateList/address/ImagesContainer') AS Tbl(Images)