LeetCode之Reverse Words in a String

时间:2022-03-24 00:24:13


Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.

For example,
Given s = "the sky is blue",
return "blue is sky the". click to show clarification. Clarification:
What constitutes a word?
A sequence of non-space characters constitutes a word.
Could the input string contain leading or trailing spaces?
Yes. However, your reversed string should not contain leading or trailing spaces.
How about multiple spaces between two words?
Reduce them to a single space in the reversed string.




所给的字符串s =  "the sky is blue",
返回 "blue is sky the". 说明: 每个词由什么组成? 由不含空格字符的序列组成每个词 输入的字符串的开头或者结尾能否包含空格? 是的,当然可以。但是在你反转的时候你应该把开头和结尾的字符空格去掉。 如果两个词之间含有多个空格呢? 在反转后的字符串中应该讲他们减少为一个空格。






package ReverseWords;

public class Solution {

    public String reverseWords(String s) {

    	if(s == null||"".equals(s)){//判断是否为空,为空则直接返回
return "";
StringBuffer strBuffer = new StringBuffer();
String []tempArray = s.replaceAll("\\s{1,}", " ").split(" ");//去除多空格情况然后返回字符数组
for(int index = tempArray.length-1;index >= 0;index--){
strBuffer.append(tempArray[index]+" ");//拼接反转数组
return strBuffer.toString().trim();


package ReverseWords;

public class SolutionTest {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String str = " a b ";
System.out.println("反转后的字符串是:"+new Solution().reverseWords(str));
} }


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