
时间:2020-12-17 23:55:47

I would like to load data(via ajax) in a tooltip when the mouse is over a specific area. The problem is that the ajax call is made as long as my mouse is on that area. Is there any way, that I could make onmouseover (ajax call) efect happen just once? Here is the code:

当鼠标悬停在特定区域时,我想在工具提示中加载数据(通过ajax)。问题是只要我的鼠标在该区域上,就会进行ajax调用。有什么办法,我可以让onmouseover(ajax call)效果只发生一次吗?这是代码:

$.post('calendar/event-details', {'eventId' :event.id},
            function (data){
                this.top = (ui.clientY + 15); this.left = (ui.clientX - 230);
                $('body').append( '<div id="vtip">' + data + '</div>' );
                $('div#vtip').css("top", this.top+"px").css("left", this.left+"px").fadeIn("slow");
                $('div#vtip').css("z-index", "+99");

4 个解决方案



With .one:

$('element').one('mouseover', function() { /* ajax */ });

.one will detach the handler as soon as it is executed. As a result, it won't execute any more times.




You may want to hook your function to the onMouseEnter event instead of the onMouseOver event, along with a function hooked to the onMouseLeave event that hides the tooltip:


$('element').mouseenter(function() {
    /* Make request, show tooltip */
$('element').mouseleave(function() {
    /* Hide tooltip */

Note that the pure JS versions of these events are IE only, jQuery simulates the behaviour for other browsers




Use modern JS!


node.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
    // Load data here
}, {once : true});

Documentation, CanIUse



I know it's been a long time since this has been a topic but for anyone looking for an easy alternative:


Set a static variable and check the last id used. If the last id is the current id, do nothing; quick example below


var LastId = null;

function Hover(Id){
    if(Id!= LastId){
        LastId = Id;
      //Do nothing; this will keep the function from recalling 



With .one:

$('element').one('mouseover', function() { /* ajax */ });

.one will detach the handler as soon as it is executed. As a result, it won't execute any more times.




You may want to hook your function to the onMouseEnter event instead of the onMouseOver event, along with a function hooked to the onMouseLeave event that hides the tooltip:


$('element').mouseenter(function() {
    /* Make request, show tooltip */
$('element').mouseleave(function() {
    /* Hide tooltip */

Note that the pure JS versions of these events are IE only, jQuery simulates the behaviour for other browsers




Use modern JS!


node.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
    // Load data here
}, {once : true});

Documentation, CanIUse



I know it's been a long time since this has been a topic but for anyone looking for an easy alternative:


Set a static variable and check the last id used. If the last id is the current id, do nothing; quick example below


var LastId = null;

function Hover(Id){
    if(Id!= LastId){
        LastId = Id;
      //Do nothing; this will keep the function from recalling 