实体框架多次调用SQL Server

时间:2021-10-17 23:58:13

I have a simple Web MVC app using database first Entity Framework. I am retrieving information from a table. It is very slow.

我有一个简单的Web MVC应用程序,使用的是数据库第一实体框架。我正在从一个表中检索信息。这是非常缓慢。

I have two problems:


  1. When I review the query with SQL Server Profiler, it shows the query as a Select query with a from clause that is another select query. I'm not sure why it is using another select instead of the table name. Could this be slowing down the query?

    当我使用SQL Server Profiler检查查询时,它将查询显示为带有from子句(另一个Select查询)的Select查询。我不确定为什么它使用另一个select而不是表名。这会减慢查询吗?

  2. When I am retrieving the rows, it is calling the database for each row slowing down the process. It is using the key from the table and requerying the database for each row. Why is it recalling the database for each row? Didn't the first query return all the rows?


Below is my code and SQL Server Profiler results.

下面是我的代码和SQL Server分析器结果。



List<FanDetail> fans = db.FanDetails.ToList();

foreach (var item in fans)
   FanSummaryViewModel add = new FanSummaryViewModel()
     Part_No = item.Part_No,

SQL Server Profiler results for the query:

SQL Server Profiler查询结果:

    [Extent1].[Part_No] AS [Part_No]
         [FanDetails].[Part_No] AS [Part_No]
         [dbo].[FanDetails] AS [FanDetails]) AS [Extent1]

SQL Profiler Results on the For Each:

SQL Profiler的结果是:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (1) 
    [Extent1].[Part_No] AS [Part_No]
    [FanDetails].[Part_No] AS [Part_No]
    FROM [dbo].[FanDetails] AS [FanDetails]) AS [Extent1]
    WHERE [Extent1].[Part_No] = = @p__linq__0',N'@p__linq__0 varchar(8000)',@p__linq__0='00405635'

Let me know if I need to provide more detail.


I'm new to EF and been working on this performance issue for a while.


1 个解决方案



You should be able to achieve all the query and projection in a single query:


List<FanSummaryViewModel> fans = db.FanDetails
                                  .Select(item => new FanSummaryViewModel 
                                                  Part_No = item.Part_No

The Select statement before the ToList will help the parser create a properly scoped query and will only return the fields referred to and create a new object for each row when the list is enumerated, which is what the ToList statement achieves.


You should also check the query performance of the generated Sql against the database directly to see if the issue is with the database only, which you may be able to fix with an index.




You should be able to achieve all the query and projection in a single query:


List<FanSummaryViewModel> fans = db.FanDetails
                                  .Select(item => new FanSummaryViewModel 
                                                  Part_No = item.Part_No

The Select statement before the ToList will help the parser create a properly scoped query and will only return the fields referred to and create a new object for each row when the list is enumerated, which is what the ToList statement achieves.


You should also check the query performance of the generated Sql against the database directly to see if the issue is with the database only, which you may be able to fix with an index.
