Excel VBA:具有多个条件的输入框文本

时间:2021-09-13 22:28:28

I want to create a text box that will store the user's input in the variable "UserChoice". The code for this is as follows:


Dim UserChoice As String
    UserChoice= Application.InputBox("Enter Type (A, B, C):  ", "Input Box Text", Type:=2)

The options the user can type are "A", "B", and "C". Depending on the user's input, subsequent code will execute using If Then statements.

用户可以键入的选项是“A”,“B”和“C”。根据用户的输入,后续代码将使用If Then语句执行。

Is there a way for the user to type two or more of the options and have both of the related box of codes execute?


For example, if the user enters "A, B", is it possible to run both If UserChoice = "A" and If UserChoice = "B"?

例如,如果用户输入“A,B”,是否可以同时运行If UserChoice =“A”和If UserChoice =“B”?

Thank you

1 个解决方案



Test for any of A, B or C first then execute code by testing for each.


Dim UserChoice As String
UserChoice= ucase(Application.InputBox("Enter Type (A, B, C):  ", "Input Box Text", Type:=2))

if not iserror(application.match(left(UserChoice, 1), array("A", "B", "C"), 0)) then
    if cbool(instr(1, UserChoice, "A", vbtextcompare)) then
        'A is found, run code
    end if
    if cbool(instr(1, UserChoice, "B", vbtextcompare)) then
        'B is found, run code
    end if
    if cbool(instr(1, UserChoice, "C", vbtextcompare)) then
        'C is found, run code
    end if
end if



Test for any of A, B or C first then execute code by testing for each.


Dim UserChoice As String
UserChoice= ucase(Application.InputBox("Enter Type (A, B, C):  ", "Input Box Text", Type:=2))

if not iserror(application.match(left(UserChoice, 1), array("A", "B", "C"), 0)) then
    if cbool(instr(1, UserChoice, "A", vbtextcompare)) then
        'A is found, run code
    end if
    if cbool(instr(1, UserChoice, "B", vbtextcompare)) then
        'B is found, run code
    end if
    if cbool(instr(1, UserChoice, "C", vbtextcompare)) then
        'C is found, run code
    end if
end if