
时间:2021-10-23 22:26:02

In a C++ reference page they provide some typedef examples and I'm trying to understand what they mean.


// simple typedef
typedef unsigned long mylong;

// more complicated typedef
typedef int int_t, *intp_t, (&fp)(int, mylong), arr_t[10];

So the simple typedef (the first declaration) I understand.


But what are they declaring with the second one (repeated below)?


typedef int int_t, *intp_t, (&fp)(int, ulong), arr_t[10];

Particularly what does (&fp)(int, mylong) mean?

特别是(&fp)(int, mylong)是什么意思?

5 个解决方案



It's declaring several typedefs at once, just as you can declare several variables at once. They are all types based on int, but some are modified into compound types.


Let's break it into separate declarations:


typedef int int_t;              // simple int
typedef int *intp_t;            // pointer to int
typedef int (&fp)(int, ulong);  // reference to function returning int
typedef int arr_t[10];          // array of 10 ints



typedef int int_t, *intp_t, (&fp)(int, mylong), arr_t[10];

is equivalent to:


typedef int int_t;
typedef int *intp_t;
typedef int (&fp)(int, mylong);
typedef int arr_t[10];

There is actually a similar example in the C++11 standard:

实际上,在c++ 11标准中有一个类似的例子:

C++11 7.1.3 The typedef specifier

A typedef-name does not introduce a new type the way a class declaration (9.1) or enum declaration does.Example: after


typedef int MILES , * KLICKSP ;

the constructions


MILES distance ;
extern KLICKSP metricp ;

are all correct declarations; the type of distance is int that of metricp is “pointer to int.” —end example




If you have the cdecl command, you can use it to demystify these declarations.


cdecl> explain int (&fp)(int, char)
declare fp as reference to function (int, char) returning int
cdecl> explain int (*fp)(int, char)
declare fp as pointer to function (int, char) returning int

If you don't have cdecl, you should be able to install it in the usual way (e.g. on Debian-type systems, using sudo apt-get install cdecl).

如果没有cdecl,您应该能够以通常的方式安装它(例如,在debian类型的系统上,使用sudo apt-get install cdecl)。



The (&fp)(int, mylong) part represents a reference to a function. It is not recommended that programmers use functions in typedef for the very reason you're asking this question. It confuses other people looking at the code.

(&fp)(int, mylong)部分表示对函数的引用。不建议程序员使用typedef中的函数,原因正是您提出这个问题的原因。它使其他查看代码的人感到困惑。

I'm guessing they use the typedef in something like this:


typedef unsigned long mylong; //for completeness
typedef int (&fp)(int, mylong);
int example(int param1, mylong param2);

int main() {
     fp fp_function = example;
     int x = fp_function(0, 1);
     return 0;

int example(int param1, mylong param2) {
     // does stuff here and returns reference
     int x = param1;
     return x;

Edited in accordance with Brian's comment:


int(&name)(...) is a function reference called name (the function returns an int)


int &name(...) is a function called name returning a reference to an int

int &name(…)是一个名为name的函数,返回对int的引用。

A reference to a function which returns an int reference would look something like this: typedef int &(&fp)(int, mylong) (this compiles in a program, but the behaviour is untested).

返回int引用的函数的引用应该是这样的:typedef int &(&fp)(int, mylong)(它在程序中编译,但是行为是未经测试的)。



typedef is defining a new type for use in your code, like a shorthand.


typedef typename _MyBase::value_type value_type;
value_type v;
//use v

typename here is letting the compiler know that value_type is a type and not an object inside of _MyBase.


the :: is the scope of the type. It is kind of like "is in" so value_type "is in" _MyBase. or can also be thought of as contains.

::为类型范围。它有点像"is in" so value_type "is in" _MyBase。或者也可以认为是包含的。

Possible duplicate : C++ - meaning of a statement combining typedef and typename




It's declaring several typedefs at once, just as you can declare several variables at once. They are all types based on int, but some are modified into compound types.


Let's break it into separate declarations:


typedef int int_t;              // simple int
typedef int *intp_t;            // pointer to int
typedef int (&fp)(int, ulong);  // reference to function returning int
typedef int arr_t[10];          // array of 10 ints



typedef int int_t, *intp_t, (&fp)(int, mylong), arr_t[10];

is equivalent to:


typedef int int_t;
typedef int *intp_t;
typedef int (&fp)(int, mylong);
typedef int arr_t[10];

There is actually a similar example in the C++11 standard:

实际上,在c++ 11标准中有一个类似的例子:

C++11 7.1.3 The typedef specifier

A typedef-name does not introduce a new type the way a class declaration (9.1) or enum declaration does.Example: after


typedef int MILES , * KLICKSP ;

the constructions


MILES distance ;
extern KLICKSP metricp ;

are all correct declarations; the type of distance is int that of metricp is “pointer to int.” —end example




If you have the cdecl command, you can use it to demystify these declarations.


cdecl> explain int (&fp)(int, char)
declare fp as reference to function (int, char) returning int
cdecl> explain int (*fp)(int, char)
declare fp as pointer to function (int, char) returning int

If you don't have cdecl, you should be able to install it in the usual way (e.g. on Debian-type systems, using sudo apt-get install cdecl).

如果没有cdecl,您应该能够以通常的方式安装它(例如,在debian类型的系统上,使用sudo apt-get install cdecl)。



The (&fp)(int, mylong) part represents a reference to a function. It is not recommended that programmers use functions in typedef for the very reason you're asking this question. It confuses other people looking at the code.

(&fp)(int, mylong)部分表示对函数的引用。不建议程序员使用typedef中的函数,原因正是您提出这个问题的原因。它使其他查看代码的人感到困惑。

I'm guessing they use the typedef in something like this:


typedef unsigned long mylong; //for completeness
typedef int (&fp)(int, mylong);
int example(int param1, mylong param2);

int main() {
     fp fp_function = example;
     int x = fp_function(0, 1);
     return 0;

int example(int param1, mylong param2) {
     // does stuff here and returns reference
     int x = param1;
     return x;

Edited in accordance with Brian's comment:


int(&name)(...) is a function reference called name (the function returns an int)


int &name(...) is a function called name returning a reference to an int

int &name(…)是一个名为name的函数,返回对int的引用。

A reference to a function which returns an int reference would look something like this: typedef int &(&fp)(int, mylong) (this compiles in a program, but the behaviour is untested).

返回int引用的函数的引用应该是这样的:typedef int &(&fp)(int, mylong)(它在程序中编译,但是行为是未经测试的)。



typedef is defining a new type for use in your code, like a shorthand.


typedef typename _MyBase::value_type value_type;
value_type v;
//use v

typename here is letting the compiler know that value_type is a type and not an object inside of _MyBase.


the :: is the scope of the type. It is kind of like "is in" so value_type "is in" _MyBase. or can also be thought of as contains.

::为类型范围。它有点像"is in" so value_type "is in" _MyBase。或者也可以认为是包含的。

Possible duplicate : C++ - meaning of a statement combining typedef and typename
