
时间:2021-06-26 22:25:19

In JavaScript want to be able to match text that is:


  • (surrounded by parentheses)
  • (括号括起来)

  • [surrounded by square brackets]
  • [方括号包围]

  • not surrounded by either type of bracket
  • 没有被任何一种支架包围

In the following expression...



... there should be 4 matches, for none, [square], (round) and (accept]able). However [wrong) should not match because there is no closing ] to be found.


In my best attempt so far...



... (accept], able and [wrong) are incorrectly matched, while (accept]able) as a whole is not matched. I'm not too concerned about (accept]able); I would prefer no match at all to a match with imbalanced brackets.


I am guessing that I need to replace the [\])] expression with one that checks the value of the initial matching group, and uses ) if the first match was ( or ] if the first match was [.

我猜我需要用一个检查初始匹配组的值替换[\ _])]表达式,并且如果第一个匹配是(或者如果第一个匹配是[。]则使用)。

I have tried working with conditional expressions. These seem to work well in PCRE and Python, but not in JavaScript.


Is this a problem that can be solved in a JavaScript regular expression on its own, or will I have to handle this piecemeal in a bulky JavaScript function?


4 个解决方案


A way to do that consists to match the two cases (acceptable and non-acceptable) and to separate the results in two different capture groups. So whatever you need to do with the results you only have to test which group succeeds:



pattern details:

(  # acceptable capture group
    \[ [^\]]* \]
    \( [^)]* \)
(  # non-acceptable capture group
    [\[(] [\s\S]*? (?: [\])] | $ ) # unclosed parens

This pattern doesn't care if a square bracket is enclosed between round brackets and vice-versa, but you can easily be more constrictive with this pattern that forbids any other brackets between brackets (square or round):


(  # acceptable capture group
    \[ [^()\[\]]* \]
    \( [^()\[\]]* \)
(  # non-acceptable capture group
    [\[(] [\s\S]*? (?: [\])] | $ ) # unclosed parens

Note about these two patterns: You can choose the default behavior when a unclosed bracket is found. The two patterns are designed to stop the non-acceptable part at the first closing bracket or if not found at the end of the string, but you can change this behavior and choose that an unclosing bracket stops always at the end of the string like this: [\[(][\s\S]*$

请注意以下两种模式:您可以在找到未闭合的括号时选择默认行为。这两种模式设计用于在第一个闭合括号处停止不可接受的部分,或者如果在字符串的末尾没有找到,但是您可以更改此行为并选择一个非闭合括号始终停止在字符串的末尾,如下所示:[\ [([[] [\ s \ S] * $


I'm not quite sure if I get all of the possible strings, but maybe this does the trick?




You can use the following :





This will do it for you:



Demo here:


A way to do that consists to match the two cases (acceptable and non-acceptable) and to separate the results in two different capture groups. So whatever you need to do with the results you only have to test which group succeeds:



pattern details:

(  # acceptable capture group
    \[ [^\]]* \]
    \( [^)]* \)
(  # non-acceptable capture group
    [\[(] [\s\S]*? (?: [\])] | $ ) # unclosed parens

This pattern doesn't care if a square bracket is enclosed between round brackets and vice-versa, but you can easily be more constrictive with this pattern that forbids any other brackets between brackets (square or round):


(  # acceptable capture group
    \[ [^()\[\]]* \]
    \( [^()\[\]]* \)
(  # non-acceptable capture group
    [\[(] [\s\S]*? (?: [\])] | $ ) # unclosed parens

Note about these two patterns: You can choose the default behavior when a unclosed bracket is found. The two patterns are designed to stop the non-acceptable part at the first closing bracket or if not found at the end of the string, but you can change this behavior and choose that an unclosing bracket stops always at the end of the string like this: [\[(][\s\S]*$

请注意以下两种模式:您可以在找到未闭合的括号时选择默认行为。这两种模式设计用于在第一个闭合括号处停止不可接受的部分,或者如果在字符串的末尾没有找到,但是您可以更改此行为并选择一个非闭合括号始终停止在字符串的末尾,如下所示:[\ [([[] [\ s \ S] * $


I'm not quite sure if I get all of the possible strings, but maybe this does the trick?




You can use the following :





This will do it for you:



Demo here: