Websphere Portal生成的URL超过2k

时间:2022-09-06 22:17:15

We have a data entry portlet that occassionally generates urls in excess of the 2k limit enforced by Internet Explorer.

我们有一个数据条目portlet偶尔会生成超过Internet Explorer强制执行的2k限制的URL。

Is there any way to stop these excessively long urls from being generated without loss of functionality?


3 个解决方案


Can you use POST instead of GET? If not, what are the long URLs pointing to ?



Which version of WebSphere Portal are you using?

您使用的是哪个版本的WebSphere Portal?

The new Portal 6.1 has a feature called "Friendly URLs" that is supposed to alleviate some of these issues. I haven't had a chance to research it yet (we're still struggling to get 6.0 in place) but it might be useful to you.

新的Portal 6.1有一个名为“友好URL”的功能,可以缓解其中的一些问题。我还没有机会研究它(我们仍在努力让6.0到位)但它可能对你有用。

See also:

Are there any Portal products that can generate friendly URLs?



The answer appears to be to upgrade or ensure that the page is simple enough not to trigger the problem.



Can you use POST instead of GET? If not, what are the long URLs pointing to ?



Which version of WebSphere Portal are you using?

您使用的是哪个版本的WebSphere Portal?

The new Portal 6.1 has a feature called "Friendly URLs" that is supposed to alleviate some of these issues. I haven't had a chance to research it yet (we're still struggling to get 6.0 in place) but it might be useful to you.

新的Portal 6.1有一个名为“友好URL”的功能,可以缓解其中的一些问题。我还没有机会研究它(我们仍在努力让6.0到位)但它可能对你有用。

See also:

Are there any Portal products that can generate friendly URLs?



The answer appears to be to upgrade or ensure that the page is simple enough not to trigger the problem.
