如何使用的内存大于SQL Server Express限制?

时间:2022-09-06 22:17:09

Microsoft tells me that SQL Server 2014 Express should have Maximum memory utilized (per instance of SQL Server Database Engine) of 1 GB.

Microsoft告诉我,SQL Server 2014 Express应该具有1 GB的最大内存(每个SQL Server数据库引擎实例)。

Whenever I run this simple script to tell me the Physical Memory In Use I get 4 GB.

每当我运行这个简单的脚本告诉我使用的物理内存时,我得到4 GB。

SELECT dopm.physical_memory_in_use_kb 
FROM sys.dm_os_process_memory AS dopm;

如何使用的内存大于SQL Server Express限制?

Here's the version info.


如何使用的内存大于SQL Server Express限制?

What gives? The server itself has 24 GB of RAM so I'd like SQL Server to use more if possible. I think I'd have start using a different edition of SQL...

是什么赋予了?服务器本身有24 GB的RAM,所以我希望SQL Server尽可能使用更多。我想我已经开始使用不同版本的SQL了...

1 个解决方案



According to this link


SQL Server 2014 Editions

SQL Server 2014 Editions

Express Edition


Express edition is a free version of SQL Server that is limited in its functionality and size. Is limited to one socket with a maximum of four cores for CPU power, 1 GB of memory, and a database size. No larger than 10 GB. If using the reporting features, The maximum memory is raised to 4 GB. Express edition is compatible with all other editions of SQL Server. Express edition has a few different versions that can be downloaded

Express Edition是SQL Server的免费版本,其功能和大小有限。限制为一个插槽,最多四个内核用于CPU电源,1 GB内存和数据库大小。不大于10 GB。如果使用报告功能,则最大内存将增加到4 GB。 Express版与SQL Server的所有其他版本兼容。 Express版有几个可以下载的不同版本

And according to Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2014, you will find that 4GB RAM limit is at Maximum memory utilized (per instance of Reporting Services) for Express with Advanced Services

根据SQL Server 2014版本支持的功能,您会发现4GB RAM限制是针对Express with Advanced Services使用的最大内存(每个Reporting Services实例)



According to this link


SQL Server 2014 Editions

SQL Server 2014 Editions

Express Edition


Express edition is a free version of SQL Server that is limited in its functionality and size. Is limited to one socket with a maximum of four cores for CPU power, 1 GB of memory, and a database size. No larger than 10 GB. If using the reporting features, The maximum memory is raised to 4 GB. Express edition is compatible with all other editions of SQL Server. Express edition has a few different versions that can be downloaded

Express Edition是SQL Server的免费版本,其功能和大小有限。限制为一个插槽,最多四个内核用于CPU电源,1 GB内存和数据库大小。不大于10 GB。如果使用报告功能,则最大内存将增加到4 GB。 Express版与SQL Server的所有其他版本兼容。 Express版有几个可以下载的不同版本

And according to Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2014, you will find that 4GB RAM limit is at Maximum memory utilized (per instance of Reporting Services) for Express with Advanced Services

根据SQL Server 2014版本支持的功能,您会发现4GB RAM限制是针对Express with Advanced Services使用的最大内存(每个Reporting Services实例)