如何将application / json POST请求映射到rails中的params?

时间:2022-03-09 22:03:10

I am being passed in a json body for a post request, but i'm not sure the best way to map this json body to request params in rails:


   username: "example-user",
   password: "password",
   email: "example@gmail.com",

and in the controller i wish to acccess params["username"], is this possible? how should i do it?

并且在控制器中我希望使用params [“username”],这可能吗?我该怎么办?

1 个解决方案



see the guides for a comprehensive information.


you can simply access to params[:username] or even params['username'] since params is a HashWithIndifferentAccess.

你可以简单地访问params [:username]甚至params ['username'],因为params是一个HashWithIndifferentAccess。

Note that you can easily inspect the params using the debugger gem, or just slam a raise in your controller action to see them on the error page when in development mode.




see the guides for a comprehensive information.


you can simply access to params[:username] or even params['username'] since params is a HashWithIndifferentAccess.

你可以简单地访问params [:username]甚至params ['username'],因为params是一个HashWithIndifferentAccess。

Note that you can easily inspect the params using the debugger gem, or just slam a raise in your controller action to see them on the error page when in development mode.
