使用Firebase (Swift)按用户名或电子邮件地址查询用户

时间:2022-02-17 21:24:54

I'm quite new to Firebase and Swift and I'm having some trouble when it comes to querying. So there are basically two things I'd like to do:


  1. Query my users and find only those that contain a certain String in their name (or email address) and add them to an array.
  2. 查询我的用户,只找到那些在其名称(或电子邮件地址)中包含特定字符串的用户,并将其添加到数组中。
  3. Get all of my users and add them to an array.
  4. 获取所有用户并将其添加到数组中。

The relevant part of my data for this question looks like this: 使用Firebase (Swift)按用户名或电子邮件地址查询用户


As you can see, I'm using the simplelogin of Firebase (later I'd like too add Facebook login) and I'm storing my users by their uid.


A part of my rules file looks like this:


"registered_users": {
    ".read": true,
    ".write": true,
    ".indexOn": ["name"]

So everybody should have read and write access to this part of my data.


I also read the "Retrieving Data" part of the Firebase iOS Guide on their website and according to that guide, my code on getting all the users names and email addresses should work, at least I think so. But it doesn't. Here is my code:

我还在他们的网站上阅读了Firebase iOS指南的“检索数据”部分,根据该指南,我的获取所有用户名和电子邮件地址的代码应该是有效的,至少我是这么认为的。但它不是。这是我的代码:

func getUsersFromFirebase() {
        let registeredUserRef = firebaseRef.childByAppendingPath("registered_users")
        registeredUserRef.queryOrderedByChild("name").observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
            if let email = snapshot.value["email"] as? String {
                println("\(snapshot.key) has Email: \(email)")
            if let name = snapshot.value["name"] as? String {
                println("\(snapshot.key) has Name: \(name)")

I noticed, that in the firebase guide, they always used the type ChildAdded and not Value, but for me Value makes more sense. The output with Value is nothing and the output with ChildAdded is only one user, namely the one that is logged in right now.


So my questions are:


  1. Can I do this query with my current data structure or do I have to get rid of storying the users by their uid?
  2. 我是否可以使用当前的数据结构来执行此查询,还是必须通过用户的uid来避免存储用户?
  3. If yes, how would I have to change my code, to make it work?
  4. 如果是,我要如何更改代码,才能使它工作?
  5. If no, what would be the best way to store my users and make querying them by name possible?
  6. 如果没有,那么存储我的用户并使按用户名查询成为可能的最佳方式是什么?
  7. How can I query for e.g. "muster" and get only the user simplelogin:1 (Max Mustermann)?
  8. 我如何查询……“集合”,只得到用户simplelogin:1 (Max Mustermann)?

I hope my description is detailed enough. Thx in advance for your help.




The weird thing is, that the "Retrieving Data" guide says, that querying and sorting the following data by height is possible.




使用Firebase (Swift)按用户名或电子邮件地址查询用户

Querying code: 使用Firebase (Swift)按用户名或电子邮件地址查询用户


And isn't that exactly the same that I intent to do?


2 个解决方案



I have run into similar situations where I wanted to pull out data from child nodes.




The first thing I can recommend is to not think of Firebase query's as SQL queries as they are not. They are like a light duty query.


Secondly, you need to flatten your data if you want to query, as a query only goes one level deep (can't really query data in child notes)


Lastly - if you don't want to flatten your data, one conceptual option to answer your question;


  1. If possible, ObserveSingleEventOfType:FEventTypeValue on the registered users node. This will read all of the registered users into a snapshot.
  2. 如果可能的话,在注册用户节点上观察到FEventTypeValue。这将把所有注册用户读入快照。
  3. Iterate over the snapshot and read each user into an array (as dictionary objects)
  4. 在快照上进行迭代,并将每个用户读入一个数组(作为dictionary对象)
  5. Then use NSPredicate to extract an array of users that you want.
  6. 然后使用NSPredicate提取所需的用户数组。

I've run numerous tests and performance wise, it's negligible unless you have thousands of users.


Hope that helps!




To answer your questions


1) Yes, you can query with your current structure. A query can go 1 child deep, but not within a child's children.


2) If yes, how would I have to change my code, to make it work?


Here's a quickie that queries by a users last name:


Firebase *usersNodeRef = your users node 'registered_users'
FQuery *allUsersRef = [usersNodeRef queryOrderedByChild:@"lastName"];
FQuery *specificUserRef = [allUsers queryEqualToValue:@"aLastName"];

[specificUser observeEventType:FEventTypeChildAdded withBlock:^(FDataSnapshot *snapshot) {

  NSDictionary *dict = snapshot.value;
  NSString *key = snapshot.key;

  NSLog(@"key = %@ for child %@", key, dict);


How can I query for e.g. "muster" and get only the user simplelogin:1 (Max Mustermann)?

我如何查询……“集合”,只得到用户simplelogin:1 (Max Mustermann)?

In your uses node structure, the users are store in nodes with a key.. the key is the simplelogin:1 etc. snapshot.key will reveal that. So it's key/value pair deal...


value = snapshot.value key = snapshot.key

值=快照。值键= snapshot.key



I have run into similar situations where I wanted to pull out data from child nodes.




The first thing I can recommend is to not think of Firebase query's as SQL queries as they are not. They are like a light duty query.


Secondly, you need to flatten your data if you want to query, as a query only goes one level deep (can't really query data in child notes)


Lastly - if you don't want to flatten your data, one conceptual option to answer your question;


  1. If possible, ObserveSingleEventOfType:FEventTypeValue on the registered users node. This will read all of the registered users into a snapshot.
  2. 如果可能的话,在注册用户节点上观察到FEventTypeValue。这将把所有注册用户读入快照。
  3. Iterate over the snapshot and read each user into an array (as dictionary objects)
  4. 在快照上进行迭代,并将每个用户读入一个数组(作为dictionary对象)
  5. Then use NSPredicate to extract an array of users that you want.
  6. 然后使用NSPredicate提取所需的用户数组。

I've run numerous tests and performance wise, it's negligible unless you have thousands of users.


Hope that helps!




To answer your questions


1) Yes, you can query with your current structure. A query can go 1 child deep, but not within a child's children.


2) If yes, how would I have to change my code, to make it work?


Here's a quickie that queries by a users last name:


Firebase *usersNodeRef = your users node 'registered_users'
FQuery *allUsersRef = [usersNodeRef queryOrderedByChild:@"lastName"];
FQuery *specificUserRef = [allUsers queryEqualToValue:@"aLastName"];

[specificUser observeEventType:FEventTypeChildAdded withBlock:^(FDataSnapshot *snapshot) {

  NSDictionary *dict = snapshot.value;
  NSString *key = snapshot.key;

  NSLog(@"key = %@ for child %@", key, dict);


How can I query for e.g. "muster" and get only the user simplelogin:1 (Max Mustermann)?

我如何查询……“集合”,只得到用户simplelogin:1 (Max Mustermann)?

In your uses node structure, the users are store in nodes with a key.. the key is the simplelogin:1 etc. snapshot.key will reveal that. So it's key/value pair deal...


value = snapshot.value key = snapshot.key

值=快照。值键= snapshot.key