
时间:2022-10-24 20:16:32

My app has its own installer but I have to guide my users to install Firebird on their own.


I'd like to install it automatically.



5 个解决方案


You can download Firebird source code. It contains InnoSetup script that actually installs firebird on windows targets. You can then modify it to suit your needs.


As a side advice, maybe you should consider Inno Setup yourself.

作为附带建议,也许您应该自己考虑Inno Setup。


InterBase and hence Firebird provide an API you can use in your installer script to automate installation.


See documentation for this API in the document "InterBase 5.5 Embedded Installation Guide" http://dn.codegear.com/article/26386

请参阅“InterBase 5.5 Embedded安装指南”文档http://dn.codegear.com/article/26386中的此API文档

The InterBase Express (IBX) components provide a Delphi binding for the installation API. This is documented in the InterBase 6.0 "Developer's Guide".

InterBase Express(IBX)组件为安装API提供Delphi绑定。这在InterBase 6.0“开发人员指南”中有记录。

@mghie and @TOndrej have made comments about my mistake. I was the Product Manager for InterBase once upon a time, when InterBase did provide an installation API. But this answer is outdated, by literally ten years now.


Here's another resource which is more up to date:


This has step-by-step instructions for creating your own Inno Setup installer for Firebird, to accompany your own application installer. No doubt you could use a different installer technology for your application, and simply call the Inno Setup installer as an external program from your installer. But it would probably be more seamless if you also use the Inno Setup for your own product.

这包含为Firebird创建自己的Inno Setup安装程序的分步说明,以配合您自己的应用程序安装程序。毫无疑问,您可以为您的应用程序使用不同的安装程序技术,只需将安装程序中的Inno Setup安装程序作为外部程序调用即可。但如果您也将Inno Setup用于您自己的产品,那么它可能会更加无缝。


If you don't need standalone Firebird server, you could also just include required files in your setup and use Firebird as a embedded SQL server.


See http://www.firebirdsql.org/manual/ufb-cs-embedded.html


Create a bootstrapper, for your product and the prerequisites that your product needs.



Other products might be a good model to follow. For example, Pidgin relies on a specific version of GTK and guides you through running the GTK installer. Being open source, one option would be to look through the source for their NSIS installer package to see how they're doing it.



You can download Firebird source code. It contains InnoSetup script that actually installs firebird on windows targets. You can then modify it to suit your needs.


As a side advice, maybe you should consider Inno Setup yourself.

作为附带建议,也许您应该自己考虑Inno Setup。


InterBase and hence Firebird provide an API you can use in your installer script to automate installation.


See documentation for this API in the document "InterBase 5.5 Embedded Installation Guide" http://dn.codegear.com/article/26386

请参阅“InterBase 5.5 Embedded安装指南”文档http://dn.codegear.com/article/26386中的此API文档

The InterBase Express (IBX) components provide a Delphi binding for the installation API. This is documented in the InterBase 6.0 "Developer's Guide".

InterBase Express(IBX)组件为安装API提供Delphi绑定。这在InterBase 6.0“开发人员指南”中有记录。

@mghie and @TOndrej have made comments about my mistake. I was the Product Manager for InterBase once upon a time, when InterBase did provide an installation API. But this answer is outdated, by literally ten years now.


Here's another resource which is more up to date:


This has step-by-step instructions for creating your own Inno Setup installer for Firebird, to accompany your own application installer. No doubt you could use a different installer technology for your application, and simply call the Inno Setup installer as an external program from your installer. But it would probably be more seamless if you also use the Inno Setup for your own product.

这包含为Firebird创建自己的Inno Setup安装程序的分步说明,以配合您自己的应用程序安装程序。毫无疑问,您可以为您的应用程序使用不同的安装程序技术,只需将安装程序中的Inno Setup安装程序作为外部程序调用即可。但如果您也将Inno Setup用于您自己的产品,那么它可能会更加无缝。


If you don't need standalone Firebird server, you could also just include required files in your setup and use Firebird as a embedded SQL server.


See http://www.firebirdsql.org/manual/ufb-cs-embedded.html


Create a bootstrapper, for your product and the prerequisites that your product needs.



Other products might be a good model to follow. For example, Pidgin relies on a specific version of GTK and guides you through running the GTK installer. Being open source, one option would be to look through the source for their NSIS installer package to see how they're doing it.
