I would really like to see every method, delegate, notification, etc. which is called / sent while I run my app in the iPhone Simulator. I thought the right place for this would be in the debugger, but I can't find the right setting.
My target is to see all that is happening in the background while I, for example, add a row to a UITableView or push the 'back'-button from my UINavigationController.
This would be a big help to figure out what delegate to use when something in the app is happening or when the user is pushing a button, changing a view, etc.
Is it possible to get this information?
3 个解决方案
You can log out everything that is happening when your application is running using DTrace, a framework that lets you probe the inner workings of anything running on a modern Mac. We don't yet have DTrace on iOS, but it will work while you're running within the Simulator.
I describe the fundamentals of DTrace in this article for MacResearch, then provide an example of a custom instrument you can build in Instruments using DTrace near the end of this article. That instrument logs out all methods called on all objects (even internal system ones) from the moment your application starts until it hits the end of -applicationDidFinishLaunching:
我在本文中为MacResearch描述了DTrace的基础知识,然后提供了一个自定义工具的示例,您可以使用DTrace在本文末尾附近构建。该应用程序从应用程序启动的那一刻开始记录所有对象(甚至是内部系统对象)上调用的所有方法,直到它到达-applicationDidFinishLaunching :.
To simplify this, you can simply create a custom instrument using the Instrument | Build New Instrument
menu item in instruments. Set up one of the probe descriptors to look like the following:
为简化此操作,您只需使用Instrument |创建自定义仪器即可在仪器中构建新仪器菜单项。设置其中一个探测描述符,如下所示:
only ignore the isInApplicationStart
and timestamp logging options. A simple probe responding to any Objective-C method in any class will log all of those messages to the Instruments console, which sounds like what you want for your debugging.
Assuming you're sure you want absolutely everything...
- Breakpoint
. Almost all method calls use those two functions (mumble mumble IMP-cacheing). - Okay, now your app drops into the debugger all the time. So click the auto-continue box.
- But now you don't see very much happening, so edit the breakpoints and add the command "bt" to get a backtrace.
- Drown in debug spam.
断点objc_msgSend和objc_msgSend_stret。几乎所有的方法调用都使用这两个函数(mumble mumble IMP-cacheing)。
This won't catch other C functions, of course.
If you just want to catch notifications, you can do something like this (much less spammy):
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleEveryNotification:) name:nil object:nil];
Of course, notifications are done with normal method calls, so the first method will also show them (albeit in a big pile of spam).
Delegates are not called or sent; they are just normal Obj-C method calls (strictly "message-sends", but that doesn't have the same ring to it).
If you put a breakpoint into your app, you can watch the call stack change while you step through the code. That's probably as close as you're going to come to what you have in mind.
You can log out everything that is happening when your application is running using DTrace, a framework that lets you probe the inner workings of anything running on a modern Mac. We don't yet have DTrace on iOS, but it will work while you're running within the Simulator.
I describe the fundamentals of DTrace in this article for MacResearch, then provide an example of a custom instrument you can build in Instruments using DTrace near the end of this article. That instrument logs out all methods called on all objects (even internal system ones) from the moment your application starts until it hits the end of -applicationDidFinishLaunching:
我在本文中为MacResearch描述了DTrace的基础知识,然后提供了一个自定义工具的示例,您可以使用DTrace在本文末尾附近构建。该应用程序从应用程序启动的那一刻开始记录所有对象(甚至是内部系统对象)上调用的所有方法,直到它到达-applicationDidFinishLaunching :.
To simplify this, you can simply create a custom instrument using the Instrument | Build New Instrument
menu item in instruments. Set up one of the probe descriptors to look like the following:
为简化此操作,您只需使用Instrument |创建自定义仪器即可在仪器中构建新仪器菜单项。设置其中一个探测描述符,如下所示:
only ignore the isInApplicationStart
and timestamp logging options. A simple probe responding to any Objective-C method in any class will log all of those messages to the Instruments console, which sounds like what you want for your debugging.
Assuming you're sure you want absolutely everything...
- Breakpoint
. Almost all method calls use those two functions (mumble mumble IMP-cacheing). - Okay, now your app drops into the debugger all the time. So click the auto-continue box.
- But now you don't see very much happening, so edit the breakpoints and add the command "bt" to get a backtrace.
- Drown in debug spam.
断点objc_msgSend和objc_msgSend_stret。几乎所有的方法调用都使用这两个函数(mumble mumble IMP-cacheing)。
This won't catch other C functions, of course.
If you just want to catch notifications, you can do something like this (much less spammy):
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleEveryNotification:) name:nil object:nil];
Of course, notifications are done with normal method calls, so the first method will also show them (albeit in a big pile of spam).
Delegates are not called or sent; they are just normal Obj-C method calls (strictly "message-sends", but that doesn't have the same ring to it).
If you put a breakpoint into your app, you can watch the call stack change while you step through the code. That's probably as close as you're going to come to what you have in mind.