There are various ways for iPhone applications to save data (for example: NSUserDefault, XML, document, SQLite, etc.).
Our company always uses NSUserDefault to save data. However, I don't think NSUserDefault is very good because in my experience, it has been slow.
I am curious how you store data for your applications and when you recommend using each of the different methods. Please share your experiences that will help me to understand the advantages and disadvantages of these different storage types and develop a more efficient application for my users.
4 个解决方案
You can store small data in NSUserDefaults but when you have large database then you need sqlite or coredata for storing the database. use of coredatabase is good for big database this is provided by apple and it is to efficient in accessing database.
NSUserDefaults or document directory is used for small database(suppose need to store user name for single user or some other info).
You just need to know about sql queries to store data in a SQLite3 Database or You can use Core Data for back end storage. Core Data is one of the best options to use for storing data.
您只需要了解用于在SQLite3数据库中存储数据的SQL查询,或者您可以使用Core Data进行后端存储。核心数据是用于存储数据的最佳选择之一。
NSUserDefault should be used for storing small information.
You can use NSUserDefaults for storing any small data which you want to persist when your application closes. This you can use to store login details but yes if it is be secured, use keychain. You can definely use NSUserDefaults for storing setting options.
SQLite database is any easy way to store large data. Core Data is best option. but you can use SQLite if your application data is not too large. SQlite Database can also be used to store BLOB data e.g. to store pdf file bytes downloaded from server and whenever you want to use it, just write those bytes to pdf file. This will also keep data security since BLOB data in SQLite cannot be viewed.
SQLite数据库是存储大数据的简便方法。核心数据是最佳选择。但如果您的应用程序数据不是太大,您可以使用SQLite。 SQlite数据库也可用于存储BLOB数据,例如存储从服务器下载的pdf文件字节,无论何时使用它,只需将这些字节写入pdf文件即可。这也将保持数据安全,因为无法查看SQLite中的BLOB数据。
Its good to use coreData for large data storage in the IPhone Memory space. ITs a wrapper on top of the database which helps us to store in the form of objects..... U can find many examples on this...
You can store small data in NSUserDefaults but when you have large database then you need sqlite or coredata for storing the database. use of coredatabase is good for big database this is provided by apple and it is to efficient in accessing database.
NSUserDefaults or document directory is used for small database(suppose need to store user name for single user or some other info).
You just need to know about sql queries to store data in a SQLite3 Database or You can use Core Data for back end storage. Core Data is one of the best options to use for storing data.
您只需要了解用于在SQLite3数据库中存储数据的SQL查询,或者您可以使用Core Data进行后端存储。核心数据是用于存储数据的最佳选择之一。
NSUserDefault should be used for storing small information.
You can use NSUserDefaults for storing any small data which you want to persist when your application closes. This you can use to store login details but yes if it is be secured, use keychain. You can definely use NSUserDefaults for storing setting options.
SQLite database is any easy way to store large data. Core Data is best option. but you can use SQLite if your application data is not too large. SQlite Database can also be used to store BLOB data e.g. to store pdf file bytes downloaded from server and whenever you want to use it, just write those bytes to pdf file. This will also keep data security since BLOB data in SQLite cannot be viewed.
SQLite数据库是存储大数据的简便方法。核心数据是最佳选择。但如果您的应用程序数据不是太大,您可以使用SQLite。 SQlite数据库也可用于存储BLOB数据,例如存储从服务器下载的pdf文件字节,无论何时使用它,只需将这些字节写入pdf文件即可。这也将保持数据安全,因为无法查看SQLite中的BLOB数据。
Its good to use coreData for large data storage in the IPhone Memory space. ITs a wrapper on top of the database which helps us to store in the form of objects..... U can find many examples on this...