
时间:2022-11-26 19:17:13

This question already has an answer here:


I have a small HashMap (less than 100 entries) that contains a unique object (of my design) as the key and a Double as the value.


I need to retrieve n number of objects that have the lowest values.


So say my HashMap looked like this and I wanted the lowest 3.


Object, 4.0

Object, 5.0

Object, 2.0

Object, 12.0

Object, 10.0

Object, 3.0

I would want to fetch the first, third, and last entries as those have the lowest values.


I know there are methods such as Collections.min which I could run on the HashMap but I need more than just the lowest value and I need to know the key it corresponds to as well. Research has also led me to come across Selection Algorithms but I am confused and not quite sure how to use these. I apologise if a question of this sort has been asked before, I searched for a long time and could not find anything. Thanks pre-emptively for your help.


3 个解决方案



List<Entry<Key, Double>> lowestThreeEntries = map.entrySet()



Put all then entries of your map inside an array. Then, implement a Comparator<Map.Entry<Key,Value>> which compares the map entries according to the value they hold.

将地图的所有条目放在数组中。然后,实现Comparator >,根据它们保存的值比较映射条目。

And finally, sort the entries of the map according to your shiny comparator. (You can use Arrays.sort)

最后,根据闪亮的比较器对地图的条目进行排序。 (你可以使用Arrays.sort)



Consider inverting your map and using a 'MultiMap' (effectively a more user friendly implementation of Map<Key, List<Value>>), the Guava TreeMultiMap should do exactly what you're after.

考虑反转你的地图并使用'MultiMap'(实际上是一个用户友好的Map >的实现),Guava TreeMultiMap应该完全按照你所追求的去做。 ,list>

Edit - Added example (using String in place of the custom object for brevity)

编辑 - 添加了示例(为简洁起见,使用String代替自定义对象)

    TreeMultimap<Double, String> map = TreeMultimap.<Double, String>create();
    map.put(4.0, "a");
    map.put(5.0, "b");
    map.put(2.0, "c");
    map.put(12.0, "d");
    map.put(10.0, "e");
    map.put(3.0, "f");

    Iterator<String> iterator = map.values().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

This will print out the strings in ascending order according to the double value (c, f, a, b, e, d)




List<Entry<Key, Double>> lowestThreeEntries = map.entrySet()



Put all then entries of your map inside an array. Then, implement a Comparator<Map.Entry<Key,Value>> which compares the map entries according to the value they hold.

将地图的所有条目放在数组中。然后,实现Comparator >,根据它们保存的值比较映射条目。

And finally, sort the entries of the map according to your shiny comparator. (You can use Arrays.sort)

最后,根据闪亮的比较器对地图的条目进行排序。 (你可以使用Arrays.sort)



Consider inverting your map and using a 'MultiMap' (effectively a more user friendly implementation of Map<Key, List<Value>>), the Guava TreeMultiMap should do exactly what you're after.

考虑反转你的地图并使用'MultiMap'(实际上是一个用户友好的Map >的实现),Guava TreeMultiMap应该完全按照你所追求的去做。 ,list>

Edit - Added example (using String in place of the custom object for brevity)

编辑 - 添加了示例(为简洁起见,使用String代替自定义对象)

    TreeMultimap<Double, String> map = TreeMultimap.<Double, String>create();
    map.put(4.0, "a");
    map.put(5.0, "b");
    map.put(2.0, "c");
    map.put(12.0, "d");
    map.put(10.0, "e");
    map.put(3.0, "f");

    Iterator<String> iterator = map.values().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

This will print out the strings in ascending order according to the double value (c, f, a, b, e, d)
