
时间:2021-11-10 17:17:31


Below are my JVM settings:


 JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms2G -Xmx2G -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=1200000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=1200000 -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+UseCompressedOops  -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=org.jbos88,server=y,suspend=n

Problem: Total Heap Memory: 2GB Old Gen: 1.4GB (2/3 of Heap) New Gen: 600MB(1/3 of Heap)

问题:总堆内存:2GB老Gen: 1.4GB(堆的2/3)新Gen: 600MB(堆的1/3)

The Old Gen grows in memory beyond 70% 0f its allocated size and never is subjected to GC even at 100% i.e 1.4GB. One can see the graph below it peaks and never is GC, the drop in memory is when it was forced to GC from the JConsole. This problem is eventually bringing the web server down.

旧的Gen在内存中增长超过其分配大小的70%,即使在100% i时也不会受到GC的影响。e 1.4 gb。可以看到下图的峰值,而不是GC,内存的下降是当它从JConsole*执行GC时。这个问题最终导致web服务器宕机。

Anything that i am missing or wrongly setting the JVM?


Thanks for the help in advance.


Updating my Question:


After heap analysis it appears like Stateful session bean is the prime suspect: 在堆内存使用中PS旧的Gen内存:GC设置 We have stateful session beans that hold the persistence logic assisted by Hibernate.


3 个解决方案



The GC will be called eventually, the old gen is almost never called(Because it is extremely slow). The Gc does run but it will only run on the new gen and survivor gen at first, it has a completely different algorithm for cleaning the old gen which is slower then new/survivor gens.


Those numbers are really high, the oldgen should never reach sum a high number compared to the newgen. My guess is that you have a memory leak.


I can only guess you program is dealing with big files, you are probably saving to references to them for to long.




Even still having the main problem (memory leak) resolved, if you still want the old gen to be cleared in frequent small sized pauses, you may try setting


-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=(time in millis)

and this is only applicable with Parallel Collector and when Adaptive Sizing Policy is on. By default Adaptive Sizing Policy is on, but, if you want to explicitly mention this you can use.



Or else you can switch to CMS collector where you can use


-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=(% value) 

Which is a more reliable way of collecting the old gen when it has reached a certain fraction of the the old gen.




在堆内存使用中PS旧的Gen内存:GC设置The stateful session beans were making the JVM run out of memory. Explicitly handling them using @Remove annotation resolved this issue.




The GC will be called eventually, the old gen is almost never called(Because it is extremely slow). The Gc does run but it will only run on the new gen and survivor gen at first, it has a completely different algorithm for cleaning the old gen which is slower then new/survivor gens.


Those numbers are really high, the oldgen should never reach sum a high number compared to the newgen. My guess is that you have a memory leak.


I can only guess you program is dealing with big files, you are probably saving to references to them for to long.




Even still having the main problem (memory leak) resolved, if you still want the old gen to be cleared in frequent small sized pauses, you may try setting


-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=(time in millis)

and this is only applicable with Parallel Collector and when Adaptive Sizing Policy is on. By default Adaptive Sizing Policy is on, but, if you want to explicitly mention this you can use.



Or else you can switch to CMS collector where you can use


-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=(% value) 

Which is a more reliable way of collecting the old gen when it has reached a certain fraction of the the old gen.




在堆内存使用中PS旧的Gen内存:GC设置The stateful session beans were making the JVM run out of memory. Explicitly handling them using @Remove annotation resolved this issue.
