
时间:2022-03-21 17:17:03

Maven is very difficult. I would like to reference the resources in my code. But I can't.


I have got a project set up in Eclipse. In it I have the following structure



The relevant part of the pom.xml is as follows:



            <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">


When I do Maven build clean install from Eclipse usually the target folder doesn't generate the resources folder. A bug which others have suffered from. I think this can be remedied by just creating the resources folder manually in the target folder but that's not very useful. But even if I do this I don't seem to be able to use the resources:


My code:

public class Checkers {
     ArrayList<String> che2=new ArrayList<String>();
     static URL dictionary;
     String n=null;

    public Checkers() {


    public static String FindNReplace(String n) throws IOException, URISyntaxException{
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ClassLoader.class.getResourceAsStream("FindNReplaceDictionary.txt")),2048);

String [] split=null;
        ArrayList<String> orig= new ArrayList<String>();
        String [] orig_arr=null;
        ArrayList<String> newDoc= new ArrayList<String>();
        String [] newDoc_arr=null;      

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            String line = reader.readLine();

            while (line != null) {




I've also tried FindNReplaceDictionary.txt with a leading "/" but no joy.


So to deal with my confusion here are my questions 1. How do I reference the resource in Eclipse so that I can run it as a java project at least 2. How do I reference the resource once the Maven project has undergone build clean install 3. Do I need to change anything between running it as a java project and doing a Maven build

所以在这里处理我的困惑是我的问题1.如何在Eclipse中引用资源,以便我可以将它作为一个java项目至少运行2.一旦Maven项目经历了build clean install 3,我如何引用该资源?在作为java项目运行和执行Maven构建之间,我是否需要更改任何内容

Yes I am confused about the whole thing.


1 个解决方案



Artifacts in "resources" folder are copied to your final packaged/compiled classpath. In case of web application it will be 'WEB-INF/classes' other instances it will go to 'classes' folder.

“resources”文件夹中的工件将复制到最终打包/编译的类路径中。在Web应用程序的情况下,它将是'WEB-INF / classes'其他实例,它将转到'classes'文件夹。

if you want another resource folder you can specify that in build



You will not be able to change a maven project to eclipse project easily, because maven has standard opinionated folder structure




Artifacts in "resources" folder are copied to your final packaged/compiled classpath. In case of web application it will be 'WEB-INF/classes' other instances it will go to 'classes' folder.

“resources”文件夹中的工件将复制到最终打包/编译的类路径中。在Web应用程序的情况下,它将是'WEB-INF / classes'其他实例,它将转到'classes'文件夹。

if you want another resource folder you can specify that in build



You will not be able to change a maven project to eclipse project easily, because maven has standard opinionated folder structure
