C++ 凸包生成算法

时间:2024-09-20 14:38:14





  1.1. 生成N个不重复的正整数,使用洗牌算法让生成的数字不重复;

  1.2. 将每个数字分解成坐标。可以设想一个二维数组,每个数字依次填进数组内。那么,对于数字A来说,它能够生成的坐标则为:

`x = A % width;`
`y = (A% width== 0) ? A / width : A / width+ 1);`
2. 对所有随机点进行排序;
  2.1.找到 y 值最小的点`pointYmin`;
  2.2. 计算每个离散点`pt`、`pointYmin`、和X轴组成角的弧度`radian`(或者角度`angle`也可以)。其中,点`pointYmin`为角心;
  2.3. 依照上面计算出的弧度进行排序。

3. 开始找凸包
  3.2. 大体上就是,首先离散点集之中入栈两个点,然后需要计算每三个点`ptA`(栈内点,次顶点), `ptO`(栈内点,栈顶点), `ptB`(栈外点,当前点)之间的逆时针夹角,如果夹角是小于180(π)的,那么则`ptB`入栈,否则 `ptO`出栈。直到所有离散点都计算完成。



这其中包括STL模板参数中不允许存在const、va_start函数中不允许有引用变量、for each - in关键字被否决等等问题。


  1. 重做,将成员函数改成了由index代表的点,而不是原来的存放点的原型。(2019.4.9)
  2. 懒病作祟,有些代码值得优化,但现在没有那么做。


项目选项为 多字符集

File: stdinc.h

#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <cassert>
#include <windows.h> #pragma once #ifdef _DEBUG
#define ErrorThrow(errMsg) { LogThrow::ErrorOccur(errMsg, __FILE__, __LINE__);}
#define ErrorThrow(errMsg) {}
#endif // _DEBUG #include <iostream> static const double PI = 3.14159265358980/*...80... -> ...7932384626...*/;
static const double precision = 1000.0;
static const double doubleESP = 1e-008; namespace LogThrow
static void ErrorOccur(const std::string& errMsg, const std::string& fileName, int line)
std::string msg("[ERROR] " + errMsg + '\n' + "File: " + fileName + '\n' + "Line: " + std::to_string(line));
MessageBox(NULL, msg.c_str(), NULL, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
}; namespace MyMathTools
inline static bool LessThan(double a, double b)
if (a - b < doubleESP)
return true;
return false;
} inline static bool IsEqual(double a, double b)
if (std::abs(a - b) <= doubleESP)
return true;
return false;
} };

File: Point2D.cpp

#include "stdinc.h"

#pragma once

//Point & Vector
template<typename T>
class Point2D
private: public:
typedef std::vector<Point2D<T>> Points;
T x, y; public:
Point2D(T nx, T ny) :x(nx), y(ny)
} Point2D() :Point2D{ 0, 0 }
} Point2D(const Point2D& np) :Point2D{ np.x, np.y }
} void Init(T x, T y)
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
} void Transposition()
T total = x + y;
x = total - x;
y = total - y;
} void operator= (const Point2D& np/*new point*/)
Init(np.x, np.y);
} bool operator== (const Point2D& pointOther) const
if ((pointOther.x == this->x) &&
(pointOther.y == this->y))
return true;
return false;
} friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Point2D& pt)
out << "(" << pt.x << "," << pt.y << ")";
return out;
} public:
//[min, max)
/*const */Point2D& RandomPoint(int maxX, int maxY)
if (maxX <= 0 || maxY <= 0)
std::logic_error("The less then 0!");
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 mt(rd()); this->x = mt() % maxX;
this->y = mt() % maxY; //I can modify the left value.
return *this;
} template<typename T1, typename T2>
static double Distance(const Point2D<T1>& ptA, const Point2D<T2>& ptB)
double cutX = ptB.x - ptA.x;
double cutY = ptB.y - ptA.y;
return std::pow((cutX * cutX + cutY * cutY), 0.50);
} template<typename T1>
double Distance(const Point2D<T1>& ptOther)
return Point2D::Distance<T, T1>(*this, ptOther);
} //Without repetition: Shuffle algorithm.
static void RandomPoints(int count, int maxX, int maxY, std::vector<Point2D<int>>& __out points)
//auto LcmFunc = [maxX, maxY](int numA, int numB)
// int max = (maxX > maxY) ? maxX : maxY;
// int min = maxX + maxY - max;
// long lcm = -1;
// for (int i = 1; i <= min; ++i)
// {
// lcm = static_cast<long>(max * i);
// if (lcm % min == 0)
// {
// break;
// }
// }
// return lcm;
//}; //int lcm = static_cast<char32_t>(LcmFunc(maxX, maxY));
//if (lcm == -1)
// return false;
//} if (count >= maxX * maxY * 0.5)
ErrorThrow("Error Count.");
} points.clear(); auto GetX = [maxX](int num)
return num % maxX;
}; auto GetY = [maxX](int num)
return (num % maxX == 0) ? num / maxX : num / maxX + 1;
}; static std::random_device rd;
static std::mt19937 mt(rd());
const long total = maxX * maxY; std::vector<long> nums;
for (long i = 0; i < total; ++i)
nums[i] = i;
} for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
//It is array nums index.
long randomNum = mt() % (total - i) + i;
std::swap(nums[i], nums[randomNum]); //Swap over, the num[i] is new random number.
//Get the point.
points[i] = { GetX(nums[i]), GetY(nums[i]) };
}; template<typename T>
class Vector2D final : public Point2D<T>
Vector2D() : Point2D<T>()
} Vector2D(T nx, T ny) : Point2D<T>(nx, ny)
} Vector2D(const Vector2D& np) :Point2D<T>(np)
} double Length() const
return std::pow((this->x * this->x + this->y * this->y), .5);
} //Vector AB
void Vector(const Point2D<T>& ptA, const Point2D<T>& ptB)
this->Init(ptB.x - ptA.x, ptB.y - ptA.y);
} double Radian(const Vector2D& otherVec, bool isQuadrant = true) const
return Vector2D::Radian(*this, otherVec, isQuadrant);
} //anti-clockwise angle.
//If the return value less than 0, the Radian is less than π.
static double Radian(const Vector2D& vec1, const Vector2D& vec2, bool isQuadrant = true)
if (isQuadrant)
double radian = std::atan2(vec2.y, vec2.x) - std::atan2(vec1.y, vec1.x); //return [-2π, 2π]
if (radian < 0)
radian += 2 * PI;
return radian;
} return std::acos(Vector2D::Dot(vec1, vec2) / (vec1.Length() * vec2.Length())); //return [0, π]
} double Angle(const Vector2D& otherVec, bool isQuadrant = true) const
return Vector2D::Angle(*this, otherVec, isQuadrant);
} //The same as function Radian.
static double Angle(const Vector2D& vec1, const Vector2D& vec2, bool isQuadrant = true)
return Vector2D::Radian(vec1, vec2, isQuadrant) / PI * 180;
} T Dot(const Vector2D& otherVec) const
return Vector2D::Dot(*this, otherVec);
} static T Dot(const Vector2D& vec1, const Vector2D& vec2)
return vec1.x * vec2.x + vec1.y * vec2.y;
} T Cross(const Vector2D& otherVec) const
return Vector2D::Cross(*this, otherVec);
} //2D Vector have no cross. But we can set the Z is 0.
//So , return a value is (0, 0, Ax*By - Ay*Bx);
static T Cross(const Vector2D& vec1, const Vector2D& vec2)
return vec1.x*vec2.y - vec1.y*vec2.x;
} };

File: ConvexHull.h

#pragma once

//#include "Line.cpp"
#include "Point2D.cpp"
#include "stdinc.h"
#include "ObjectSign.h" typedef ObjectSign<Point2D<int>> Points; using PointNode = ONode<Point2D<int>>; class ConvexHull final
Points m_points;
Points m_CHpoints; public:
void operator= (const ConvexHull&) = delete; ConvexHull();
ConvexHull(const Points& points);
~ConvexHull(); public:
//void TestPoints(); //void AddPoint(const Point2D<int>& __in newPoint);
//void AddRandomPoints(int count, int maxX, int maxY);
void GetConvexHullPoints(Points& __out points);
void GetAllPoints(Points& __out points); void Generate(); void Clear(); private:
void SortPoints();

File: ConvexHull.cpp

#include "ConvexHull.h"
#include <algorithm> ConvexHull::ConvexHull()
{ } ConvexHull::ConvexHull(const Points& points) : m_points(points)
//m_points = points;
} ConvexHull::~ConvexHull()
{ } //void ConvexHull::AddPoint(const Point2D<int>& __in newPoint)
// m_points.Add(newPoint);
//} void ConvexHull::GetConvexHullPoints(Points& __out points)
points = m_CHpoints;
} void ConvexHull::GetAllPoints(Points& __out points)
points = m_points;
} ////Without repetition: Shuffle algorithm.
//void ConvexHull::AddRandomPoints(int count, int maxX, int maxY)
// std::vector<Point2D<int>> pointsArray;
// Point2D<int>::RandomPoints(count, maxX, maxY, pointsArray);
// m_points.Clear();
// for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
// {
// const Point2D<int>& eachpt = pointsArray.at(i);
// m_points[i] = eachpt;
// }
//} void ConvexHull::SortPoints()
if (m_points.Size() == 0)
ErrorThrow("Empty Points.");
} //Selecting a point what Y min.
Point2D<int> pointYmin;
m_points.Get(0, pointYmin);
for(int i = 0; i < m_points.Size(); i++)
if (!m_points.IsExist(i))
} const Point2D<int>& eachpt = m_points[i];
if (eachpt.y < pointYmin.y)
pointYmin = eachpt;
else if (eachpt.y == pointYmin.y)
if (eachpt.x < pointYmin.x)
pointYmin = eachpt;
} auto SortRuleFunc = [&pointYmin](const ONode<Point2D<int>>* pnA, const ONode<Point2D<int>>* pnB) -> bool
static const Vector2D<int> baseVecX = { 1, 0 };
Point2D<int> ptA = pnA->_node;
Point2D<int> ptB = pnB->_node; Vector2D<int> vecA;
vecA.Vector(const_cast<const Point2D<int>&>(pointYmin), ptA); Vector2D<int> vecB;
vecB.Vector(pointYmin, ptB); double radianA = Vector2D<int>::Radian(baseVecX, vecA);
double radianB = Vector2D<int>::Radian(baseVecX, vecB); //If collinear occurs, the nearest is before.
if (std::abs(radianA - radianB) <= doubleESP)
return vecA.Length() < vecB.Length();
} //return (radianA - radianB) < doubleESP; //ERROR: ATTENTION: Check the Strict Weak Ordering...
return radianA < radianB; //Ascending order.
}; m_points.Sort(SortRuleFunc);
} void ConvexHull::Generate()
const int pointsCount = static_cast<int>(m_points.Size());
if (pointsCount < 3)
ErrorThrow("Points count too less.");
} SortPoints(); std::stack<PointNode> stackCHpt;
stackCHpt.push(*(m_points.GetBySequence(1))); int ptIndex = 2; //Total is m_points.size(). while (ptIndex < pointsCount)
PointNode pnO = stackCHpt.top();
const Point2D<int>& ptO = pnO._node; stackCHpt.pop();
PointNode pnA = stackCHpt.top();
const Point2D<int>& ptA = pnA._node; stackCHpt.push(pnO); PointNode pnB = *(m_points.GetBySequence(ptIndex));
Point2D<int> ptB = pnB._node; Vector2D<int> vecA, vecB;
vecA.Vector(ptO, ptA);
vecB.Vector(ptO, ptB); //Vector B turn to Vector A.
double angle = Vector2D<int>::Angle(vecB, vecA);
if ((angle - 0 >= 0) && (angle - 180 <= doubleESP))
stackCHpt.pop(); //pop point O.
} if (stackCHpt.size() < 2)
//If the sort rule is not ok...
ErrorThrow("Error stackCHpt size.");
/*Over Generation.*/ //
int lengthCHPoint = static_cast<int>(stackCHpt.size());
for (int i = 0; i < lengthCHPoint; ++i)
const PointNode& pn = stackCHpt.top();
} void ConvexHull::Clear()
} //void ConvexHull::TestPoints()
// AddPoint({ 0, 0 });
// AddPoint({ 5, 1 });
// AddPoint({ 9, 2 });
// AddPoint({ 1, 1 });
// AddPoint({ 13, 6 });
// AddPoint({ 12, 7 });

File: Line.cpp (暂时没用到)

#include "Point2D.cpp"
#include <array>
#include <iostream> #pragma once template<typename T>
class Line
struct Equation
T A, B, C; public:
//Ax + By + C = 0
} Equation(const Point2D<T>& ptA, const Point2D<T>& ptB)
(*this)(ptA, ptB);
void operator() (const Point2D<T>& ptA, const Point2D<T>& ptB)
A = ptB.y - ptA.y;
B = ptA.x - ptB.x;
C = ptB.x * ptA.y - ptA.x * ptB.y;
} double GetY(double X)const
if (B == 0)
return INT_MAX;
} return -1.0 * (C + A * X) / B;
} double GetX(double Y) const
if (A == 0)
return INT_MAX;
} return -1.0 * (C + B * Y) / A;
} void GetSlope(Vector2D<double>& __out slope) const
if (B == 0) //X === -1.0 * C / A;
slope = { 0, -1.0 * C / A };
slope = { 1, -1.0 * A / B };
}; private:
bool CheckLine(const Point2D<T>& ptA, const Point2D<T>& ptB) const
if (std::abs(ptA.x - ptB.x) <= doubleESP &&
std::abs(ptA.y - ptB.y) <= doubleESP)
return false;
return true;
} public:
Line() : Line({ 0, 0 }, { 1, 0 })
} Line(const Point2D<T>& a, const Point2D<T>& b) : ptA(a), ptB(b)
if (!CheckLine(a, b))
ErrorThrow("They are the same point.");
equation(a, b);
} Line(const Line& nl) :Line{ nl.ptA, nl.ptB }
} Line(T xA, T yA, T xB, T yB) :Line({ xA, yA }, { xB, yB })
{ } void Init(const Point2D<T>& a, const Point2D<T>& b)
if (!CheckLine(a, b))
ErrorThrow("They are the same point.");
ptA = a;
ptB = b;
equation(a, b);
} void Init(T xA, T yA, T xB, T yB)
if (!CheckLine({ xA, yA }, { xB, yB }))
ErrorThrow("They are the same point.");
ptA = { xA, yA };
ptB = { xB, yB };
equation(ptA, ptB);
} void TransVector(Vector2D<T>& __out vec, bool isReverse/*B -> A*/ = false) const
if (isReverse) /*B -> A*/
vec.Init(ptA.x - ptB.x, ptA.y - ptB.y);
else /*A -> B*/
vec.Init(ptB.x - ptA.x, ptB.y - ptA.y);
} void operator= (const Line& nl)
Init(nl.ptA, nl.ptB);
} void Midperpendicular(Line<double>& __out resLine) const
Point2D<double> midPoint = { 0.5 * (GetPointA().x + GetPointB().x), 0.5 * (GetPointA().y + GetPointB().y) }; Vector2D<double> slope;
equation.GetSlope(slope); Point2D<double> ptA, ptB;
if (0 == slope.x)
//Perpendicular to the X-axis.
ptA = { midPoint.x - 1.0, midPoint.y };
double k2 = -1.0 / (slope.y / slope.x);
double b2 = midPoint.y - midPoint.x * k2;
ptA = { midPoint.x + 1.0, k2 * (midPoint.x + 1.0) + b2 }; //Y = kX + b;
ptB = { midPoint.x, midPoint.y }; resLine.Init(ptA, ptB);
} static bool Intersection(const Line& __in lineA, const Line& __in lineB, Point2D<double>& __out pt)
if (Line::IsCollinear(4, lineA.ptA, lineA.ptB, lineB.ptA, lineB.ptB) == true)
return false;
} T aA, aB, aC;
T bA, bB, bC; aA = lineA.equation.A;
aB = lineA.equation.B;
aC = lineA.equation.C; bA = lineB.equation.A;
bB = lineB.equation.B;
bC = lineB.equation.C; double k = static_cast<double>(aA * bB - aB * bA);
if (MyMathTools::IsEqual(k, 0.0))
return false;
pt = { (bB* -1 * aC - (-1) * bC * aB) / k, (aA * -1 * bC - (-1) * aC * bA) / k };
return true;
} void Intersection(const Line& __in lineOther, Point2D<double>& __out pt) const
Line::Intersection(*this, lineOther, pt);
} static bool IsCollinear(int ptCount, const Point2D<T>& pt1, const Point2D<T>& pt2, const Point2D<T>& pt3, ...)
Vector2D<T> vecAB, vecBC;
vecAB.Vector(pt1, pt2);
vecBC.Vector(pt2, pt3);
if (!MyMathTools::IsEqual(vecAB.x * 1.0 / vecBC.x, vecAB.y * 1.0 / vecBC.y))
return false;
} //va_start argument must not have reference type
auto tmppt = pt3; va_list aps;
va_start(aps, tmppt);
const Point2D<T>* pNextArg = &pt3;
bool res = true;
while (ptCount - 3 > 0)
const Point2D<T> ptX = va_arg(aps, const Point2D<T>);
Vector2D<T> vecAx;
vecAx.Vector(pt1, ptX);
if (!MyMathTools::IsEqual(vecAB.x * 1.0 / vecAx.x, vecAB.y * 1.0 / vecAx.y))
res = false;
} va_end(aps);
return res;
} const Point2D<T>& GetPointA() const
return ptA;
} const Point2D<T>& GetPointB() const
return ptB;
} private:
Point2D<T> ptA, ptB; public:
Equation equation;

File: Triangle.h (暂时没用到)

#pragma once

#include "Point2D.cpp"
#include "Line.cpp"
#include "Circle.cpp" class Triangle final
enum class EnumPTRelation: int
}; Triangle();
Triangle(const Point2D<int>& ptA, const Point2D<int>& ptB, const Point2D<int>& ptC); ~Triangle(); public:
void Init(const Point2D<int>& ptA, const Point2D<int>& ptB, const Point2D<int>& ptC); //RelationPT: The Relation of Point and Triangle.
EnumPTRelation RelationPT(const Point2D<int>& pt) const;
void Circumcircle(Circle<double, double>& __out circle) const;
double Area() const; void GetVertices(std::array<Point2D<int>, 3>& __out vs) const;
void GetLines(std::array<Line<int>, 3>& __out ls) const; private:
std::array<Point2D<int>, 3> m_vertices /*m_vertex*/;
std::array<Line<int>, 3> m_lines;

File: Triangle.cpp (暂时没用到)

#include "Triangle.h"

Triangle::Triangle() :Triangle({ 0, 0 }, { 0, 3 }, { 4, 0 })
} Triangle::Triangle(const Point2D<int>& ptA, const Point2D<int>& ptB, const Point2D<int>& ptC)
Init(ptA, ptB, ptC);
} Triangle::~Triangle()
} void Triangle::Circumcircle(Circle<double, double>& __out circle) const
const Point2D<int> ptA = m_vertices[0];
const Point2D<int> ptB = m_vertices[1];
const Point2D<int> ptC = m_vertices[2]; double A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2;
A1 = 2.0 * (ptB.x - ptA.x);
B1 = 2.0 * (ptB.y - ptA.y);
C1 = ptB.x * ptB.x + ptB.y * ptB.y - ptA.x * ptA.x - ptA.y *ptA.y; A2 = 2.0 * (ptC.x - ptB.x);
B2 = 2.0 * (ptC.y - ptB.y);
C2 = ptC.x * ptC.x + ptC.y * ptC.y - ptB.x * ptB.x - ptB.y * ptB.y; circle.center.x = ((C1*B2) - (C2*B1)) / ((A1*B2) - (A2*B1));
circle.center.y = ((A1*C2) - (A2*C1)) / ((A1*B2) - (A2*B1));
circle.radius = std::pow((ptA.x - circle.center.x)*(ptA.x - circle.center.x) + (ptA.y - circle.center.y)*(ptA.y - circle.center.y), 0.5);
} double Triangle::Area() const
Vector2D<int> vecBA, vecBC;
m_lines[0].TransVector(vecBA, true);
m_lines[1].TransVector(vecBC); return 0.5 * Vector2D<int>::Cross(vecBA, vecBC);
} void Triangle::GetVertices(std::array<Point2D<int>, 3>& vs) const
vs = m_vertices;
} void Triangle::GetLines(std::array<Line<int>, 3>& ls) const
ls = m_lines;
} void Triangle::Init(const Point2D<int>& ptA, const Point2D<int>& ptB, const Point2D<int>& ptC)
if (Line<int>::IsCollinear(3, ptA, ptB, ptC))
ErrorThrow("It is Collinear.");
m_vertices[0] = ptA;
m_vertices[1] = ptB;
m_vertices[2] = ptC; m_lines[0].Init(ptA, ptB);
m_lines[1].Init(ptB, ptC);
m_lines[2].Init(ptC, ptA);
} Triangle::EnumPTRelation Triangle::RelationPT(const Point2D<int>& pt) const
Vector2D<int> vecPA, vecPB, vecPC;
int64_t v1, v2, v3; vecPA.Vector(pt, m_vertices[0]);
vecPB.Vector(pt, m_vertices[1]);
vecPC.Vector(pt, m_vertices[2]); v1 = vecPA.Cross(vecPB);
v2 = vecPB.Cross(vecPC);
v3 = vecPC.Cross(vecPA); if (v1 * v2 * v3 == 0)
return EnumPTRelation::POINT_ON_VERTICE; //The point and vertex coincidence.
} //type long long, Do not use 'int'.
int64_t relationR12 = v1 * v2;
int64_t relationR13 = v1 * v3;
if (relationR12 == 0 || relationR13 == 0)
return EnumPTRelation::POINT_ON_LINE; //The Point on the line.
} if (relationR12 > 0 && relationR13 > 0)
return EnumPTRelation::POINT_INSIDE; //The points inside triangle.
} return EnumPTRelation::POINT_OUTSIDE;

File: Circle.cpp (暂时没用到)

#pragma once
#include "Point2D.cpp" template<typename TC, typename TR>
class Circle final
Circle() :Circle({ 0,0 }, 1)
{ } Circle(const Point2D<TC>& centerPt, TR radius) :
{ } double Area()
return PI * radius * radius;
} double Perimeter()
return 2 * PI * radius;
} template<typename TP>
bool IsPointInCircle(const Point2D<TP>& pt)
return !MyMathTools::LessThan(radius, Point2D<TP>::Distance(center, pt));
} public:
TR radius;
Point2D<TC> center;

File: ObjectSign.h (命名不太好)

#pragma once

#include <unordered_map>
#include <set>
#include <functional> #include "stdinc.h" template <typename T>
class ONode
unsigned int _index;
T _node; private: public:
} ONode(unsigned int index, const T& node)
Init(index, node);
} ONode(const ONode<T>& other) :
ONode(other._index, other._node)
} ~ONode()
} public:
void Init(unsigned int index, const T& node) noexcept
if (static_cast<int>(index) > (INT_MAX >> 1))
ErrorThrow("The Index Is Too Large.");
} _index = index;
_node = node;
} static ONode<T>* Alloc(unsigned int index, const T& node) noexcept
ONode<T>* ret;
ret = new (std::nothrow) ONode<T>(index, node); return ret;
} static void Free(ONode<T>*& p)
if (nullptr != p)
delete p;
p = nullptr;
}; template <typename T>
class ObjectSign
} ObjectSign(const ObjectSign& other)
} ~ObjectSign()
} ObjectSign<T>& operator=(const ObjectSign& other)
return *this;
} public:
bool IsExist(unsigned index) const
return !(_relation.end() == _relation.find(index));
} int Add(const T& ele)
const ONode<T> node(++_max, ele);
return (Add(node)) ? _max : -1;
} bool Add(const ONode<T>& node)
if (IsExist(node._index))
return false; ONode<T>* pNewNode = ONode<T>::Alloc(node._index, node._node);
if (pNewNode == nullptr)
return false;
} _max = (_max < node._index) ? node._index : _max;
if (!_lackIndex.empty())
std::set<size_t>::iterator lackIt = _lackIndex.begin();
size_t index = *lackIt; _elements[index] = pNewNode;
_relation.insert(std::make_pair(node._index, index));
_lackIndex.erase(lackIt); return true;
} _elements.push_back(pNewNode);
_relation.insert(std::make_pair(node._index, _elements.size() - 1));
return true;
} bool Del(unsigned int index)
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, size_t>::iterator itRa = _relation.find(index);
if (itRa == _relation.end())
return false;
} size_t n = itRa->second;
if (_elements[n]->_index != index)
ErrorThrow("Del Function Error! The Index Not Match.");
return false;
_lackIndex.insert(n); return true;
} bool Change(unsigned int index, const T& node)
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, size_t>::iterator itRa = _relation.find(index);
if (itRa == _relation.end())
return false;
} _elements[itRa->second]->_node = node;
return true;
} bool Get(unsigned int index, T& __out res) const
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, size_t>::const_iterator itRa = _relation.find(index);
if (itRa == _relation.end())
return false;
} res = _elements[itRa->second]->_node;
return true;
} const T& Get(unsigned int index) const
static T res;
if (false == Get(index, res))
ErrorThrow("Not Found The Index.");
} return res;
} //Get element by index.
T& operator[](unsigned int index)
if (!IsExist(index))
T tmp;
ONode<T>* pNewNode = ONode<T>::Alloc(index, tmp);
return this->_elements[_relation[index]]->_node;
} const T& operator[](unsigned int index) const
return Get(index);
} //Get element by sequence.
T& operator()(unsigned int sequence)
return GetBySequence(sequence)->_node;
} const T& operator()(unsigned int sequence) const
ObjectSign* cthis = const_cast<ObjectSign*>(this);
return cthis->GetBySequence(sequence)->_node;
} const ONode<T>*const GetBySequence(unsigned int sequence) const
ObjectSign* cthis = const_cast<ObjectSign*>(this);
return cthis->GetBySequence(sequence);
} ONode<T>* GetBySequence(unsigned int sequence)
if (sequence >= _relation.size())
ErrorThrow("The sequence too large.");
return nullptr;
} if (_lackIndex.empty())
return _elements[sequence];
int lackCount = 0;
for (std::set<size_t>::iterator it = _lackIndex.lower_bound(sequence); it != _lackIndex.begin(); --it)
} if (&*(_lackIndex.begin()) == nullptr)
lackCount += 1;
} for (int i = sequence + lackCount; i < _elements.size(); i++)
ONode<T>* each = _elements[i];
if (each == nullptr)
return _elements[i];
} ErrorThrow("The element is not found. sequence is " + std::to_string(sequence) + "; Size is " + std::to_string(_relation.size()) + " .");
return nullptr;
} void Clear()
if (_relation.empty())
} std::unordered_map<unsigned int, size_t>::iterator it = _relation.begin();
for (; it != _relation.end(); it++)
} _elements.clear();
} size_t Size() const
return _relation.size();
} void Sort(
const std::function<bool(const ONode<T>* A, const ONode<T>* B)>& SortRuleFunc)
std::vector<ONode<T>*> sortRes;
_relation.clear(); for (auto it : _elements)
ONode<T>* pEach = &*it;
if (pEach == nullptr)
} sortRes.push_back(pEach);
} std::sort(sortRes.begin(), sortRes.end(), SortRuleFunc);
_elements.clear(); _elements = sortRes;
size_t idx = 0;
for (auto it : _elements)
ONode<T>* pEach = &*it;
_relation.insert(std::make_pair(pEach->_index, idx));
} private:
void Init(int size = 0, bool isStrict = true)
_max = 0;
_isStrict = isStrict;
if (size <= 0)
} _elements.resize(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
} void Init(const ObjectSign& other)
this->Clear(); this->_elements.assign(other._elements.begin(), other._elements.end());
this->_lackIndex.insert(other._lackIndex.begin(), other._lackIndex.end());
this->_relation.insert(other._relation.begin(), other._relation.end());
this->_max = other._max;
this->_isStrict = other._isStrict;
} private:
std::vector<ONode<T>*> _elements; std::unordered_map<unsigned int, size_t> _relation;
std::set<size_t> _lackIndex;
unsigned int _max;
bool _isStrict; //TODO:


C++ 凸包生成算法

C++ 凸包生成算法