
时间:2022-11-18 16:55:30

I was configuring the Continuous Integration Environment of a Java project, the tools i use are CruiseControl, svn and ant.


first, i installed the latest JDK--JDK 1.7

首先,我安装了最新的JDK - JDK 1.7

second, i check the project code to the projects folder, then i start the CC, i got an error whick says cannot find the third party jars. in eclipse, you can import the third party jars into the project easily, but in CC, there is no such kind of IDE, so i modified the Ant script of the project----build.xml, to configure the path.

第二,我检查项目代码到项目文件夹,然后我启动CC,我得到一个错误whick说无法找到第三方罐子。在eclipse中,你可以轻松地将第三方jar导入到项目中,但在CC中,没有这种IDE,所以我修改了项目的ant脚本---- build.xml,来配置路径。

at last, i rebuild the project in CC again, and i got an Error: Warning: [options] have not set the guide class path with -source 1.6 C:\cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.4\projects\myproject\src\main\java\net\controller\myproject\manager\Manager.java:181: Error: -source 1.6 do not support using String in switch: switch (columnName.toString()) {

最后,我再次在CC重建项目,我得到一个错误:警告:[选项]没有使用-source 1.6 C:\ cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.4 \ projects \ myproject \ src \设置指南类路径main \ java \ net \ controller \ myproject \ manager \ Manager.java:181:错误:-source 1.6不支持在switch中使用String:switch(columnName.toString()){

what dose the Waring means?


1 个解决方案



i hava solved it, just modified the following sentences:


<property name="ant.build.javac.source" value="1.6"/>
<property name="ant.build.javac.target" value="1.6"/>


<property name="ant.build.javac.source" value="1.7"/>
<property name="ant.build.javac.target" value="1.7"/>



i hava solved it, just modified the following sentences:


<property name="ant.build.javac.source" value="1.6"/>
<property name="ant.build.javac.target" value="1.6"/>


<property name="ant.build.javac.source" value="1.7"/>
<property name="ant.build.javac.target" value="1.7"/>