在定义Excel对象之前要先引用Microsoft Excel 类型库,从“工程”菜单中选择“引用”,打开如图所示:
选择Microsoft Office 15.0 Object Library (Office 2013),确定即可。
找不到Microsoft Office 15.0 Object Library怎么办?
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE15\MSO.DLL,如图:
'将MSHFlexGrid中数据导出到Excel Public Function ExportToExcel(myflexgrid As MSHFlexGrid) On eror GoTo ErrorMsg Dim xlApp As Object '申明Object类对象 后期绑定 Dim xlBook As Object ' Dim rows As Integer '总行数 Dim cols As Integer '总列数 Dim irow As Integer ' Dim hcol As Integer ' Dim icol As Integer ' If myflexgrid.rows <= 1 Then '判断有无数据 MsgBox "没有数据!", vbInformation, "提示" Exit Function Else Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") '生成新的对象引用,引用Excel Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add '创建空白的工作簿 xlApp.Visible = True 'Excel可见 With myflexgrid rows = .rows cols = .cols irow = 0 icol = 1 For hcol = 0 To cols - 1 '列循环 For irow = 1 To rows '行循环 xlApp.Cells(irow, icol).Value = .TextMatrix(irow - 1, hcol) '将表中数据送到Excel Next irow icol = icol + 1 Next hcol End With With xlApp .rows(1).Font.Bold = True '第一行为粗体 .Cells.Select '选择整个工作表 .Columns.AutoFit '自动调整列宽以适应文字 .Cells(1, 1).Select ' End With xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False '关闭工作表,不提示用户保存 Set xlApp = Nothing '释放xlApp对象 Set xlBook = Nothing '释放xlBook对象 Exit Function End If ErrorMsg: MsgBox "当前无法导出为Excel!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" End Function
'导出为Excel Private Sub Opcmdout_Click() Call ExportToExcel(myflexgrid) End Sub