
时间:2024-07-15 13:35:32

Name                                             Disclosure Date  Rank    Description

----                                             ---------------  ----    -----------

aix/rpc_cmsd_opcode21                                          2009-10-07       great      AIX Calendar Manager Service Daemon (rpc.cmsd) Opcode 21 Buffer Overflow
   aix/rpc_ttdbserverd_realpath                                   2009-06-17       great      ToolTalk rpc.ttdbserverd _tt_internal_realpath Buffer Overflow (AIX)
   bsdi/softcart/mercantec_softcart                               2004-08-19       great      Mercantec SoftCart CGI Overflow
   dialup/multi/login/manyargs                                    2001-12-12       good       System V Derived /bin/login Extraneous Arguments Buffer Overflow
   freebsd/ftp/proftp_telnet_iac                                  2010-11-01       great      ProFTPD 1.3.2rc3 - 1.3.3b Telnet IAC Buffer Overflow (FreeBSD)
   freebsd/samba/trans2open                                       2003-04-07       great      Samba trans2open Overflow (*BSD x86)
   freebsd/tacacs/xtacacsd_report                                 2008-01-08       average    XTACACSD <= 4.1.2 report() Buffer Overflow
   freebsd/telnet/telnet_encrypt_keyid                            2011-12-23       great      FreeBSD Telnet Service Encryption Key ID Buffer Overflow
   hpux/lpd/cleanup_exec                                          2002-08-28       excellent  HP-UX LPD Command Execution
   irix/lpd/tagprinter_exec                                       2001-09-01       excellent  Irix LPD tagprinter Command Execution
   linux/browser/adobe_flashplayer_aslaunch                       2008-12-17       good       Adobe Flash Player ActionScript Launch Command Execution Vulnerability
   linux/ftp/proftp_sreplace                                      2006-11-26       great      ProFTPD 1.2 - 1.3.0 sreplace Buffer Overflow (Linux)
   linux/ftp/proftp_telnet_iac                                    2010-11-01       great      ProFTPD 1.3.2rc3 - 1.3.3b Telnet IAC Buffer Overflow (Linux)
   linux/games/ut2004_secure                                      2004-06-18       good       Unreal Tournament 2004 "secure" Overflow (Linux)
   linux/http/alcatel_omnipcx_mastercgi_exec                      2007-09-09       manual     Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise masterCGI Arbitrary Command Execution
   linux/http/ddwrt_cgibin_exec                                   2009-07-20       excellent  DD-WRT HTTP Daemon Arbitrary Command Execution
   linux/http/dolibarr_cmd_exec                                   2012-04-06       excellent  Dolibarr ERP & CRM 3 Post-Auth OS Command Injection
   linux/http/gpsd_format_string                                  2005-05-25       average    Berlios GPSD Format String Vulnerability
   linux/http/linksys_apply_cgi                                   2005-09-13       great      Linksys WRT54 Access Point apply.cgi Buffer Overflow
   linux/http/peercast_url                                        2006-03-08       average    PeerCast <= 0.1216 URL Handling Buffer Overflow (linux)
   linux/http/piranha_passwd_exec                                 2000-04-04       excellent  RedHat Piranha Virtual Server Package passwd.php3 Arbitrary Command Execution
   linux/http/symantec_web_gateway_exec                           2012-05-17       excellent  Symantec Web Gateway ipchange.php Command Injection
   linux/http/symantec_web_gateway_file_upload                    2012-05-17       excellent  Symantec Web Gateway Arbitrary PHP File Upload Vulnerability
   linux/http/symantec_web_gateway_lfi                            2012-05-17       excellent  Symantec Web Gateway relfile File Inclusion Vulnerability
   linux/http/vcms_upload                                         2011-11-27       excellent  V-CMS PHP File Upload and Execute
   linux/http/webcalendar_settings_exec                           2012-04-23       excellent  WebCalendar 1.2.4 Pre-Auth Remote Code Injection
   linux/http/webid_converter                                     2011-07-05       excellent  WeBid converter.php Remote PHP Code Injection
   linux/ids/snortbopre                                           2005-10-18       good       Snort Back Orifice Pre-Preprocessor Buffer Overflow
   linux/imap/imap_uw_lsub                                        2000-04-16       good       UoW IMAP server LSUB Buffer Overflow
   linux/madwifi/madwifi_giwscan_cb                               2006-12-08       average    Madwifi SIOCGIWSCAN Buffer Overflow
   linux/misc/accellion_fta_mpipe2                                2011-02-07       excellent  Accellion File Transfer Appliance MPIPE2 Command Execution
   linux/misc/drb_remote_codeexec                                 2011-03-23       excellent  Distributed Ruby Send instance_eval/syscall Code Execution
   linux/misc/gld_postfix                                         2005-04-12       good       GLD (Greylisting Daemon) Postfix Buffer Overflow
   linux/misc/hp_data_protector_cmd_exec                          2011-02-07       excellent  HP Data Protector 6.1 EXEC_CMD Remote Code Execution
   linux/misc/hplip_hpssd_exec                                    2007-10-04       excellent  HPLIP From Address Arbitrary Command Execution
   linux/misc/ib_inet_connect                                     2007-10-03       good       Borland InterBase INET_connect() Buffer Overflow
   linux/misc/ib_jrd8_create_database                             2007-10-03       good       Borland InterBase jrd8_create_database() Buffer Overflow
   linux/misc/ib_open_marker_file                                 2007-10-03       good       Borland InterBase open_marker_file() Buffer Overflow
   linux/misc/ib_pwd_db_aliased                                   2007-10-03       good       Borland InterBase PWD_db_aliased() Buffer Overflow
   linux/misc/lprng_format_string                                 2000-09-25       normal     LPRng use_syslog Remote Format String Vulnerability
   linux/misc/netsupport_manager_agent                            2011-01-08       average    NetSupport Manager Agent Remote Buffer Overflow
   linux/mysql/mysql_yassl_getname                                2010-01-25       good       MySQL yaSSL CertDecoder::GetName Buffer Overflow
   linux/mysql/mysql_yassl_hello                                  2008-01-04       good       MySQL yaSSL SSL Hello Message Buffer Overflow
   linux/pop3/cyrus_pop3d_popsubfolders                           2006-05-21       normal     Cyrus IMAPD pop3d popsubfolders USER Buffer Overflow
   linux/pptp/poptop_negative_read                                2003-04-09       great      Poptop Negative Read Overflow
   linux/proxy/squid_ntlm_authenticate                            2004-06-08       great      Squid NTLM Authenticate Overflow
   linux/samba/chain_reply                                        2010-06-16       good       Samba chain_reply Memory Corruption (Linux x86)
   linux/samba/lsa_transnames_heap                                2007-05-14       good       Samba lsa_io_trans_names Heap Overflow
   linux/samba/trans2open                                         2003-04-07       great      Samba trans2open Overflow (Linux x86)
   linux/ssh/f5_bigip_known_privkey                               2012-06-11       excellent  F5 BIG-IP SSH Private Key Exposure
   linux/telnet/telnet_encrypt_keyid                              2011-12-23       great      Linux BSD-derived Telnet Service Encryption Key ID Buffer Overflow
   multi/browser/firefox_escape_retval                            2009-07-13       normal     Firefox 3.5 escape() Return Value Memory Corruption
   multi/browser/firefox_queryinterface                           2006-02-02       normal     Firefox location.QueryInterface() Code Execution
   multi/browser/firefox_xpi_bootstrapped_addon                   2007-06-27       excellent  Mozilla Firefox Bootstrapped Addon Social Engineering Code Execution
   multi/browser/itms_overflow                                    2009-06-01       great      Apple OS X iTunes 8.1.1 ITMS Overflow
   multi/browser/java_atomicreferencearray                        2012-02-14       excellent  Java AtomicReferenceArray Type Violation Vulnerability
   multi/browser/java_calendar_deserialize                        2008-12-03       excellent  Sun Java Calendar Deserialization Privilege Escalation
   multi/browser/java_getsoundbank_bof                            2009-11-04       great      Sun Java JRE getSoundbank file:// URI Buffer Overflow
   multi/browser/java_rhino                                       2011-10-18       excellent  Java Applet Rhino Script Engine Remote Code Execution
   multi/browser/java_rmi_connection_impl                         2010-03-31       excellent  Java RMIConnectionImpl Deserialization Privilege Escalation
   multi/browser/java_setdifficm_bof                              2009-11-04       great      Sun Java JRE AWT setDiffICM Buffer Overflow
   multi/browser/java_signed_applet                               1997-02-19       excellent  Java Signed Applet Social Engineering Code Execution
   multi/browser/java_trusted_chain                               2010-03-31       excellent  Java Statement.invoke() Trusted Method Chain Privilege Escalation
   multi/browser/mozilla_compareto                                2005-07-13       normal     Mozilla Suite/Firefox InstallVersion->compareTo() Code Execution
   multi/browser/mozilla_navigatorjava                            2006-07-25       normal     Mozilla Suite/Firefox Navigator Object Code Execution
   multi/browser/opera_configoverwrite                            2007-03-05       excellent  Opera 9 Configuration Overwrite
   multi/browser/opera_historysearch                              2008-10-23       excellent  Opera historysearch XSS
   multi/browser/qtjava_pointer                                   2007-04-23       excellent  Apple QTJava toQTPointer() Arbitrary Memory Access
   multi/fileformat/adobe_u3d_meshcont                            2009-10-13       good       Adobe U3D CLODProgressiveMeshDeclaration Array Overrun
   multi/fileformat/maple_maplet                                  2010-04-26       excellent  Maple Maplet File Creation and Command Execution
   multi/fileformat/peazip_command_injection                      2009-06-05       excellent  PeaZip <= 2.6.1 Zip Processing Command Injection
   multi/ftp/wuftpd_site_exec_format                              2000-06-22       great      WU-FTPD SITE EXEC/INDEX Format String Vulnerability
   multi/handler                                                                   manual     Generic Payload Handler
   multi/http/activecollab_chat                                   2012-05-30       excellent  Active Collab "chat module" <= 2.3.8 Remote PHP Code Injection Exploit
   multi/http/apprain_upload_exec                                 2012-01-19       excellent  appRain CMF Arbitrary PHP File Upload Vulnerability
   multi/http/axis2_deployer                                      2010-12-30       excellent  Axis2 / SAP BusinessObjects Authenticated Code Execution (via SOAP)
   multi/http/familycms_less_exec                                 2011-11-29       excellent  Family Connections less.php Remote Command Execution
   multi/http/freenas_exec_raw                                    2010-11-06       great      FreeNAS exec_raw.php Arbitrary Command Execution
   multi/http/gitorious_graph                                     2012-01-19       excellent  Gitorious Arbitrary Command Execution
   multi/http/glassfish_deployer                                  2011-08-04       excellent  Sun/Oracle GlassFish Server Authenticated Code Execution
   multi/http/horde_href_backdoor                                 2012-02-13       excellent  Horde 3.3.12 Backdoor Arbitrary PHP Code Execution
   multi/http/jboss_bshdeployer                                   2010-04-26       excellent  JBoss JMX Console Beanshell Deployer WAR Upload and Deployment
   multi/http/jboss_deploymentfilerepository                      2010-04-26       excellent  JBoss Java Class DeploymentFileRepository WAR Deployment
   multi/http/jboss_maindeployer                                  2007-02-20       excellent  JBoss JMX Console Deployer Upload and Execute
   multi/http/lcms_php_exec                                       2011-03-03       excellent  LotusCMS 3.0 eval() Remote Command Execution
   multi/http/log1cms_ajax_create_folder                          2011-04-11       excellent  Log1 CMS writeInfo() PHP Code Injection
   multi/http/op5_license                                         2012-01-05       excellent  OP5 license.php Remote Command Execution
   multi/http/op5_welcome                                         2012-01-05       excellent  OP5 welcome Remote Command Execution
   multi/http/php_cgi_arg_injection                               2012-05-03       excellent  PHP CGI Argument Injection
   multi/http/php_volunteer_upload_exec                           2012-05-28       excellent  PHP Volunteer Management System v1.0.2 Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability
   multi/http/phpldapadmin_query_engine                           2011-10-24       excellent  phpLDAPadmin <= (query_engine) Remote PHP Code Injection
   multi/http/phpscheduleit_start_date                            2008-10-01       excellent  phpScheduleIt PHP reserve.php start_date Parameter Arbitrary Code Injection
   multi/http/plone_popen2                                        2011-10-04       excellent  Plone and Zope XMLTools Remote Command Execution
   multi/http/pmwiki_pagelist                                     2011-11-09       excellent  PmWiki <= 2.2.34 pagelist.php Remote PHP Code Injection Exploit
   multi/http/sit_file_upload                                     2011-11-10       excellent  Support Incident Tracker <= 3.65 Remote Command Execution
   multi/http/snortreport_exec                                    2011-09-19       excellent  Snortreport nmap.php/nbtscan.php Remote Command Execution
   multi/http/splunk_mappy_exec                                   2011-12-12       excellent  Splunk Search Remote Code Execution
   multi/http/spree_search_exec                                   2011-10-05       excellent  Spreecommerce 0.60.1 Arbitrary Command Execution
   multi/http/spree_searchlogic_exec                              2011-04-19       excellent  Spreecommerce < 0.50.0 Arbitrary Command Execution
   multi/http/struts_code_exec                                    2010-07-13       excellent  Apache Struts < 2.2.0 Remote Command Execution
   multi/http/struts_code_exec_exception_delegator                2012-01-06       excellent  Apache Struts <= Remote Command Execution
   multi/http/sun_jsws_dav_options                                2010-01-20       great      Sun Java System Web Server WebDAV OPTIONS Buffer Overflow
   multi/http/tomcat_mgr_deploy                                   2009-11-09       excellent  Apache Tomcat Manager Application Deployer Authenticated Code Execution
   multi/http/traq_plugin_exec                                    2011-12-12       excellent  Traq admincp/common.php Remote Code Execution
   multi/http/vbseo_proc_deutf                                    2012-01-23       excellent  vBSEO <= 3.6.0 proc_deutf() Remote PHP Code Injection
   multi/http/wikka_spam_exec                                     2011-11-30       excellent  WikkaWiki 1.3.2 Spam Logging PHP Injection
   multi/ids/snort_dce_rpc                                        2007-02-19       good       Snort 2 DCE/RPC preprocessor Buffer Overflow
   multi/misc/batik_svg_java                                      2012-05-11       excellent  Squiggle 1.7 SVG Browser Java Code Execution
   multi/misc/hp_vsa_exec                                         2011-11-11       excellent  HP StorageWorks P4000 Virtual SAN Appliance Command Execution
   multi/misc/java_rmi_server                                     2011-10-15       excellent  Java RMI Server Insecure Default Configuration Java Code Execution
   multi/misc/openview_omniback_exec                              2001-02-28       excellent  HP OpenView OmniBack II Command Execution
   multi/misc/veritas_netbackup_cmdexec                           2004-10-21       excellent  VERITAS NetBackup Remote Command Execution
   multi/misc/wireshark_lwres_getaddrbyname                       2010-01-27       great      Wireshark LWRES Dissector getaddrsbyname_request Buffer Overflow
   multi/misc/wireshark_lwres_getaddrbyname_loop                  2010-01-27       great      Wireshark LWRES Dissector getaddrsbyname_request Buffer Overflow (loop)
   multi/misc/zend_java_bridge                                    2011-03-28       great      Zend Server Java Bridge Arbitrary Java Code Execution
   multi/ntp/ntp_overflow                                         2001-04-04       good       NTP daemon readvar Buffer Overflow
   multi/php/php_unserialize_zval_cookie                          2007-03-04       average    PHP 4 unserialize() ZVAL Reference Counter Overflow (Cookie)
   multi/realserver/describe                                      2002-12-20       great      RealServer Describe Buffer Overflow
   multi/samba/nttrans                                            2003-04-07       average    Samba 2.2.2 - 2.2.6 nttrans Buffer Overflow
   multi/samba/usermap_script                                     2007-05-14       excellent  Samba "username map script" Command Execution
   multi/svn/svnserve_date                                        2004-05-19       average    Subversion Date Svnserve
   multi/wyse/hagent_untrusted_hsdata                             2009-07-10       excellent  Wyse Rapport Hagent Fake Hserver Command Execution
   netware/smb/lsass_cifs                                         2007-01-21       average    Novell NetWare LSASS CIFS.NLM Driver Stack Buffer Overflow
   netware/sunrpc/pkernel_callit                                  2009-09-30       good       NetWare 6.5 SunRPC Portmapper CALLIT Stack Buffer Overflow
   osx/afp/loginext                                               2004-05-03       average    AppleFileServer LoginExt PathName Overflow
   osx/arkeia/type77                                              2005-02-18       average    Arkeia Backup Client Type 77 Overflow (Mac OS X)
   osx/armle/safari_libtiff                                       2006-08-01       good       iPhone MobileSafari LibTIFF Buffer Overflow
   osx/browser/mozilla_mchannel                                   2011-05-10       normal     Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 mChannel Use-After-Free
   osx/browser/safari_file_policy                                 2011-10-12       normal     Apple Safari file:// Arbitrary Code Execution
   osx/browser/safari_libtiff                                     2006-08-01       good       iPhone MobileSafari LibTIFF Buffer Overflow
   osx/browser/safari_metadata_archive                            2006-02-21       excellent  Safari Archive Metadata Command Execution
   osx/browser/software_update                                    2007-12-17       excellent  Apple OS X Software Update Command Execution
   osx/email/mailapp_image_exec                                   2006-03-01       manual Image Attachment Command Execution
   osx/email/mobilemail_libtiff                                   2006-08-01       good       iPhone MobileMail LibTIFF Buffer Overflow
   osx/ftp/webstar_ftp_user                                       2004-07-13       average    WebSTAR FTP Server USER Overflow
   osx/http/evocam_webserver                                      2010-06-01       average    MacOS X EvoCam HTTP GET Buffer Overflow
   osx/mdns/upnp_location                                         2007-05-25       average    Mac OS X mDNSResponder UPnP Location Overflow
   osx/misc/ufo_ai                                                2009-10-28       average    UFO: Alien Invasion IRC Client Buffer Overflow
   osx/rtsp/quicktime_rtsp_content_type                           2007-11-23       average    MacOS X QuickTime RTSP Content-Type Overflow
   osx/samba/lsa_transnames_heap                                  2007-05-14       average    Samba lsa_io_trans_names Heap Overflow
   osx/samba/trans2open                                           2003-04-07       great      Samba trans2open Overflow (Mac OS X PPC)
   solaris/dtspcd/heap_noir                                       2002-07-10       great      Solaris dtspcd Heap Overflow
   solaris/lpd/sendmail_exec                                      2001-08-31       excellent  Solaris LPD Command Execution
   solaris/samba/lsa_transnames_heap                              2007-05-14       average    Samba lsa_io_trans_names Heap Overflow
   solaris/samba/trans2open                                       2003-04-07       great      Samba trans2open Overflow (Solaris SPARC)
   solaris/sunrpc/sadmind_adm_build_path                          2008-10-14       great      Sun Solaris sadmind adm_build_path() Buffer Overflow
   solaris/sunrpc/sadmind_exec                                    2003-09-13       excellent  Solaris sadmind Command Execution
   solaris/sunrpc/ypupdated_exec                                  1994-12-12       excellent  Solaris ypupdated Command Execution
   solaris/telnet/fuser                                           2007-02-12       excellent  Sun Solaris Telnet Remote Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
   solaris/telnet/ttyprompt                                       2002-01-18       excellent  Solaris in.telnetd TTYPROMPT Buffer Overflow
   unix/ftp/proftpd_133c_backdoor                                 2010-12-02       excellent  ProFTPD-1.3.3c Backdoor Command Execution
   unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor                                   2011-07-03       excellent  VSFTPD v2.3.4 Backdoor Command Execution
   unix/http/contentkeeperweb_mimencode                           2009-02-25       excellent  ContentKeeper Web Remote Command Execution
   unix/http/ctek_skyrouter                                       2011-09-08       average    CTEK SkyRouter 4200 and 4300 Command Execution
   unix/http/freepbx_callmenum                                    2012-03-20       manual     FreePBX 2.10.0 / 2.9.0 callmenum Remote Code Execution
   unix/http/lifesize_room                                        2011-07-13       excellent  LifeSize Room Command Injection
   unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor                             2010-06-12       excellent  UnrealIRCD Backdoor Command Execution
   unix/misc/distcc_exec                                          2002-02-01       excellent  DistCC Daemon Command Execution
   unix/misc/spamassassin_exec                                    2006-06-06       excellent  SpamAssassin spamd Remote Command Execution
   unix/misc/zabbix_agent_exec                                    2009-09-10       excellent  Zabbix Agent net.tcp.listen Command Injection
   unix/smtp/clamav_milter_blackhole                              2007-08-24       excellent  ClamAV Milter Blackhole-Mode Remote Code Execution
   unix/smtp/exim4_string_format                                  2010-12-07       excellent  Exim4 <= 4.69 string_format Function Heap Buffer Overflow
   unix/webapp/awstats_configdir_exec                             2005-01-15       excellent  AWStats configdir Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/awstats_migrate_exec                               2006-05-04       excellent  AWStats migrate Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/awstatstotals_multisort                            2008-08-26       excellent  AWStats Totals =< v1.14 multisort Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/barracuda_img_exec                                 2005-09-01       excellent  Barracuda IMG.PL Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/base_qry_common                                    2008-06-14       excellent  BASE base_qry_common Remote File Include
   unix/webapp/cacti_graphimage_exec                              2005-01-15       excellent  Cacti graph_view.php Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/cakephp_cache_corruption                           2010-11-15       excellent  CakePHP <= 1.3.5 / 1.2.8 Cache Corruption Code Execution
   unix/webapp/citrix_access_gateway_exec                         2010-12-21       excellent  Citrix Access Gateway Command Execution
   unix/webapp/coppermine_piceditor                               2008-01-30       excellent  Coppermine Photo Gallery <= 1.4.14 picEditor.php Command Execution
   unix/webapp/dogfood_spell_exec                                 2009-03-03       excellent  Dogfood CRM spell.php Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/generic_exec                                       1993-11-14       excellent  Generic Web Application Unix Command Execution
   unix/webapp/google_proxystylesheet_exec                        2005-08-16       excellent  Google Appliance ProxyStyleSheet Command Execution
   unix/webapp/guestbook_ssi_exec                                 1999-11-05       excellent  Matt Wright Arbitrary Command Execution
   unix/webapp/joomla_tinybrowser                                 2009-07-22       excellent  Joomla 1.5.12 TinyBrowser File Upload Code Execution
   unix/webapp/mambo_cache_lite                                   2008-06-14       excellent  Mambo Cache_Lite Class mosConfig_absolute_path Remote File Include
   unix/webapp/mitel_awc_exec                                     2010-12-12       excellent  Mitel Audio and Web Conferencing Command Injection
   unix/webapp/mybb_backdoor                                      2011-10-06       excellent  myBB 1.6.4 Backdoor Arbitrary Command Execution
   unix/webapp/nagios3_statuswml_ping                             2009-06-22       excellent  Nagios3 statuswml.cgi Ping Command Execution
   unix/webapp/openview_connectednodes_exec                       2005-08-25       excellent  HP Openview connectedNodes.ovpl Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/openx_banner_edit                                  2009-11-24       excellent  OpenX banner-edit.php File Upload PHP Code Execution
   unix/webapp/oracle_vm_agent_utl                                2010-10-12       excellent  Oracle VM Server Virtual Server Agent Command Injection
   unix/webapp/oscommerce_filemanager                             2009-08-31       excellent  osCommerce 2.2 Arbitrary PHP Code Execution
   unix/webapp/pajax_remote_exec                                  2006-03-30       excellent  PAJAX Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/php_eval                                           2008-10-13       manual     Generic PHP Code Evaluation
   unix/webapp/php_include                                        2006-12-17       normal     PHP Remote File Include Generic Code Execution
   unix/webapp/php_vbulletin_template                             2005-02-25       excellent  vBulletin misc.php Template Name Arbitrary Code Execution
   unix/webapp/php_wordpress_foxypress                            2012-06-05       excellent  WordPress plugin Foxypress uploadify.php Arbitrary Code Execution
   unix/webapp/php_wordpress_lastpost                             2005-08-09       excellent  WordPress cache_lastpostdate Arbitrary Code Execution
   unix/webapp/php_xmlrpc_eval                                    2005-06-29       excellent  PHP XML-RPC Arbitrary Code Execution
   unix/webapp/phpbb_highlight                                    2004-11-12       excellent  phpBB viewtopic.php Arbitrary Code Execution
   unix/webapp/phpmyadmin_config                                  2009-03-24       excellent  PhpMyAdmin Config File Code Injection
   unix/webapp/qtss_parse_xml_exec                                2003-02-24       excellent  QuickTime Streaming Server parse_xml.cgi Remote Execution
   unix/webapp/redmine_scm_exec                                   2010-12-19       excellent  Redmine SCM Repository Arbitrary Command Execution
   unix/webapp/sphpblog_file_upload                               2005-08-25       excellent  Simple PHP Blog <= 0.4.0 Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/squirrelmail_pgp_plugin                            2007-07-09       manual     SquirrelMail PGP Plugin command execution (SMTP)
   unix/webapp/tikiwiki_graph_formula_exec                        2007-10-10       excellent  TikiWiki tiki-graph_formula Remote PHP Code Execution
   unix/webapp/tikiwiki_jhot_exec                                 2006-09-02       excellent  TikiWiki jhot Remote Command Execution
   unix/webapp/trixbox_langchoice                                 2008-07-09       manual     Trixbox langChoice PHP Local File Inclusion
   unix/webapp/twiki_history                                      2005-09-14       excellent  TWiki History TWikiUsers rev Parameter Command Execution
   unix/webapp/twiki_search                                       2004-10-01       excellent  TWiki Search Function Arbitrary Command Execution
   windows/antivirus/ams_hndlrsvc                                 2010-07-26       excellent  Symantec System Center Alert Management System (hndlrsvc.exe) Arbitrary Command Execution
   windows/antivirus/ams_xfr                                      2009-04-28       excellent  Symantec System Center Alert Management System (xfr.exe) Arbitrary Command Execution
   windows/antivirus/symantec_iao                                 2009-04-28       good       Symantec Alert Management System Intel Alert Originator Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/antivirus/symantec_rtvscan                             2006-05-24       good       Symantec Remote Management Buffer Overflow
   windows/antivirus/trendmicro_serverprotect                     2007-02-20       good       Trend Micro ServerProtect 5.58 Buffer Overflow
   windows/antivirus/trendmicro_serverprotect_createbinding       2007-05-07       good       Trend Micro ServerProtect 5.58 CreateBinding() Buffer Overflow
   windows/antivirus/trendmicro_serverprotect_earthagent          2007-05-07       good       Trend Micro ServerProtect 5.58 EarthAgent.EXE Buffer Overflow
   windows/arkeia/type77                                          2005-02-18       good       Arkeia Backup Client Type 77 Overflow (Win32)
   windows/backdoor/energizer_duo_payload                         2010-03-05       excellent  Energizer DUO * Code Execution
   windows/backupexec/name_service                                2004-12-16       average    Veritas Backup Exec Name Service Overflow
   windows/backupexec/remote_agent                                2005-06-22       great      Veritas Backup Exec Windows Remote Agent Overflow
   windows/brightstor/ca_arcserve_342                             2008-10-09       average    Computer Associates ARCserve REPORTREMOTEEXECUTECML Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/discovery_tcp                               2005-02-14       average    CA BrightStor Discovery Service TCP Overflow
   windows/brightstor/discovery_udp                               2004-12-20       average    CA BrightStor Discovery Service Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/etrust_itm_alert                            2008-04-04       average    Computer Associates Alert Notification Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/hsmserver                                   2007-09-27       great      CA BrightStor HSM Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/lgserver                                    2007-01-31       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve for Laptops & Desktops LGServer Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/lgserver_multi                              2007-06-06       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve for Laptops & Desktops LGServer Multiple Commands Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/lgserver_rxrlogin                           2007-06-06       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve for Laptops & Desktops LGServer Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/lgserver_rxssetdatagrowthscheduleandfilter  2007-06-06       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve for Laptops & Desktops LGServer (rxsSetDataGrowthScheduleAndFilter) Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/lgserver_rxsuselicenseini                   2007-06-06       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve for Laptops & Desktops LGServer Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/license_gcr                                 2005-03-02       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve License Service GCR NETWORK Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/mediasrv_sunrpc                             2007-04-25       average    CA BrightStor ArcServe Media Service Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/message_engine                              2007-01-11       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve Message Engine Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/message_engine_72                           2010-10-04       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve Message Engine 0x72 Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/message_engine_heap                         2006-10-05       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve Message Engine Heap Overflow
   windows/brightstor/sql_agent                                   2005-08-02       average    CA BrightStor Agent for Microsoft SQL Overflow
   windows/brightstor/tape_engine                                 2006-11-21       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve Tape Engine Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/tape_engine_8A                              2010-10-04       average    CA BrightStor ARCserve Tape Engine 0x8A Buffer Overflow
   windows/brightstor/universal_agent                             2005-04-11       average    CA BrightStor Universal Agent Overflow
   windows/browser/adobe_cooltype_sing                            2010-09-07       great      Adobe CoolType SING Table "uniqueName" Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/adobe_flash_mp4_cprt                           2012-02-15       normal     Adobe Flash Player MP4 'cprt' Overflow
   windows/browser/adobe_flash_sps                                2011-08-09       normal     Adobe Flash Player MP4 SequenceParameterSetNALUnit Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/adobe_flashplayer_avm                          2011-03-15       good       Adobe Flash Player AVM Bytecode Verification Vulnerability
   windows/browser/adobe_flashplayer_flash10o                     2011-04-11       normal     Adobe Flash Player SWF Memory Corruption Vulnerability
   windows/browser/adobe_flashplayer_newfunction                  2010-06-04       normal     Adobe Flash Player "newfunction" Invalid Pointer Use
   windows/browser/adobe_flatedecode_predictor02                  2009-10-08       good       Adobe FlateDecode Stream Predictor 02 Integer Overflow
   windows/browser/adobe_geticon                                  2009-03-24       good       Adobe Collab.getIcon() Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/adobe_jbig2decode                              2009-02-19       good       Adobe JBIG2Decode Heap Corruption
   windows/browser/adobe_media_newplayer                          2009-12-14       good       Adobe Use After Free Vulnerability
   windows/browser/adobe_shockwave_rcsl_corruption                2010-10-21       normal     Adobe Shockwave rcsL Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/adobe_utilprintf                               2008-02-08       good       Adobe util.printf() Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/aim_goaway                                     2004-08-09       great      AOL Instant Messenger goaway Overflow
   windows/browser/amaya_bdo                                      2009-01-28       normal     Amaya Browser v11.0 'bdo' Tag Overflow
   windows/browser/aol_ampx_convertfile                           2009-05-19       normal     AOL Radio AmpX ActiveX Control ConvertFile() Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/aol_icq_downloadagent                          2006-11-06       excellent  America Online ICQ ActiveX Control Arbitrary File Download and Execute
   windows/browser/apple_itunes_playlist                          2005-01-11       normal     Apple ITunes 4.7 Playlist Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/apple_quicktime_marshaled_punk                 2010-08-30       great      Apple QuickTime 7.6.7 _Marshaled_pUnk Code Execution
   windows/browser/apple_quicktime_rtsp                           2007-01-01       normal     Apple QuickTime 7.1.3 RTSP URI Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/apple_quicktime_smil_debug                     2010-08-12       good       Apple QuickTime 7.6.6 Invalid SMIL URI Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ask_shortformat                                2007-09-24       normal Toolbar askBar.dll ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/asus_net4switch_ipswcom                        2012-02-17       normal     ASUS Net4Switch ipswcom.dll ActiveX Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/athocgov_completeinstallation                  2008-02-15       normal     AtHocGov IWSAlerts ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/autodesk_idrop                                 2009-04-02       normal     Autodesk IDrop ActiveX Control Heap Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/aventail_epi_activex                           2010-08-19       normal     SonicWALL Aventail epi.dll AuthCredential Format String
   windows/browser/awingsoft_web3d_bof                            2009-07-10       average    AwingSoft Winds3D Player SceneURL Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/awingsoft_winds3d_sceneurl                     2009-11-14       excellent  AwingSoft Winds3D Player 3.5 SceneURL Download and Execute
   windows/browser/baofeng_storm_onbeforevideodownload            2009-04-30       normal     BaoFeng Storm mps.dll ActiveX OnBeforeVideoDownload Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/barcode_ax49                                   2007-06-22       normal     RKD Software BarCodeAx.dll v4.9 ActiveX Remote Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/blackice_downloadimagefileurl                  2008-06-05       excellent  Black Ice Cover Page ActiveX Control Arbitrary File Download
   windows/browser/c6_messenger_downloaderactivex                 2008-06-03       excellent  Icona SpA C6 Messenger DownloaderActiveX Control Arbitrary File Download and Execute
   windows/browser/ca_brightstor_addcolumn                        2008-03-16       normal     CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup AddColumn() ActiveX Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/chilkat_crypt_writefile                        2008-11-03       excellent  Chilkat Crypt ActiveX WriteFile Unsafe Method
   windows/browser/cisco_anyconnect_exec                          2011-06-01       excellent  Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client ActiveX URL Property Download and Execute
   windows/browser/citrix_gateway_actx                            2011-07-14       normal     Citrix Gateway ActiveX Control Stack Based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
   windows/browser/communicrypt_mail_activex                      2010-05-19       great      CommuniCrypt Mail 1.16 SMTP ActiveX Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/creative_software_cachefolder                  2008-05-28       normal     Creative Software AutoUpdate Engine ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/dell_webcam_crazytalk                          2012-03-19       normal     Dell Webcam CrazyTalk ActiveX BackImage Vulnerability
   windows/browser/dxstudio_player_exec                           2009-06-09       excellent  Worldweaver DX Studio Player <= 3.0.29 shell.execute() Command Execution
   windows/browser/ea_checkrequirements                           2007-10-08       normal     Electronic Arts SnoopyCtrl ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ebook_flipviewer_fviewerloading                2007-06-06       normal     FlipViewer FViewerLoading ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/enjoysapgui_comp_download                      2009-04-15       excellent  EnjoySAP SAP GUI ActiveX Control Arbitrary File Download
   windows/browser/enjoysapgui_preparetoposthtml                  2007-07-05       normal     EnjoySAP SAP GUI ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/facebook_extractiptc                           2008-01-31       normal     Facebook Photo Uploader 4 ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/gom_openurl                                    2007-10-27       normal     GOM Player ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/greendam_url                                   2009-06-11       normal     Green Dam URL Processing Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/hp_easy_printer_care_xmlcachemgr               2012-01-11       great      HP Easy Printer Care XMLCacheMgr Class ActiveX Control Remote Code Execution
   windows/browser/hp_easy_printer_care_xmlsimpleaccessor         2011-08-16       great      HP Easy Printer Care XMLSimpleAccessor Class ActiveX Control Remote Code Execution
   windows/browser/hp_loadrunner_addfile                          2008-01-25       normal     Persits XUpload ActiveX AddFile Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/hp_loadrunner_addfolder                        2007-12-25       good       HP LoadRunner 9.0 ActiveX AddFolder Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/hpmqc_progcolor                                2007-04-04       normal     HP Mercury Quality Center ActiveX Control ProgColor Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/hyleos_chemviewx_activex                       2010-02-10       good       Hyleos ChemView ActiveX Control Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ibm_tivoli_pme_activex_bof                     2012-03-01       normal     IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Express for Software Distribution Isig.isigCtl.1 ActiveX RunAndUploadFile() Method Overflow
   windows/browser/ibmegath_getxmlvalue                           2009-03-24       normal     IBM Access Support ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ibmlotusdomino_dwa_uploadmodule                2007-12-20       normal     IBM Lotus Domino Web Access Upload Module Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ie_createobject                                2006-04-11       excellent  Internet Explorer COM CreateObject Code Execution
   windows/browser/ie_iscomponentinstalled                        2006-02-24       normal     Internet Explorer isComponentInstalled Overflow
   windows/browser/ie_unsafe_scripting                            2010-09-20       excellent  Internet Explorer Unsafe Scripting Misconfiguration
   windows/browser/imgeviewer_tifmergemultifiles                  2010-03-03       normal     Viscom Image Viewer CP Pro 8.0/Gold 6.0 ActiveX Control
   windows/browser/intrust_annotatex_add                          2012-03-28       average    Quest InTrust Annotation Objects Uninitialized Pointer
   windows/browser/java_basicservice_impl                         2010-10-12       excellent  Sun Java Web Start BasicServiceImpl Code Execution
   windows/browser/java_codebase_trust                            2011-02-15       excellent  Sun Java Applet2ClassLoader Remote Code Execution
   windows/browser/java_docbase_bof                               2010-10-12       great      Sun Java Runtime New Plugin docbase Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/java_mixer_sequencer                           2010-03-30       great      Java MixerSequencer Object GM_Song Structure Handling Vulnerability
   windows/browser/java_ws_arginject_altjvm                       2010-04-09       excellent  Sun Java Web Start Plugin Command Line Argument Injection
   windows/browser/java_ws_vmargs                                 2012-02-14       excellent  Sun Java Web Start Plugin Command Line Argument Injection
   windows/browser/juniper_sslvpn_ive_setupdll                    2006-04-26       normal     Juniper SSL-VPN IVE JuniperSetupDLL.dll ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/kazaa_altnet_heap                              2007-10-03       normal     Kazaa Altnet Download Manager ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/logitechvideocall_start                        2007-05-31       normal     Logitech VideoCall ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/lpviewer_url                                   2008-10-06       normal     iseemedia / Roxio / MGI Software LPViewer ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/macrovision_downloadandexecute                 2007-10-31       normal     Macrovision InstallShield Update Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/macrovision_unsafe                             2007-10-20       excellent  Macrovision InstallShield Update Service ActiveX Unsafe Method
   windows/browser/mcafee_mcsubmgr_vsprintf                       2006-08-01       normal     McAfee Subscription Manager Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/mcafee_mvt_exec                                2012-04-30       excellent  McAfee Virtual Technician MVTControl GetObject Vulnerability
   windows/browser/mcafeevisualtrace_tracetarget                  2007-07-07       normal     McAfee Visual Trace ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/mirc_irc_url                                   2003-10-13       normal     mIRC IRC URL Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/mozilla_attribchildremoved                     2011-12-06       average    Firefox 8/9 AttributeChildRemoved() Use-After-Free
   windows/browser/mozilla_interleaved_write                      2010-10-25       normal     Mozilla Firefox Interleaved document.write/appendChild Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/mozilla_mchannel                               2011-05-10       normal     Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16 mChannel Use-After-Free Vulnerability
   windows/browser/mozilla_nssvgvalue                             2011-12-06       average    Firefox 7/8 (<= 8.0.1) nsSVGValue Out-of-Bounds Access Vulnerability
   windows/browser/mozilla_nstreerange                            2011-02-02       normal     Mozilla Firefox "nsTreeRange" Dangling Pointer Vulnerability
   windows/browser/mozilla_reduceright                            2011-06-21       normal     Mozilla Firefox Array.reduceRight() Integer Overflow
   windows/browser/ms03_020_ie_objecttype                         2003-06-04       normal     MS03-020 Internet Explorer Object Type
   windows/browser/ms05_054_onload                                2005-11-21       normal     MS05-054 Microsoft Internet Explorer JavaScript OnLoad Handler Remote Code Execution
   windows/browser/ms06_001_wmf_setabortproc                      2005-12-27       great      Windows XP/2003/Vista Metafile Escape() SetAbortProc Code Execution
   windows/browser/ms06_013_createtextrange                       2006-03-19       normal     Internet Explorer createTextRange() Code Execution
   windows/browser/ms06_055_vml_method                            2006-09-19       normal     Internet Explorer VML Fill Method Code Execution
   windows/browser/ms06_057_webview_setslice                      2006-07-17       normal     Internet Explorer WebViewFolderIcon setSlice() Overflow
   windows/browser/ms06_067_keyframe                              2006-11-14       normal     Internet Explorer Daxctle.OCX KeyFrame Method Heap Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
   windows/browser/ms06_071_xml_core                              2006-10-10       normal     Internet Explorer XML Core Services HTTP Request Handling
   windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize               2007-03-28       great      Windows ANI LoadAniIcon() Chunk Size Stack Buffer Overflow (HTTP)
   windows/browser/ms08_041_snapshotviewer                        2008-07-07       excellent  Snapshot Viewer for Microsoft Access ActiveX Control Arbitrary File Download
   windows/browser/ms08_053_mediaencoder                          2008-09-09       normal     Windows Media Encoder 9 wmex.dll ActiveX Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ms08_070_visual_studio_msmask                  2008-08-13       normal     Microsoft Visual Studio Mdmask32.ocx ActiveX Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ms08_078_xml_corruption                        2008-12-07       normal     Internet Explorer Data Binding Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/ms09_002_memory_corruption                     2009-02-10       normal     Internet Explorer 7 CFunctionPointer Uninitialized Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/ms09_043_owc_htmlurl                           2009-08-11       normal     Microsoft OWC Spreadsheet HTMLURL Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ms09_043_owc_msdso                             2009-07-13       normal     Microsoft OWC Spreadsheet msDataSourceObject Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/ms09_072_style_object                          2009-11-20       normal     Internet Explorer Style getElementsByTagName Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/ms10_002_aurora                                2010-01-14       normal     Internet Explorer "Aurora" Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/ms10_002_ie_object                             2010-01-21       normal     MS10-002 Internet Explorer Object Memory Use-After-Free
   windows/browser/ms10_018_ie_behaviors                          2010-03-09       good       Internet Explorer DHTML Behaviors Use After Free
   windows/browser/ms10_018_ie_tabular_activex                    2010-03-09       good       Internet Explorer Tabular Data Control ActiveX Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/ms10_022_ie_vbscript_winhlp32                  2010-02-26       great      Internet Explorer Winhlp32.exe MsgBox Code Execution
   windows/browser/ms10_026_avi_nsamplespersec                    2010-04-13       normal     MS10-026 Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 Audio Stack Based Overflow
   windows/browser/ms10_042_helpctr_xss_cmd_exec                  2010-06-09       excellent  Microsoft Help Center XSS and Command Execution
   windows/browser/ms10_046_shortcut_icon_dllloader               2010-07-16       excellent  Microsoft Windows Shell LNK Code Execution
   windows/browser/ms10_090_ie_css_clip                           2010-11-03       good       Internet Explorer CSS SetUserClip Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/ms11_003_ie_css_import                         2010-11-29       good       Internet Explorer CSS Recursive Import Use After Free
   windows/browser/ms11_050_mshtml_cobjectelement                 2011-06-16       normal     MS11-050 IE mshtml!CObjectElement Use After Free
   windows/browser/ms11_093_ole32                                 2011-12-13       normal     MS11-093 Microsoft Windows OLE Object File Handling Remote Code Execution
   windows/browser/ms12_004_midi                                  2012-01-10       normal     MS12-004 midiOutPlayNextPolyEvent Heap Overflow
   windows/browser/ms12_037_same_id                               2012-06-12       normal     MS12-037 Internet Explorer Same ID Property Deleted Object Handling Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/msvidctl_mpeg2                                 2009-07-05       normal     Microsoft DirectShow (msvidctl.dll) MPEG-2 Memory Corruption
   windows/browser/mswhale_checkforupdates                        2009-04-15       normal     Microsoft Whale Intelligent Application Gateway ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/nctaudiofile2_setformatlikesample              2007-01-24       normal     NCTAudioFile2 v2.x ActiveX Control SetFormatLikeSample() Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/nis2004_antispam                               2004-03-19       normal     Norton AntiSpam 2004 SymSpamHelper ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/nis2004_get                                    2007-05-16       normal     Symantec Norton Internet Security 2004 ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/novelliprint_callbackurl                       2010-08-20       normal     Novell iPrint Client ActiveX Control call-back-url Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/novelliprint_datetime                          2009-12-08       great      Novell iPrint Client ActiveX Control Date/Time Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/novelliprint_executerequest                    2008-02-22       normal     Novell iPrint Client ActiveX Control ExecuteRequest Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/novelliprint_executerequest_dbg                2010-08-04       normal     Novell iPrint Client ActiveX Control ExecuteRequest debug Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/novelliprint_getdriversettings                 2008-06-16       normal     Novell iPrint Client ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/novelliprint_getdriversettings_2               2010-11-15       normal     Novell iPrint Client ActiveX Control <= 5.52 Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/novelliprint_target_frame                      2009-12-08       great      Novell iPrint Client ActiveX Control target-frame Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/oracle_dc_submittoexpress                      2009-08-28       normal     Oracle Document Capture 10g ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/orbit_connecting                               2009-02-03       normal     Orbit Downloader Connecting Log Creation Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/pcvue_func                                     2011-10-05       average    PcVue 10.0 SV.UIGrdCtrl.1 'LoadObject()/SaveObject()' Trusted DWORD Vulnerability
   windows/browser/persits_xupload_traversal                      2009-09-29       excellent  Persits XUpload ActiveX MakeHttpRequest Directory Traversal
   windows/browser/real_arcade_installerdlg                       2011-04-03       normal     Real Networks Arcade Games StubbyUtil.ProcessMgr ActiveX Arbitrary Code Execution
   windows/browser/realplayer_cdda_uri                            2010-11-15       normal     RealNetworks RealPlayer CDDA URI Initialization Vulnerability
   windows/browser/realplayer_console                             2008-03-08       normal     RealPlayer rmoc3260.dll ActiveX Control Heap Corruption
   windows/browser/realplayer_import                              2007-10-18       normal     RealPlayer ierpplug.dll ActiveX Control Playlist Name Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/realplayer_qcp                                 2011-08-16       average    RealNetworks Realplayer QCP Parsing Heap Overflow
   windows/browser/realplayer_smil                                2005-03-01       normal     RealNetworks RealPlayer SMIL Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/roxio_cineplayer                               2007-04-11       normal     Roxio CinePlayer ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/safari_xslt_output                             2011-07-20       excellent  Apple Safari Webkit libxslt Arbitrary File Creation
   windows/browser/samsung_neti_wiewer_backuptoavi_bof            2012-04-21       normal     Samsung NET-i Viewer Multiple ActiveX BackupToAvi() Remote Overflow
   windows/browser/sapgui_saveviewtosessionfile                   2009-03-31       normal     SAP AG SAPgui EAI WebViewer3D Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/softartisans_getdrivename                      2008-08-25       normal     SoftArtisans XFile FileManager ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/sonicwall_addrouteentry                        2007-11-01       normal     SonicWall SSL-VPN NetExtender ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/symantec_altirisdeployment_downloadandinstall  2009-09-09       excellent  Symantec Altiris Deployment Solution ActiveX Control Arbitrary File Download and Execute
   windows/browser/symantec_altirisdeployment_runcmd              2009-11-04       normal     Symantec Altiris Deployment Solution ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/symantec_appstream_unsafe                      2009-01-15       excellent  Symantec AppStream LaunchObj ActiveX Control Arbitrary File Download and Execute
   windows/browser/symantec_backupexec_pvcalendar                 2008-02-28       normal     Symantec BackupExec Calendar Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/symantec_consoleutilities_browseandsavefile    2009-11-02       normal     Symantec ConsoleUtilities ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/systemrequirementslab_unsafe                   2008-10-16       excellent  Husdawg, LLC. System Requirements Lab ActiveX Unsafe Method
   windows/browser/teechart_pro                                   2011-08-11       normal     TeeChart Professional ActiveX Control <= 2010.0.0.3 Trusted Integer Dereference
   windows/browser/tom_sawyer_tsgetx71ex552                       2011-05-03       normal     Tom Sawyer Software GET Extension Factory Remote Code Execution
   windows/browser/trendmicro_extsetowner                         2010-08-25       normal     Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010 ActiveX extSetOwner() Remote Code Execution
   windows/browser/trendmicro_officescan                          2007-02-12       normal     Trend Micro OfficeScan Client ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/tumbleweed_filetransfer                        2008-04-07       great      Tumbleweed FileTransfer vcst_eu.dll ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ultramjcam_openfiledig_bof                     2012-03-28       normal     TRENDnet SecurView Internet Camera UltraMJCam OpenFileDlg Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/ultraoffice_httpupload                         2008-08-27       good       Ultra Shareware Office Control ActiveX HttpUpload Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/verypdf_pdfview                                2008-06-16       normal     VeryPDF PDFView OCX ActiveX OpenPDF Heap Overflow
   windows/browser/viscom_movieplayer_drawtext                    2010-01-12       normal     Viscom Software Movie Player Pro SDK ActiveX 6.8
   windows/browser/vlc_amv                                        2011-03-23       good       VLC AMV Dangling Pointer Vulnerability
   windows/browser/vlc_mms_bof                                    2012-03-15       normal     VLC MMS Stream Handling Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/webdav_dll_hijacker                            2010-08-18       manual     WebDAV Application DLL Hijacker
   windows/browser/webex_ucf_newobject                            2008-08-06       good       WebEx UCF atucfobj.dll ActiveX NewObject Method Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/winamp_playlist_unc                            2006-01-29       great      Winamp Playlist UNC Path Computer Name Overflow
   windows/browser/winamp_ultravox                                2008-01-18       normal     Winamp Ultravox Streaming Metadata (in_mp3.dll) Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/windvd7_applicationtype                        2007-03-20       normal     WinDVD7 IASystemInfo.DLL ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/winzip_fileview                                2007-11-02       normal     WinZip FileView (WZFILEVIEW.FileViewCtrl.61) ActiveX Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/wmi_admintools                                 2010-12-21       great      Microsoft WMI Administration Tools ActiveX Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/xmplay_asx                                     2006-11-21       good       XMPlay (ASX Filename) Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/yahoomessenger_fvcom                           2007-08-30       normal     Yahoo! Messenger YVerInfo.dll ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/yahoomessenger_server                          2007-06-05       good       Yahoo! Messenger ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/browser/zenturiprogramchecker_unsafe                   2007-05-29       excellent  Zenturi ProgramChecker ActiveX Control Arbitrary File Download
   windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom                                   2003-07-16       great      Microsoft RPC DCOM Interface Overflow
   windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq                                   2005-04-12       good       Microsoft Message Queueing Service Path Overflow
   windows/dcerpc/ms07_029_msdns_zonename                         2007-04-12       great      Microsoft DNS RPC Service extractQuotedChar() Overflow (TCP)
   windows/dcerpc/ms07_065_msmq                                   2007-12-11       good       Microsoft Message Queueing Service DNS Name Path Overflow
   windows/driver/broadcom_wifi_ssid                              2006-11-11       low        Broadcom Wireless Driver Probe Response SSID Overflow
   windows/driver/dlink_wifi_rates                                2006-11-13       low        D-Link DWL-G132 Wireless Driver Beacon Rates Overflow
   windows/driver/netgear_wg111_beacon                            2006-11-16       low        NetGear WG111v2 Wireless Driver Long Beacon Overflow
   windows/email/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize                 2007-03-28       great      Windows ANI LoadAniIcon() Chunk Size Stack Buffer Overflow (SMTP)
   windows/email/ms10_045_outlook_ref_only                        2010-06-01       excellent  Outlook ATTACH_BY_REF_ONLY File Execution
   windows/email/ms10_045_outlook_ref_resolve                     2010-06-01       excellent  Outlook ATTACH_BY_REF_RESOLVE File Execution
   windows/emc/alphastor_agent                                    2008-05-27       great      EMC AlphaStor Agent Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/a-pdf_wav_to_mp3                            2010-08-17       normal     A-PDF WAV to MP3 v1.0.0 Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/acdsee_fotoslate_string                     2011-09-12       good       ACDSee FotoSlate PLP File id Parameter Overflow
   windows/fileformat/acdsee_xpm                                  2007-11-23       good       ACDSee XPM File Section Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/activepdf_webgrabber                        2008-08-26       low        activePDF WebGrabber ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/adobe_collectemailinfo                      2008-02-08       good       Adobe Collab.collectEmailInfo() Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/adobe_cooltype_sing                         2010-09-07       great      Adobe CoolType SING Table "uniqueName" Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/adobe_flashplayer_button                    2010-10-28       normal     Adobe Flash Player "Button" Remote Code Execution
   windows/fileformat/adobe_flashplayer_newfunction               2010-06-04       normal     Adobe Flash Player "newfunction" Invalid Pointer Use
   windows/fileformat/adobe_flatedecode_predictor02               2009-10-08       good       Adobe FlateDecode Stream Predictor 02 Integer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/adobe_geticon                               2009-03-24       good       Adobe Collab.getIcon() Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/adobe_illustrator_v14_eps                   2009-12-03       great      Adobe Illustrator CS4 v14.0.0
   windows/fileformat/adobe_jbig2decode                           2009-02-19       good       Adobe JBIG2Decode Memory Corruption
   windows/fileformat/adobe_libtiff                               2010-02-16       good       Adobe Acrobat Bundled LibTIFF Integer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/adobe_media_newplayer                       2009-12-14       good       Adobe Use After Free Vulnerability
   windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe                      2010-03-29       excellent  Adobe PDF Embedded EXE Social Engineering
   windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe_nojs                 2010-03-29       excellent  Adobe PDF Escape EXE Social Engineering (No JavaScript)
   windows/fileformat/adobe_reader_u3d                            2011-12-06       average    Adobe Reader U3D Memory Corruption Vulnerability
   windows/fileformat/adobe_u3d_meshdecl                          2009-10-13       good       Adobe U3D CLODProgressiveMeshDeclaration Array Overrun
   windows/fileformat/adobe_utilprintf                            2008-02-08       good       Adobe util.printf() Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/altap_salamander_pdb                        2007-06-19       good       Altap Salamander 2.5 PE Viewer Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/aol_desktop_linktag                         2011-01-31       normal     AOL Desktop 9.6 RTX Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/aol_phobos_bof                              2010-01-20       average    AOL 9.5 Phobos.Playlist Import() Stack-based Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/apple_quicktime_pnsize                      2011-08-08       good       Apple QuickTime PICT PnSize Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/audio_wkstn_pls                             2009-12-08       good       Audio Workstation pls Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/audiotran_pls                               2010-01-09       good       Audiotran 1.4.1 (PLS File) Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/aviosoft_plf_buf                            2011-11-09       good       Aviosoft Digital TV Player Professional 1.0 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/bacnet_csv                                  2010-09-16       good       BACnet OPC Client Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/blazedvd_plf                                2009-08-03       good       BlazeDVD 5.1 PLF Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/bsplayer_m3u                                2010-01-07       normal     BS.Player 2.57 Buffer Overflow (Unicode SEH)
   windows/fileformat/ca_cab                                      2007-06-05       good       CA Antivirus Engine CAB Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/cain_abel_4918_rdp                          2008-11-30       good       Cain & Abel <= v4.9.24 RDP Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ccmplayer_m3u_bof                           2011-11-30       good       CCMPlayer 1.5 m3u Playlist Stack Based Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/csound_getnum_bof                           2012-02-23       normal     Csound hetro File Handling Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/cyberlink_p2g_bof                           2011-09-12       great      CyberLink Power2Go name attribute (p2g) Stack Buffer Overflow Exploit
   windows/fileformat/cytel_studio_cy3                            2011-10-02       good       Cytel Studio 9.0 (CY3 File) Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/deepburner_path                             2006-12-19       great      AstonSoft DeepBurner (DBR File) Path Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/destinymediaplayer16                        2009-01-03       good       Destiny Media Player 1.61 PLS M3U Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/digital_music_pad_pls                       2010-09-17       normal     Digital Music Pad Version Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/djstudio_pls_bof                            2009-12-30       normal     DJ Studio Pro 5.1 .pls Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/djvu_imageurl                               2008-10-30       low        DjVu DjVu_ActiveX_MSOffice.dll ActiveX ComponentBuffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/dvdx_plf_bof                                2007-06-02       normal     DVD X Player 5.5 .plf PlayList Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/emc_appextender_keyworks                    2009-09-29       average    EMC ApplicationXtender (KeyWorks) ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/esignal_styletemplate_bof                   2011-09-06       normal     eSignal and eSignal Pro <= 10.6.2425.1208 file parsing buffer overflow in QUO
   windows/fileformat/etrust_pestscan                             2009-11-02       average    CA eTrust PestPatrol ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ezip_wizard_bof                             2009-03-09       good       eZip Wizard 3.0 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/fatplayer_wav                               2010-10-18       normal     Fat Player Media Player 0.6b0 Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/fdm_torrent                                 2009-02-02       good       Free Download Manager Torrent Parsing Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/feeddemon_opml                              2009-02-09       great      FeedDemon <= Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/foxit_reader_filewrite                      2011-03-05       normal     Foxit PDF Reader 4.2 Javascript File Write
   windows/fileformat/foxit_reader_launch                         2009-03-09       good       Foxit Reader 3.0 Open Execute Action Stack Based Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/foxit_title_bof                             2010-11-13       great      Foxit PDF Reader v4.1.1 Title Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/free_mp3_ripper_wav                         2011-08-27       great      Free MP3 CD Ripper 1.1 WAV File Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/galan_fileformat_bof                        2009-12-07       normal     gAlan 0.2.1 Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/gsm_sim                                     2010-07-07       normal     GSM SIM Editor 5.15 Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/gta_samp                                    2011-09-18       normal     GTA SA-MP server.cfg Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/hhw_hhp_compiledfile_bof                    2006-02-06       good       HTML Help Workshop 4.74 (hhp Project File) Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/hhw_hhp_contentfile_bof                     2006-02-06       good       HTML Help Workshop 4.74 (hhp Project File) Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/hhw_hhp_indexfile_bof                       2009-01-17       good       HTML Help Workshop 4.74 (hhp Project File) Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ht_mp3player_ht3_bof                        2009-06-29       good       HT-MP3Player 1.0 HT3 File Parsing Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ibm_pcm_ws                                  2012-02-28       great      IBM Personal Communications iSeries Access WorkStation 5.9 Profile
   windows/fileformat/ideal_migration_ipj                         2009-12-05       great      PointDev IDEAL Migration Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ispvm_xcf_ispxcf                            2012-05-16       normal     Lattice Semiconductor ispVM System XCF File Handling Overflow
   windows/fileformat/lotusnotes_lzh                              2011-05-24       good       Lotus Notes 8.0.x - 8.5.2 FP2 - Autonomy Keyview (.lzh Attachment)
   windows/fileformat/magix_musikmaker_16_mmm                     2011-04-26       good       Magix Musik Maker 16 .mmm Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/mcafee_hercules_deletesnapshot              2008-08-04       low        McAfee Remediation Client ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/mcafee_showreport_exec                      2012-01-12       normal     McAfee SaaS MyCioScan ShowReport Remote Command Execution
   windows/fileformat/mediajukebox                                2009-07-01       normal     Media Jukebox 8.0.400 Buffer Overflow (SEH)
   windows/fileformat/microp_mppl                                 2010-08-23       great      MicroP (MPPL File) Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/millenium_mp3_pls                           2009-07-30       great      Millenium MP3 Studio 2.0 (PLS File) Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/mini_stream_pls_bof                         2010-07-16       great      Mini-Stream RM-MP3 Converter v3.1.2.1 PLS File Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/mjm_coreplayer2011_s3m                      2011-04-30       good       MJM Core Player 2011 .s3m Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/mjm_quickplayer_s3m                         2011-04-30       good       MJM QuickPlayer 1.00 beta 60a / QuickPlayer 2010 .s3m Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/moxa_mediadbplayback                        2010-10-19       average    MOXA MediaDBPlayback ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/mplayer_sami_bof                            2011-05-19       normal     MPlayer SAMI Subtitle File Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ms09_067_excel_featheader                   2009-11-10       good       Microsoft Excel Malformed FEATHEADER Record Vulnerability
   windows/fileformat/ms10_004_textbytesatom                      2010-02-09       good       Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer TextBytesAtom Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ms10_038_excel_obj_bof                      2010-06-08       normal     MS11-038 Microsoft Office Excel Malformed OBJ Record Handling Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ms10_087_rtf_pfragments_bof                 2010-11-09       great      Microsoft Word RTF pFragments Stack Buffer Overflow (File Format)
   windows/fileformat/ms11_006_createsizeddibsection              2010-12-15       great      Microsoft Windows CreateSizedDIBSECTION Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ms11_021_xlb_bof                            2011-08-09       normal     MS11-021 Microsoft Office 2007 Excel .xlb Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ms12_005                                    2012-01-10       excellent  MS12-005 Microsoft Office ClickOnce Unsafe Object Package Handling Vulnerability
   windows/fileformat/ms12_027_mscomctl_bof                       2012-04-10       average    MS12-027 MSCOMCTL ActiveX Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ms_visual_basic_vbp                         2007-09-04       good       Microsoft Visual Basic VBP Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/msworks_wkspictureinterface                 2008-11-28       low        Microsoft Works 7 WkImgSrv.dll WKsPictureInterface() ActiveX Code Execution
   windows/fileformat/mymp3player_m3u                             2010-03-18       good       Steinberg MyMP3Player 3.0 Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/netop                                       2011-04-28       normal     NetOp Remote Control Client 9.5 Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/nuance_pdf_launch_overflow                  2010-10-08       great      Nuance PDF Reader v6.0 Launch Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/openoffice_ole                              2008-04-17       normal     OpenOffice OLE Importer DocumentSummaryInformation Stream Handling Overflow
   windows/fileformat/orbit_download_failed_bof                   2008-04-03       normal     Orbit Downloader URL Unicode Conversion Overflow
   windows/fileformat/orbital_viewer_orb                          2010-02-27       great      Orbital Viewer ORB File Parsing Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/proshow_cellimage_bof                       2009-08-20       great      ProShow Gold v4.0.2549 (PSH File) Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/real_networks_netzip_bof                    2011-01-30       good       Real Networks Netzip Classic 7.5.1 86 File Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
   windows/fileformat/safenet_softremote_groupname                2009-10-30       good       SafeNet SoftRemote GROUPNAME Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/sascam_get                                  2008-12-29       low        SasCam Webcam Server v.2.6.5 Get() method Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/scadaphone_zip                              2011-09-12       good       ScadaTEC ScadaPhone <= v5.3.11.1230 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/shadow_stream_recorder_bof                  2010-03-29       normal     Shadow Stream Recorder Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/somplplayer_m3u                             2010-01-22       great      S.O.M.P.L 1.0 Player Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/subtitle_processor_m3u_bof                  2011-04-26       normal     Subtitle Processor 7.7.1 .M3U SEH Unicode Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/tugzip                                      2008-10-28       good       TugZip 3.5 Zip File Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
   windows/fileformat/ultraiso_ccd                                2009-04-03       great      UltraISO CCD File Parsing Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ultraiso_cue                                2007-05-24       great      UltraISO CUE File Parsing Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/ursoft_w32dasm                              2005-01-24       good       URSoft W32Dasm Disassembler Function Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/varicad_dwb                                 2010-03-17       great      VariCAD 2010-2.05 EN (DWB File) Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/videolan_tivo                               2008-10-22       good       VideoLAN VLC TiVo Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/videospirit_visprj                          2011-04-11       good       VeryTools Video Spirit Pro <= 1.70
   windows/fileformat/visio_dxf_bof                               2010-05-04       good       Microsoft Office Visio VISIODWG.DLL DXF File Handling Vulnerability
   windows/fileformat/visiwave_vwr_type                           2011-05-20       great      VisiWave VWR File Parsing Vulnerability
   windows/fileformat/vlc_modplug_s3m                             2011-04-07       average    VideoLAN VLC ModPlug ReadS3M Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/vlc_realtext                                2008-11-05       good       VLC Media Player RealText Subtitle Overflow
   windows/fileformat/vlc_smb_uri                                 2009-06-24       great      VideoLAN Client (VLC) Win32 smb:// URI Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/vlc_webm                                    2011-01-31       good       VideoLAN VLC MKV Memory Corruption
   windows/fileformat/vuplayer_cue                                2009-08-18       good       VUPlayer CUE Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/vuplayer_m3u                                2009-08-18       good       VUPlayer M3U Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/wireshark_packet_dect                       2011-04-18       good       Wireshark <= 1.4.4 packet-dect.c Stack Buffer Overflow (local)
   windows/fileformat/wm_downloader_m3u                           2010-07-28       normal     WM Downloader Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/xenorate_xpl_bof                            2009-08-19       great      Xenorate 2.50 (.xpl) universal Local Buffer Overflow (SEH)
   windows/fileformat/xion_m3u_sehbof                             2010-11-23       great      Xion Audio Player 1.0.126 Unicode Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/xradio_xrl_sehbof                           2011-02-08       normal     xRadio 0.95b Buffer Overflow
   windows/fileformat/zinfaudioplayer221_pls                      2004-09-24       good       Zinf Audio Player 2.2.1 (PLS File) Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/firewall/blackice_pam_icq                              2004-03-18       great      ISS PAM.dll ICQ Parser Buffer Overflow
   windows/firewall/kerio_auth                                    2003-04-28       average    Kerio Firewall 2.1.4 Authentication Packet Overflow
   windows/ftp/32bitftp_list_reply                                2010-10-12       good       32bit FTP Client Stack Buffer Overflow 
   windows/ftp/3cdaemon_ftp_user                                  2005-01-04       average    3Com 3CDaemon 2.0 FTP Username Overflow
   windows/ftp/aasync_list_reply                                  2010-10-12       good       AASync v2.2.1.0 (Win32) Stack Buffer Overflow (LIST)
   windows/ftp/ability_server_stor                                2004-10-22       normal     Ability Server 2.34 STOR Command Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/absolute_ftp_list_bof                              2011-11-09       normal     AbsoluteFTP 1.9.6 - 2.2.10 LIST Command Remote Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/cesarftp_mkd                                       2006-06-12       average    Cesar FTP 0.99g MKD Command Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/dreamftp_format                                    2004-03-03       good       BolinTech Dream FTP Server 1.02 Format String
   windows/ftp/easyfilesharing_pass                               2006-07-31       average    Easy File Sharing FTP Server 2.0 PASS Overflow
   windows/ftp/easyftp_cwd_fixret                                 2010-02-16       great      EasyFTP Server <= CWD Command Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/easyftp_list_fixret                                2010-07-05       great      EasyFTP Server <= LIST Command Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/easyftp_mkd_fixret                                 2010-04-04       great      EasyFTP Server <= MKD Command Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/filecopa_list_overflow                             2006-07-19       average    FileCopa FTP Server pre 18 Jul Version
   windows/ftp/filewrangler_list_reply                            2010-10-12       good       FileWrangler 5.30 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/freeftpd_user                                      2005-11-16       average    freeFTPd 1.0 Username Overflow
   windows/ftp/ftpgetter_pwd_reply                                2010-10-12       good       FTPGetter Standard v3.55.0.05 Stack Buffer Overflow (PWD)
   windows/ftp/ftppad_list_reply                                  2010-10-12       good       FTPPad 1.2.0 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/ftpshell51_pwd_reply                               2010-10-12       good       FTPShell 5.1 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/ftpsynch_list_reply                                2010-10-12       good       FTP Synchronizer Professional Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/gekkomgr_list_reply                                2010-10-12       good       Gekko Manager FTP Client Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/globalscapeftp_input                               2005-05-01       great      GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server Input Overflow
   windows/ftp/goldenftp_pass_bof                                 2011-01-23       average    GoldenFTP PASS Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/httpdx_tolog_format                                2009-11-17       great      HTTPDX tolog() Function Format String Vulnerability
   windows/ftp/leapftp_list_reply                                 2010-10-12       good       LeapFTP 3.0.1 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/leapftp_pasv_reply                                 2003-06-09       normal     LeapWare LeapFTP v2.7.3.600 PASV Reply Client Overflow
   windows/ftp/ms09_053_ftpd_nlst                                 2009-08-31       great      Microsoft IIS FTP Server NLST Response Overflow
   windows/ftp/netterm_netftpd_user                               2005-04-26       great      NetTerm NetFTPD USER Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/odin_list_reply                                    2010-10-12       good       Odin Secure FTP 4.1 Stack Buffer Overflow (LIST)
   windows/ftp/oracle9i_xdb_ftp_pass                              2003-08-18       great      Oracle 9i XDB FTP PASS Overflow (win32)
   windows/ftp/oracle9i_xdb_ftp_unlock                            2003-08-18       great      Oracle 9i XDB FTP UNLOCK Overflow (win32)
   windows/ftp/proftp_banner                                      2009-08-25       normal     ProFTP 2.9 Banner Remote Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/quickshare_traversal_write                         2011-02-03       excellent  QuickShare File Server 1.2.1 Directory Traversal Vulnerability
   windows/ftp/ricoh_dl_bof                                       2012-03-01       normal     Ricoh DC DL-10 SR10 FTP USER Command Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/sami_ftpd_user                                     2006-01-24       normal     KarjaSoft Sami FTP Server v2.02 USER Overflow
   windows/ftp/sasser_ftpd_port                                   2004-05-10       average    Sasser Worm avserve FTP PORT Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/scriptftp_list                                     2011-10-12       good       ScriptFTP <= 3.3 Remote Buffer Overflow (LIST)
   windows/ftp/seagull_list_reply                                 2010-10-12       good       Seagull FTP v3.3 build 409 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/servu_chmod                                        2004-12-31       normal     Serv-U FTP Server < 4.2 Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/servu_mdtm                                         2004-02-26       good       Serv-U FTPD MDTM Overflow
   windows/ftp/slimftpd_list_concat                               2005-07-21       great      SlimFTPd LIST Concatenation Overflow
   windows/ftp/trellian_client_pasv                               2010-04-11       normal     Trellian FTP Client 3.01 PASV Remote Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/vermillion_ftpd_port                               2009-09-23       great      Vermillion FTP Daemon PORT Command Memory Corruption
   windows/ftp/warftpd_165_pass                                   1998-03-19       average    War-FTPD 1.65 Password Overflow
   windows/ftp/warftpd_165_user                                   1998-03-19       average    War-FTPD 1.65 Username Overflow
   windows/ftp/wftpd_size                                         2006-08-23       average    Texas Imperial Software WFTPD 3.23 SIZE Overflow
   windows/ftp/wsftp_server_503_mkd                               2004-11-29       great      WS-FTP Server 5.03 MKD Overflow
   windows/ftp/wsftp_server_505_xmd5                              2006-09-14       average    Ipswitch WS_FTP Server 5.05 XMD5 Overflow
   windows/ftp/xftp_client_pwd                                    2010-04-22       normal     Xftp FTP Client 3.0 PWD Remote Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/xlink_client                                       2009-10-03       normal     Xlink FTP Client Buffer Overflow
   windows/ftp/xlink_server                                       2009-10-03       good       Xlink FTP Server Buffer Overflow
   windows/games/mohaa_getinfo                                    2004-07-17       great      Medal Of Honor Allied Assault getinfo Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/games/racer_503beta5                                   2008-08-10       great      Racer v0.5.3 beta 5 Buffer Overflow
   windows/games/ut2004_secure                                    2004-06-18       good       Unreal Tournament 2004 "secure" Overflow (Win32)
   windows/http/adobe_robohelper_authbypass                       2009-09-23       excellent  Adobe RoboHelp Server 8 Arbitrary File Upload and Execute
   windows/http/altn_securitygateway                              2008-06-02       average    Alt-N SecurityGateway username Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/altn_webadmin                                     2003-06-24       average    Alt-N WebAdmin USER Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/amlibweb_webquerydll_app                          2010-08-03       normal     Amlibweb NetOpacs webquery.dll Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/apache_chunked                                    2002-06-19       good       Apache Win32 Chunked Encoding
   windows/http/apache_mod_rewrite_ldap                           2006-07-28       great      Apache module mod_rewrite LDAP protocol Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/apache_modjk_overflow                             2007-03-02       great      Apache mod_jk 1.2.20 Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/badblue_ext_overflow                              2003-04-20       great      BadBlue 2.5 EXT.dll Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/badblue_passthru                                  2007-12-10       great      BadBlue 2.72b PassThru Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/bea_weblogic_jsessionid                           2009-01-13       good       BEA WebLogic JSESSIONID Cookie Value Overflow
   windows/http/bea_weblogic_post_bof                             2008-07-17       great      Oracle Weblogic Apache Connector POST Request Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/bea_weblogic_transfer_encoding                    2008-09-09       great      BEA Weblogic Transfer-Encoding Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/belkin_bulldog                                    2009-03-08       average    Belkin Bulldog Plus Web Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/ca_arcserve_rpc_authbypass                        2011-07-25       excellent  CA Arcserve D2D GWT RPC Credential Information Disclosure
   windows/http/ca_igateway_debug                                 2005-10-06       average    CA iTechnology iGateway Debug Mode Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/ca_totaldefense_regeneratereports                 2011-04-13       excellent  CA Total Defense Suite reGenerateReports Stored Procedure SQL Injection
   windows/http/coldfusion_fckeditor                              2009-07-03       excellent  ColdFusion 8.0.1 Arbitrary File Upload and Execute
   windows/http/easyftp_list                                      2010-02-18       great      EasyFTP Server <= list.html path Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/edirectory_host                                   2006-10-21       great      Novell eDirectory NDS Server Host Header Overflow
   windows/http/edirectory_imonitor                               2005-08-11       great      eDirectory 8.7.3 iMonitor Remote Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/efs_easychatserver_username                       2007-08-14       great      EFS Easy Chat Server Authentication Request Handling Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/fdm_auth_header                                   2009-02-02       great      Free Download Manager Remote Control Server Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_getnnmdata_hostname                        2010-05-11       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager getnnmdata.exe (Hostname) CGI Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_getnnmdata_icount                          2010-05-11       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager getnnmdata.exe (ICount) CGI Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_getnnmdata_maxage                          2010-05-11       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager getnnmdata.exe (MaxAge) CGI Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_nnmrptconfig_nameparams                    2011-01-10       normal     HP OpenView NNM nnmRptConfig nameParams Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_nnmrptconfig_schdparams                    2011-01-10       normal     HP OpenView NNM nnmRptConfig.exe schdParams Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_openview5                                  2007-12-06       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager OpenView5.exe CGI Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_ovalarm_lang                               2009-12-09       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovalarm.exe CGI Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_ovas                                       2008-04-02       good       HP OpenView NNM 7.53, 7.51 OVAS.EXE Pre-Authentication Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_ovbuildpath_textfile                       2011-11-01       normal     HP OpenView Network Node Manager ov.dll _OVBuildPath Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_ovwebhelp                                  2009-12-09       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager OvWebHelp.exe CGI Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_ovwebsnmpsrv_main                          2010-06-16       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovwebsnmpsrv.exe main Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_ovwebsnmpsrv_ovutil                        2010-06-16       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovwebsnmpsrv.exe ovutil Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_ovwebsnmpsrv_uro                           2010-06-08       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovwebsnmpsrv.exe Unrecognized Option Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_snmp                                       2009-12-09       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager Snmp.exe CGI Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_snmpviewer_actapp                          2010-05-11       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager snmpviewer.exe Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_toolbar_01                                 2009-01-07       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager Toolbar.exe CGI Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_toolbar_02                                 2009-01-21       normal     HP OpenView Network Node Manager Toolbar.exe CGI Cookie Handling Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_webappmon_execvp                           2010-07-20       great      HP OpenView Network Node Manager execvp_nc Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_nnm_webappmon_ovjavalocale                     2010-08-03       great      HP NNM CGI webappmon.exe OvJavaLocale Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_openview_insight_backdoor                      2011-01-31       excellent  HP OpenView Performance Insight Server Backdoor Account Code Execution
   windows/http/hp_power_manager_filename                         2011-10-19       normal     HP Power Manager 'formExportDataLogs' Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/hp_power_manager_login                            2009-11-04       average    Hewlett-Packard Power Manager Administration Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/httpdx_handlepeer                                 2009-10-08       great      HTTPDX h_handlepeer() Function Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/httpdx_tolog_format                               2009-11-17       great      HTTPDX tolog() Function Format String Vulnerability
   windows/http/ia_webmail                                        2003-11-03       average    IA WebMail 3.x Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/ibm_tivoli_endpoint_bof                           2011-05-31       good       IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager POST Query Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/ibm_tpmfosd_overflow                              2007-05-02       good       IBM TPM for OS Deployment 5.1.0.x rembo.exe Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/ibm_tsm_cad_header                                2007-09-24       good       IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Express CAD Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/icecast_header                                    2004-09-28       great      Icecast (<= 2.0.1) Header Overwrite (win32)
   windows/http/integard_password_bof                             2010-09-07       great      Race River Integard Home/Pro LoginAdmin Password Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/intersystems_cache                                2009-09-29       great      InterSystems Cache UtilConfigHome.csp Argument Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/ipswitch_wug_maincfgret                           2004-08-25       great      Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold 8.03 Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/kolibri_http                                      2010-12-26       good       Kolibri <= v2.0 HTTP Server HEAD Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/landesk_thinkmanagement_upload_asp                2012-02-15       excellent  LANDesk Lenovo ThinkManagement Console Remote Command Execution
   windows/http/mailenable_auth_header                            2005-04-24       great      MailEnable Authorization Header Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/manageengine_apps_mngr                            2011-04-08       average    ManageEngine Applications Manager Authenticated Code Execution
   windows/http/maxdb_webdbm_database                             2006-08-29       good       MaxDB WebDBM Database Parameter Overflow
   windows/http/maxdb_webdbm_get_overflow                         2005-04-26       good       MaxDB WebDBM GET Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/mcafee_epolicy_source                             2006-07-17       average    McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator / ProtectionPilot Overflow
   windows/http/mdaemon_worldclient_form2raw                      2003-12-29       great      MDaemon <= 6.8.5 WorldClient form2raw.cgi Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/minishare_get_overflow                            2004-11-07       average    Minishare 1.4.1 Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/navicopa_get_overflow                             2006-09-28       great      NaviCOPA 2.0.1 URL Handling Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/netdecision_http_bof                              2012-02-24       normal     NetDecision 4.5.1 HTTP Server Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/novell_imanager_upload                            2010-10-01       excellent  Novell iManager getMultiPartParameters Arbitrary File Upload
   windows/http/novell_messenger_acceptlang                       2006-04-13       average    Novell Messenger Server 2.0 Accept-Language Overflow
   windows/http/nowsms                                            2008-02-19       good       Now SMS/MMS Gateway Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/oracle9i_xdb_pass                                 2003-08-18       great      Oracle 9i XDB HTTP PASS Overflow (win32)
   windows/http/osb_uname_jlist                                   2010-07-13       excellent  Oracle Secure Backup Authentication Bypass/Command Injection Vulnerability
   windows/http/peercast_url                                      2006-03-08       average    PeerCast <= 0.1216 URL Handling Buffer Overflow (win32)
   windows/http/privatewire_gateway                               2006-06-26       average    Private Wire Gateway Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/psoproxy91_overflow                               2004-02-20       average    PSO Proxy v0.91 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/rabidhamster_r4_log                               2012-02-09       normal     RabidHamster R4 Log Entry sprintf() Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/sambar6_search_results                            2003-06-21       normal     Sambar 6 Search Results Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/sap_mgmt_con_osexec_payload                       2011-03-08       excellent  SAP Management Console OSExecute Payload Execution
   windows/http/sapdb_webtools                                    2007-07-05       great      SAP DB 7.4 WebTools Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/savant_31_overflow                                2002-09-10       great      Savant 3.1 Web Server Overflow
   windows/http/servu_session_cookie                              2009-11-01       good       Rhinosoft Serv-U Session Cookie Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/shoutcast_format                                  2004-12-23       average    SHOUTcast DNAS/win32 1.9.4 File Request Format String Overflow
   windows/http/shttpd_post                                       2006-10-06       average    SHTTPD <= 1.34 URI-Encoded POST Request Overflow (win32)
   windows/http/solarwinds_storage_manager_sql                    2011-12-07       excellent  Solarwinds Storage Manager 5.1.0 SQL Injection
   windows/http/steamcast_useragent                               2008-01-24       average    Streamcast <= 0.9.75 HTTP User-Agent Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/sybase_easerver                                   2005-07-25       average    Sybase EAServer 5.2 Remote Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/trackercam_phparg_overflow                        2005-02-18       average    TrackerCam PHP Argument Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/trendmicro_officescan                             2007-06-28       good       Trend Micro OfficeScan Remote Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/webster_http                                      2002-12-02       average    Webster HTTP Server GET Buffer Overflow
   windows/http/xampp_webdav_upload_php                           2012-01-14       excellent  XAMPP WebDAV PHP Upload
   windows/http/xitami_if_mod_since                               2007-09-24       average    Xitami 2.5c2 Web Server If-Modified-Since Overflow
   windows/http/zenworks_uploadservlet                            2010-03-30       excellent  Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Remote Execution
   windows/iis/iis_webdav_upload_asp                              1994-01-01       excellent  Microsoft IIS WebDAV Write Access Code Execution
   windows/iis/ms01_023_printer                                   2001-05-01       good       Microsoft IIS 5.0 Printer Host Header Overflow
   windows/iis/ms01_026_dbldecode                                 2001-05-15       excellent  Microsoft IIS/PWS CGI Filename Double Decode Command Execution
   windows/iis/ms01_033_idq                                       2001-06-18       good       Microsoft IIS 5.0 IDQ Path Overflow
   windows/iis/ms02_018_htr                                       2002-04-10       good       Microsoft IIS 4.0 .HTR Path Overflow
   windows/iis/ms02_065_msadc                                     2002-11-20       normal     Microsoft IIS MDAC msadcs.dll RDS DataStub Content-Type Overflow
   windows/iis/ms03_007_ntdll_webdav                              2003-05-30       great      Microsoft IIS 5.0 WebDAV ntdll.dll Path Overflow
   windows/iis/msadc                                              1998-07-17       excellent  Microsoft IIS MDAC msadcs.dll RDS Arbitrary Remote Command Execution
   windows/imap/eudora_list                                       2005-12-20       great      Qualcomm WorldMail 3.0 IMAPD LIST Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/imail_delete                                      2004-11-12       average    IMail IMAP4D Delete Overflow
   windows/imap/ipswitch_search                                   2007-07-18       average    Ipswitch IMail IMAP SEARCH Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/mailenable_login                                  2006-12-11       great      MailEnable IMAPD (2.34/2.35) Login Request Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/mailenable_status                                 2005-07-13       great      MailEnable IMAPD (1.54) STATUS Request Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/mailenable_w3c_select                             2005-10-03       great      MailEnable IMAPD W3C Logging Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/mdaemon_cram_md5                                  2004-11-12       great      Mdaemon 8.0.3 IMAPD CRAM-MD5 Authentication Overflow
   windows/imap/mdaemon_fetch                                     2008-03-13       great      MDaemon 9.6.4 IMAPD FETCH Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/mercur_imap_select_overflow                       2006-03-17       average    Mercur v5.0 IMAP SP3 SELECT Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/mercur_login                                      2006-03-17       average    Mercur Messaging 2005 IMAP Login Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/mercury_login                                     2007-03-06       average    Mercury/32 <= 4.01b LOGIN Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/mercury_rename                                    2004-11-29       average    Mercury/32 v4.01a IMAP RENAME Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/novell_netmail_append                             2006-12-23       average    Novell NetMail <= 3.52d IMAP APPEND Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/novell_netmail_auth                               2007-01-07       average    Novell NetMail <=3.52d IMAP AUTHENTICATE Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/novell_netmail_status                             2005-11-18       average    Novell NetMail <= 3.52d IMAP STATUS Buffer Overflow
   windows/imap/novell_netmail_subscribe                          2006-12-23       average    Novell NetMail <= 3.52d IMAP SUBSCRIBE Buffer Overflow
   windows/isapi/ms00_094_pbserver                                2000-12-04       good       Microsoft IIS Phone Book Service Overflow
   windows/isapi/ms03_022_nsiislog_post                           2003-06-25       good       Microsoft IIS ISAPI nsiislog.dll ISAPI POST Overflow
   windows/isapi/ms03_051_fp30reg_chunked                         2003-11-11       good       Microsoft IIS ISAPI FrontPage fp30reg.dll Chunked Overflow
   windows/isapi/rsa_webagent_redirect                            2005-10-21       good       Microsoft IIS ISAPI RSA WebAgent Redirect Overflow
   windows/isapi/w3who_query                                      2004-12-06       good       Microsoft IIS ISAPI w3who.dll Query String Overflow
   windows/ldap/imail_thc                                         2004-02-17       average    IMail LDAP Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/ldap/pgp_keyserver7                                    2001-07-16       good       Network Associates PGP KeyServer 7 LDAP Buffer Overflow
   windows/license/calicclnt_getconfig                            2005-03-02       average    Computer Associates License Client GETCONFIG Overflow
   windows/license/calicserv_getconfig                            2005-03-02       normal     Computer Associates License Server GETCONFIG Overflow
   windows/license/flexnet_lmgrd_bof                              2012-03-23       normal     FlexNet License Server Manager lmgrd Buffer Overflow
   windows/license/sentinel_lm7_udp                               2005-03-07       average    SentinelLM UDP Buffer Overflow
   windows/lotus/domino_http_accept_language                      2008-05-20       average    IBM Lotus Domino Web Server Accept-Language Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/lotus/domino_icalendar_organizer                       2010-09-14       normal     IBM Lotus Domino iCalendar MAILTO Buffer Overflow
   windows/lotus/domino_sametime_stmux                            2008-05-21       average    IBM Lotus Domino Sametime STMux.exe Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/lotus/lotusnotes_lzh                                   2011-05-24       normal     Lotus Notes 8.0.x - 8.5.2 FP2 - Autonomy Keyview (.lzh Attachment)
   windows/lpd/hummingbird_exceed                                 2005-05-27       average    Hummingbird Connectivity 10 SP5 LPD Buffer Overflow
   windows/lpd/niprint                                            2003-11-05       good       NIPrint LPD Request Overflow
   windows/lpd/saplpd                                             2008-02-04       good       SAP SAPLPD 6.28 Buffer Overflow
   windows/lpd/wincomlpd_admin                                    2008-02-04       good       WinComLPD <= 3.0.2 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/agentxpp_receive_agentx                           2010-04-16       good       AgentX++ Master AgentX::receive_agentx Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/apple_quicktime_rtsp_response                     2007-11-23       normal     Apple QuickTime 7.3 RTSP Response Header Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/asus_dpcproxy_overflow                            2008-03-21       average    Asus Dpcproxy Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/avidphoneticindexer                               2011-11-29       normal     Avid Media Composer 5.5 - Avid Phonetic Indexer Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/bakbone_netvault_heap                             2005-04-01       average    BakBone NetVault Remote Heap Overflow
   windows/misc/bcaaa_bof                                         2011-04-04       good       Blue Coat Authentication and Authorization Agent (BCAAA) 5 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/bigant_server                                     2008-04-15       average    BigAnt Server 2.2 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/bigant_server_250                                 2008-04-15       great      BigAnt Server 2.50 SP1 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/bigant_server_usv                                 2009-12-29       great      BigAnt Server 2.52 USV Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/bomberclone_overflow                              2006-02-16       average    Bomberclone 0.11.6 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/bopup_comm                                        2009-06-18       good       Bopup Communications Server Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/borland_interbase                                 2007-07-24       average    Borland Interbase Create-Request Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/borland_starteam                                  2008-04-02       average    Borland CaliberRM StarTeam Multicast Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/citrix_streamprocess                              2011-01-20       good       Citrix Provisioning Services 5.6 streamprocess.exe Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/citrix_streamprocess_data_msg                     2011-11-04       normal     Citrix Provisioning Services 5.6 SP1 Streamprocess Opcode 0x40020000 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/citrix_streamprocess_get_boot_record_request      2011-11-04       normal     Citrix Provisioning Services 5.6 SP1 Streamprocess Opcode 0x40020004 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/citrix_streamprocess_get_footer                   2011-11-04       normal     Citrix Provisioning Services 5.6 SP1 Streamprocess Opcode 0x40020002 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/citrix_streamprocess_get_objects                  2011-11-04       normal     Citrix Provisioning Services 5.6 SP1 Streamprocess Opcode 0x40020006 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/doubletake                                        2008-06-04       average    DoubleTake/HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring Service Authentication Overflow
   windows/misc/eiqnetworks_esa                                   2006-07-24       average    eIQNetworks ESA License Manager LICMGR_ADDLICENSE Overflow
   windows/misc/eiqnetworks_esa_topology                          2006-07-25       average    eIQNetworks ESA Topology DELETEDEVICE Overflow
   windows/misc/eureka_mail_err                                   2009-10-22       normal     Eureka Email 2.2q ERR Remote Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/fb_isc_attach_database                            2007-10-03       average    Firebird Relational Database isc_attach_database() Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/fb_isc_create_database                            2007-10-03       average    Firebird Relational Database isc_create_database() Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/fb_svc_attach                                     2007-10-03       average    Firebird Relational Database SVC_attach() Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/gimp_script_fu                                    2012-05-18       normal     GIMP script-fu Server Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/hp_magentservice                                  2012-01-12       average    HP Diagnostics Server magentservice.exe Overflow
   windows/misc/hp_omniinet_1                                     2009-12-17       great      HP OmniInet.exe MSG_PROTOCOL Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/hp_omniinet_2                                     2009-12-17       great      HP OmniInet.exe MSG_PROTOCOL Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/hp_omniinet_3                                     2011-06-29       great      HP OmniInet.exe Opcode 27 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/hp_omniinet_4                                     2011-06-29       good       HP OmniInet.exe Opcode 20 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/hp_ovtrace                                        2007-08-09       average    HP OpenView Operations OVTrace Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/ib_isc_attach_database                            2007-10-03       good       Borland InterBase isc_attach_database() Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/ib_isc_create_database                            2007-10-03       good       Borland InterBase isc_create_database() Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/ib_svc_attach                                     2007-10-03       good       Borland InterBase SVC_attach() Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/ibm_tsm_cad_ping                                  2009-11-04       good       IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Express CAD Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/ibm_tsm_rca_dicugetidentify                       2009-11-04       great      IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Express RCA Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/landesk_aolnsrvr                                  2007-04-13       average    LANDesk Management Suite 8.7 Alert Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/mercury_phonebook                                 2005-12-19       average    Mercury/32 <= v4.01b PH Server Module Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/mini_stream                                       2009-12-25       normal     Mini-Stream Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/mirc_privmsg_server                               2008-10-02       normal     mIRC <= 6.34 PRIVMSG Handling Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/ms07_064_sami                                     2007-12-11       normal     Microsoft DirectX DirectShow SAMI Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/netcat110_nt                                      2004-12-27       great      Netcat v1.10 NT Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/nettransport                                      2010-01-02       normal     NetTransport Download Manager 2.90.510 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/poppeeper_date                                    2009-02-27       normal     POP Peeper v3.4 DATE Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/poppeeper_uidl                                    2009-02-27       normal     POP Peeper v3.4 UIDL Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/pxexploit                                         2011-08-05       excellent  PXE Exploit Server
   windows/misc/realtek_playlist                                  2008-12-16       great      Realtek Media Player Playlist Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/sap_2005_license                                  2009-08-01       great      SAP Business One License Manager 2005 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/shixxnote_font                                    2004-10-04       great      ShixxNOTE Font Field Overflow
   windows/misc/splayer_content_type                              2011-05-04       normal     SPlayer 3.7 Content-Type Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/stream_down_bof                                   2011-12-27       good       StreamDown 6.8.0 Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/talkative_response                                2009-03-17       normal     Talkative IRC v0.4.4.16 Response Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/tiny_identd_overflow                              2007-05-14       average    TinyIdentD 2.2 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/trendmicro_cmdprocessor_addtask                   2011-12-07       good       TrendMicro Control Manger <= v5.5 CmdProcessor.exe Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/ufo_ai                                            2009-10-28       average    UFO: Alien Invasion IRC Client Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/windows_rsh                                       2007-07-24       average    Windows RSH daemon Buffer Overflow
   windows/misc/wireshark_lua                                     2011-07-18       excellent  Wireshark console.lua Pre-Loading Script Execution
   windows/misc/wireshark_packet_dect                             2011-04-18       good       Wireshark <= 1.4.4 packet-dect.c Stack Buffer Overflow (remote)
   windows/mmsp/ms10_025_wmss_connect_funnel                      2010-04-13       great      Windows Media Services ConnectFunnel Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/motorola/timbuktu_fileupload                           2008-05-10       excellent  Timbuktu Pro Directory Traversal/File Upload
   windows/mssql/lyris_listmanager_weak_pass                      2005-12-08       excellent  Lyris ListManager MSDE Weak sa Password
   windows/mssql/ms02_039_slammer                                 2002-07-24       good       Microsoft SQL Server Resolution Overflow
   windows/mssql/ms02_056_hello                                   2002-08-05       good       Microsoft SQL Server Hello Overflow
   windows/mssql/ms09_004_sp_replwritetovarbin                    2008-12-09       good       Microsoft SQL Server sp_replwritetovarbin Memory Corruption
   windows/mssql/ms09_004_sp_replwritetovarbin_sqli               2008-12-09       excellent  Microsoft SQL Server sp_replwritetovarbin Memory Corruption via SQL Injection
   windows/mssql/mssql_payload                                    2000-05-30       excellent  Microsoft SQL Server Payload Execution
   windows/mssql/mssql_payload_sqli                               2000-05-30       excellent  Microsoft SQL Server Payload Execution via SQL Injection
   windows/mysql/mysql_payload                                    2009-01-16       excellent  Oracle MySQL for Microsoft Windows Payload Execution
   windows/mysql/mysql_yassl_hello                                2008-01-04       average    MySQL yaSSL SSL Hello Message Buffer Overflow
   windows/nfs/xlink_nfsd                                         2006-11-06       average    Omni-NFS Server Buffer Overflow
   windows/nntp/ms05_030_nntp                                     2005-06-14       normal     Microsoft Outlook Express NNTP Response Parsing Buffer Overflow
   windows/novell/groupwisemessenger_client                       2008-07-02       normal     Novell GroupWise Messenger Client Buffer Overflow
   windows/novell/nmap_stor                                       2006-12-23       average    Novell NetMail <= 3.52d NMAP STOR Buffer Overflow
   windows/novell/zenworks_desktop_agent                          2005-05-19       good       Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop/Server Management Overflow
   windows/oracle/extjob                                          2007-01-01       excellent  Oracle Job Scheduler Named Pipe Command Execution
   windows/oracle/osb_ndmp_auth                                   2009-01-14       good       Oracle Secure Backup NDMP_CONNECT_CLIENT_AUTH Buffer Overflow
   windows/oracle/tns_arguments                                   2001-06-28       good       Oracle 8i TNS Listener (ARGUMENTS) Buffer Overflow
   windows/oracle/tns_auth_sesskey                                2009-10-20       great      Oracle 10gR2 TNS Listener AUTH_SESSKEY Buffer Overflow
   windows/oracle/tns_service_name                                2002-05-27       good       Oracle 8i TNS Listener SERVICE_NAME Buffer Overflow
   windows/pop3/seattlelab_pass                                   2003-05-07       great      Seattle Lab Mail 5.5 POP3 Buffer Overflow
   windows/postgres/postgres_payload                              2009-04-10       excellent  PostgreSQL for Microsoft Windows Payload Execution
   windows/proxy/bluecoat_winproxy_host                           2005-01-05       great      Blue Coat WinProxy Host Header Overflow
   windows/proxy/ccproxy_telnet_ping                              2004-11-11       average    CCProxy <= v6.2 Telnet Proxy Ping Overflow
   windows/proxy/proxypro_http_get                                2004-02-23       great      Proxy-Pro Professional GateKeeper 4.7 GET Request Overflow
   windows/proxy/qbik_wingate_wwwproxy                            2006-06-07       good       Qbik WinGate WWW Proxy Server URL Processing Overflow
   windows/scada/citect_scada_odbc                                2008-06-11       normal     CitectSCADA/CitectFacilities ODBC Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/codesys_web_server                               2011-12-02       normal     SCADA 3S CoDeSys CmpWebServer <= v3.4 SP4 Patch 2 Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/daq_factory_bof                                  2011-09-13       good       DaqFactory HMI NETB Request Overflow
   windows/scada/factorylink_csservice                            2011-03-25       normal     Siemens FactoryLink 8 CSService Logging Path Param Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/factorylink_vrn_09                               2011-03-21       average    Siemens FactoryLink vrn.exe Opcode 9 Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/iconics_genbroker                                2011-03-21       good       Iconics GENESIS32 Integer overflow version
   windows/scada/iconics_webhmi_setactivexguid                    2011-05-05       good       ICONICS WebHMI ActiveX Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/igss9_igssdataserver_listall                     2011-03-24       good       7-Technologies IGSS <= v9.00.00 b11063 IGSSdataServer.exe Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/igss9_igssdataserver_rename                      2011-03-24       normal     7-Technologies IGSS 9 IGSSdataServer .RMS Rename Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/igss9_misc                                       2011-03-24       excellent  7-Technologies IGSS 9 Data Server/Collector Packet Handling Vulnerabilities
   windows/scada/moxa_mdmtool                                     2010-10-20       great      MOXA Device Manager Tool 2.1 Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/procyon_core_server                              2011-09-08       normal     Procyon Core Server HMI <= v1.13 Coreservice.exe Stack Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/realwin                                          2008-09-26       great      DATAC RealWin SCADA Server Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/realwin_on_fc_binfile_a                          2011-03-21       great      DATAC RealWin SCADA Server 2 On_FC_CONNECT_FCS_a_FILE Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/realwin_on_fcs_login                             2011-03-21       great      RealWin SCADA Server DATAC Login Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/realwin_scpc_initialize                          2010-10-15       great      DATAC RealWin SCADA Server SCPC_INITIALIZE Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/realwin_scpc_initialize_rf                       2010-10-15       great      DATAC RealWin SCADA Server SCPC_INITIALIZE_RF Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/realwin_scpc_txtevent                            2010-11-18       great      DATAC RealWin SCADA Server SCPC_TXTEVENT Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/scadapro_cmdexe                                  2011-09-16       excellent  Measuresoft ScadaPro <= 4.0.0 Remote Command Execution
   windows/scada/sunway_force_control_netdbsrv                    2011-09-22       great      Sunway Forcecontrol SNMP NetDBServer.exe Opcode 0x57
   windows/scada/winlog_runtime                                   2011-01-13       great      Sielco Sistemi Winlog Buffer Overflow
   windows/scada/winlog_runtime_2                                 2012-06-04       normal     Sielco Sistemi Winlog Buffer Overflow 2.07.14
   windows/sip/aim_triton_cseq                                    2006-07-10       great      AIM Triton 1.0.4 CSeq Buffer Overflow
   windows/sip/sipxezphone_cseq                                   2006-07-10       great      SIPfoundry sipXezPhone 0.35a CSeq Field Overflow
   windows/sip/sipxphone_cseq                                     2006-07-10       great      SIPfoundry sipXphone CSeq Buffer Overflow
   windows/smb/ms03_049_netapi                                    2003-11-11       good       Microsoft Workstation Service NetAddAlternateComputerName Overflow
   windows/smb/ms04_007_killbill                                  2004-02-10       low        Microsoft ASN.1 Library Bitstring Heap Overflow
   windows/smb/ms04_011_lsass                                     2004-04-13       good       Microsoft LSASS Service DsRolerUpgradeDownlevelServer Overflow
   windows/smb/ms04_031_netdde                                    2004-10-12       good       Microsoft NetDDE Service Overflow
   windows/smb/ms05_039_pnp                                       2005-08-09       good       Microsoft Plug and Play Service Overflow
   windows/smb/ms06_025_rasmans_reg                               2006-06-13       good       Microsoft RRAS Service RASMAN Registry Overflow
   windows/smb/ms06_025_rras                                      2006-06-13       average    Microsoft RRAS Service Overflow
   windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi                                    2006-08-08       good       Microsoft Server Service NetpwPathCanonicalize Overflow
   windows/smb/ms06_066_nwapi                                     2006-11-14       good       Microsoft Services MS06-066 nwapi32.dll Module Exploit
   windows/smb/ms06_066_nwwks                                     2006-11-14       good       Microsoft Services MS06-066 nwwks.dll Module Exploit
   windows/smb/ms06_070_wkssvc                                    2006-11-14       manual     Microsoft Workstation Service NetpManageIPCConnect Overflow
   windows/smb/ms07_029_msdns_zonename                            2007-04-12       manual     Microsoft DNS RPC Service extractQuotedChar() Overflow (SMB)
   windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi                                    2008-10-28       great      Microsoft Server Service Relative Path Stack Corruption
   windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index                 2009-09-07       good       Microsoft SRV2.SYS SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function Table Dereference
   windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss                                   2010-09-14       excellent  Microsoft Print Spooler Service Impersonation Vulnerability
   windows/smb/netidentity_xtierrpcpipe                           2009-04-06       great      Novell NetIdentity Agent XTIERRPCPIPE Named Pipe Buffer Overflow
   windows/smb/psexec                                             1999-01-01       manual     Microsoft Windows Authenticated User Code Execution
   windows/smb/smb_relay                                          2001-03-31       excellent  Microsoft Windows SMB Relay Code Execution
   windows/smb/timbuktu_plughntcommand_bof                        2009-06-25       great      Timbuktu <= 8.6.6 PlughNTCommand Named Pipe Buffer Overflow
   windows/smtp/mailcarrier_smtp_ehlo                             2004-10-26       good       TABS MailCarrier v2.51 SMTP EHLO Overflow
   windows/smtp/mercury_cram_md5                                  2007-08-18       great      Mercury Mail SMTP AUTH CRAM-MD5 Buffer Overflow
   windows/smtp/ms03_046_exchange2000_xexch50                     2003-10-15       good       MS03-046 Exchange 2000 XEXCH50 Heap Overflow
   windows/smtp/njstar_smtp_bof                                   2011-10-31       normal     NJStar Communicator 3.00 MiniSMTP Buffer Overflow
   windows/smtp/wmailserver                                       2005-07-11       average    SoftiaCom WMailserver 1.0 Buffer Overflow
   windows/smtp/ypops_overflow1                                   2004-09-27       average    YPOPS 0.6 Buffer Overflow
   windows/ssh/freeftpd_key_exchange                              2006-05-12       average    FreeFTPd 1.0.10 Key Exchange Algorithm String Buffer Overflow
   windows/ssh/freesshd_key_exchange                              2006-05-12       average    FreeSSHd 1.0.9 Key Exchange Algorithm String Buffer Overflow
   windows/ssh/putty_msg_debug                                    2002-12-16       normal     PuTTy.exe <= v0.53 Buffer Overflow
   windows/ssh/securecrt_ssh1                                     2002-07-23       average    SecureCRT <= 4.0 Beta 2 SSH1 Buffer Overflow
   windows/ssh/sysax_ssh_username                                 2012-02-27       normal     Sysax 5.53 SSH Username Buffer Overflow
   windows/ssl/ms04_011_pct                                       2004-04-13       average    Microsoft Private Communications Transport Overflow
   windows/telnet/gamsoft_telsrv_username                         2000-07-17       average    GAMSoft TelSrv 1.5 Username Buffer Overflow
   windows/telnet/goodtech_telnet                                 2005-03-15       average    GoodTech Telnet Server <= 5.0.6 Buffer Overflow
   windows/tftp/attftp_long_filename                              2006-11-27       average    Allied Telesyn TFTP Server 1.9 Long Filename Overflow
   windows/tftp/distinct_tftp_traversal                           2012-04-08       excellent  Distinct TFTP 3.10 Writable Directory Traversal Execution
   windows/tftp/dlink_long_filename                               2007-03-12       good       D-Link TFTP 1.0 Long Filename Buffer Overflow
   windows/tftp/futuresoft_transfermode                           2005-05-31       average    FutureSoft TFTP Server 2000 Transfer-Mode Overflow
   windows/tftp/opentftp_error_code                               2008-07-05       average    OpenTFTP SP 1.4 Error Packet Overflow
   windows/tftp/quick_tftp_pro_mode                               2008-03-27       good       Quick FTP Pro 2.1 Transfer-Mode Overflow
   windows/tftp/tftpd32_long_filename                             2002-11-19       average    TFTPD32 <= 2.21 Long Filename Buffer Overflow
   windows/tftp/tftpdwin_long_filename                            2006-09-21       great      TFTPDWIN v0.4.2 Long Filename Buffer Overflow
   windows/tftp/tftpserver_wrq_bof                                2008-03-26       normal     TFTP Server for Windows 1.4 ST WRQ Buffer Overflow
   windows/tftp/threectftpsvc_long_mode                           2006-11-27       great      3CTftpSvc TFTP Long Mode Buffer Overflow
   windows/unicenter/cam_log_security                             2005-08-22       great      CA CAM log_security() Stack Buffer Overflow (Win32)
   windows/vnc/realvnc_client                                     2001-01-29       normal     RealVNC 3.3.7 Client Buffer Overflow
   windows/vnc/ultravnc_client                                    2006-04-04       normal     UltraVNC 1.0.1 Client Buffer Overflow
   windows/vnc/ultravnc_viewer_bof                                2008-02-06       normal     UltraVNC 1.0.2 Client (vncviewer.exe) Buffer Overflow
   windows/vnc/winvnc_http_get                                    2001-01-29       average    WinVNC Web Server <= v3.3.3r7 GET Overflow
   windows/vpn/safenet_ike_11                                     2009-06-01       average    SafeNet SoftRemote IKE Service Buffer Overflow
   windows/wins/ms04_045_wins                                     2004-12-14       great      Microsoft WINS Service Memory Overwrite
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