使用DAC,能够将database的schema 和 data 从一个server 或 cloud 上复制到另外一个server上,存储schema 和 data的文件是 .bacpac 文件。
方法一,使用SSMS Wizard
右击Databases,打开“Import Data-tier Application”,打开Wizard,按照UI提示配置即可
方法二,使用SqlPackage.exe 实现自动Import DAC
Import the bacpac file to SQLAzure
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DAC\bin\sqlpackage.exe” /a:Import /sf:C:\DataExtraction\Tailspintoys.bacpac /tsn:cgrd7z8kac.database.windows.net /tdn:Tailspintoys /tu:mysysadmin@cgrd7z8kac /tp:Pa55w0rd
sf – Specifies a source file to be used as the source of action instead of database.
tsn – Specifies the name of the server that hosts the target database.
tdn – Specifies the name of the target database.
tu – SQL Server user that is used to get access to the target database.
tp – specifies password that is used to get access to the target database.
如果使用Windows 验证方式登陆,可以使用ttsc差数代替 tu 和 tp。
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\\DAC\bin\SqlPackage.exe -a:Import -sf:C:\TestDAC\dac_name.bacpac -tsn:server_name -tdn:db_name -ttsc:true
ttsc:{True | False} Specifies whether to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to encrypt the source database connection and bypass walking the certificate chain to validate trust.
在SSIS中使用Execute Process Task 调用SqlPackage.exe ,设置相应的Arguments,创建Schedule,能够实现从bacpac文件自动还原db。
Backup Package (.bacpac)
A BACPAC is an artifact that encapsulates the database schema as well as the data stored in the database. The BACPAC is a Windows file with a .bacpac extension. Similar to the DACPAC, the BACPAC file format is open – the schema contents of the BACPAC are identical to that of the DACPAC. The data is stored in JSON format.
DACPAC and BACPAC are similar but they target different scenarios. A DACPAC is focused on capturing and deploying schema, including upgrading an existing database. The primary use case for a DACPAC is to deploy a tightly defined schema to development, test, and then production environments, and the reverse: capturing production’s schema and applying it to back to test and development environments.
A BACPAC, on the other hand, is focused on capturing schema and data. A BACPAC is the logical equivalent of a database backup and cannot be used to upgrade existing databases. The primary use case for a BACPAC is to move a database from one server to another - or from a local server to the cloud - and archiving an existing database in an open format.
A BACPAC supports two main operations:
EXPORT– The user can export the schema and the data of a database to a BACPAC.
IMPORT – The user can import the schema and the data into a new database in the host server.