
时间:2023-02-05 09:06:32

Googling has turned up little to nothing.


I need to develop some heavy stuff in m4 and I'd love to do it in my favorite environment with all the bells and whistles thereof.


There are packages for running m4 on just about every platform, such as windows. So I know at the very least I can create a default project and test from the CLI. But I'd rather not :)


4 个解决方案



You can also try colorer for Eclipse (http://colorer.sourceforge.net/eclipsecolorer/) — it almost certainly supports m4 syntax (though I did not check).

你也可以尝试使用colorer for Eclipse(http://colorer.sourceforge.net/eclipsecolorer/) - 它几乎肯定支持m4语法(虽然我没有检查)。



Unfortunately, just syntax coloring will be of little help - you need something that's capable of interpreting m4 because unless defines are processed you can't tell if it's just a word or a predefined macro. mc (Midnight Commander) has some rudimentary highlighting for m4, you might take a look at that.

不幸的是,只是语法着色几乎没有帮助 - 你需要能够解释m4的东西,因为除非定义被处理,否则你无法判断它是一个单词还是一个预定义的宏。 mc(午夜指挥官)对m4有一些基本的突出,你可能会看一看。



I'm not aware of any specific editing support for m4. However, if you have some time to spare (!) and the BNF for m4, then you could use Xtext (http://wiki.eclipse.org/Xtext) to create a syntax-coloring and -completing editor, with an outline view.


Updated an answer below suggests that m4 doesn't have a BNF, or is not BNeFfable, and certainly a short search of the literature shows no claims that an m4 BNF is available - and it appears, though not explicitly stated, that the m4 language is inexpressible in this way.

更新下面的答案表明m4没有BNF,或者不是BNeFfable,当然对文献的简短搜索显示没有声称m4 BNF可用 - 并且虽然没有明确说明,但它似乎是m4语言以这种方式无法形容。

Obviously this negates my suggestion, so I must retract it, unless of course Xtext has been extended to deal with such languages. Consult the Xtext website linked above for FAQs and mailing list links.




If you are familiar with (and like) vim, you could try out Eclim and then setup syntax highlighting for m4.




You can also try colorer for Eclipse (http://colorer.sourceforge.net/eclipsecolorer/) — it almost certainly supports m4 syntax (though I did not check).

你也可以尝试使用colorer for Eclipse(http://colorer.sourceforge.net/eclipsecolorer/) - 它几乎肯定支持m4语法(虽然我没有检查)。



Unfortunately, just syntax coloring will be of little help - you need something that's capable of interpreting m4 because unless defines are processed you can't tell if it's just a word or a predefined macro. mc (Midnight Commander) has some rudimentary highlighting for m4, you might take a look at that.

不幸的是,只是语法着色几乎没有帮助 - 你需要能够解释m4的东西,因为除非定义被处理,否则你无法判断它是一个单词还是一个预定义的宏。 mc(午夜指挥官)对m4有一些基本的突出,你可能会看一看。



I'm not aware of any specific editing support for m4. However, if you have some time to spare (!) and the BNF for m4, then you could use Xtext (http://wiki.eclipse.org/Xtext) to create a syntax-coloring and -completing editor, with an outline view.


Updated an answer below suggests that m4 doesn't have a BNF, or is not BNeFfable, and certainly a short search of the literature shows no claims that an m4 BNF is available - and it appears, though not explicitly stated, that the m4 language is inexpressible in this way.

更新下面的答案表明m4没有BNF,或者不是BNeFfable,当然对文献的简短搜索显示没有声称m4 BNF可用 - 并且虽然没有明确说明,但它似乎是m4语言以这种方式无法形容。

Obviously this negates my suggestion, so I must retract it, unless of course Xtext has been extended to deal with such languages. Consult the Xtext website linked above for FAQs and mailing list links.




If you are familiar with (and like) vim, you could try out Eclim and then setup syntax highlighting for m4.
