
时间:2023-01-29 13:14:32

I'd like to make a drop-down list that looks like this:


alt text http://i44.tinypic.com/v80z81.png


JComboBox provides the functionality I need, so I shouldn't need to write a custom component. But I can't find a way to customise the entire appearance of a JComboBox to achieve this. Any suggestions?


Update: I don't want all JComboBoxes to look like this. I only want to create one with this custom appearance. So as far as I can tell, creating a custom L&F is not the solution.


2 个解决方案


JComboBox UI is composed from textfield, list and arrows. To customize them you can use some ready L&F or implement your most easily with Synth L&F.

JComboBox UI由文本字段,列表和箭头组成。要定制它们,您可以使用一些现成的L&F或使用Synth L&F轻松实现。

Initialize L&F:

SynthLookAndFeel lookAndFeel = new SynthLookAndFeel();

try {
    lookAndFeel.load(YourClassAlongWithSynthXml.class.getResourceAsStream("synth.xml"), YourClassAlongWithSynthXml.class);
} catch (ParseException e) {


Where synth.xml contains something like this:


<style id="textfield">
    <insets top="4" left="6" bottom="4" right="6" />

        <font name="Verdana" size="12" />

        <color type="BACKGROUND" value="#D2DFF2" />
        <color type="TEXT_FOREGROUND" value="#003c2d" />

    <imagePainter method="textFieldBorder" path="images/textfield.png" sourceInsets="4 6 4 6" paintCenter="false" />

<bind style="textfield" type="region" key="TextField" />

<style id="arrowStyle">
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/arrow-up.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="north" />
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/arrow-down.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="south" />
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/arrow-left.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="west" />
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/arrow-right.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="east" />

<bind key="ArrowButton" type="region" style="arrowStyle" />

<style id="comboArrowStyle">
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/combobox-arrow.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="south" />

With Synth L&F you will need to fully define how your UI components look like you can't just.

使用Synth L&F,您需要完全定义UI组件的外观,而不仅仅是这样。

But if you just need to simply modify colors reusing your default L&F, you can use the following snippets to initialize UI of combo box:


final Color COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND = Color.decode("#d3dedb");

UIManager.put("ComboBox.buttonBackground", COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
UIManager.put("ComboBox.buttonShadow", COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
UIManager.put("ComboBox.buttonDarkShadow", COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
UIManager.put("ComboBox.buttonHighlight", COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND);


If you don't want to create an entire look and feel, the simplest answer is to subclass jcombobox and override the paintComponent method and draw whatever you want.


fill the background with your gray color, then draw your text and arrow in your lighter color.


if you go this route, you may also need to override the updateUI method so that if the VM tries to update your look and feel your combo box doesn't go back to the wrong colors.



JComboBox UI is composed from textfield, list and arrows. To customize them you can use some ready L&F or implement your most easily with Synth L&F.

JComboBox UI由文本字段,列表和箭头组成。要定制它们,您可以使用一些现成的L&F或使用Synth L&F轻松实现。

Initialize L&F:

SynthLookAndFeel lookAndFeel = new SynthLookAndFeel();

try {
    lookAndFeel.load(YourClassAlongWithSynthXml.class.getResourceAsStream("synth.xml"), YourClassAlongWithSynthXml.class);
} catch (ParseException e) {


Where synth.xml contains something like this:


<style id="textfield">
    <insets top="4" left="6" bottom="4" right="6" />

        <font name="Verdana" size="12" />

        <color type="BACKGROUND" value="#D2DFF2" />
        <color type="TEXT_FOREGROUND" value="#003c2d" />

    <imagePainter method="textFieldBorder" path="images/textfield.png" sourceInsets="4 6 4 6" paintCenter="false" />

<bind style="textfield" type="region" key="TextField" />

<style id="arrowStyle">
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/arrow-up.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="north" />
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/arrow-down.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="south" />
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/arrow-left.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="west" />
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/arrow-right.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="east" />

<bind key="ArrowButton" type="region" style="arrowStyle" />

<style id="comboArrowStyle">
    <imagePainter method="arrowButtonForeground" path="images/combobox-arrow.png" sourceInsets="0 0 0 0" stretch="false" direction="south" />

With Synth L&F you will need to fully define how your UI components look like you can't just.

使用Synth L&F,您需要完全定义UI组件的外观,而不仅仅是这样。

But if you just need to simply modify colors reusing your default L&F, you can use the following snippets to initialize UI of combo box:


final Color COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND = Color.decode("#d3dedb");

UIManager.put("ComboBox.buttonBackground", COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
UIManager.put("ComboBox.buttonShadow", COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
UIManager.put("ComboBox.buttonDarkShadow", COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND);
UIManager.put("ComboBox.buttonHighlight", COLOR_BUTTON_BACKGROUND);


If you don't want to create an entire look and feel, the simplest answer is to subclass jcombobox and override the paintComponent method and draw whatever you want.


fill the background with your gray color, then draw your text and arrow in your lighter color.


if you go this route, you may also need to override the updateUI method so that if the VM tries to update your look and feel your combo box doesn't go back to the wrong colors.
