
时间:2023-01-16 20:23:26

I am trying to load html page in WKWebView which is linked to external javascript and css files. My web view shows me the html page but it does not seem like that its respecting css file values. Can anyone please suggest me as to what am I doing wrong here. Following my code to add html page in WKWebView:


  override func viewDidLoad() {

    let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("index", ofType: "html");
    let htmlString = String.stringWithContentsOfFile(path, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil);

    self.webView.loadHTMLString(htmlString, baseURL: NSURL.fileURLWithPath(NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath));


Also, here is the project structure where .css, .js and .html files re added.



Any help would be appreciated.


1 个解决方案



The problem is that the WKWebView renders page content inside a sandbox process that cannot access files in your application bundle. This effectively means that file:// URLs do not work.

问题是WKWebView在沙箱进程中呈现无法访问应用程序包中的文件的页面内容。这实际上意味着file:// URL不起作用。

I ended up including a small web server in my application to make it easier to serve content to the WKWebView.




The problem is that the WKWebView renders page content inside a sandbox process that cannot access files in your application bundle. This effectively means that file:// URLs do not work.

问题是WKWebView在沙箱进程中呈现无法访问应用程序包中的文件的页面内容。这实际上意味着file:// URL不起作用。

I ended up including a small web server in my application to make it easier to serve content to the WKWebView.
