Coffeescript Object作为私人会员,是否可能?

时间:2023-01-15 15:31:30

I'm used to being able to in Java define an object which can contain other objects as members, for example (psuedocode):


class Zoo{
private List<Animal> animals;
class Animal {
private double weight;
private double height;
private double species;

Then you could have a constructor for zoo which takes X animals and adds them to an animal collection and have it's own methods.


In coffeescript I can't seem to be able to do this, is this a limitation of javascript?


1 个解决方案


hope I understood your question.


in Coffeescript you may write


class Animal
  name: ''

class Zoo
  animals: [] #notice you do not specify type!

  constructor: (animalList) ->
    @animals = animalList #and animal list is an array of Animal class instances

zoo = new Zoo([new Animal()])
console.log(zoo.animals.length) #should be eq to 1

If you want animals to be private same as it would be in Java or C#, I would recommend not using classes but:


Zoo = (animals) ->

  return {
    getAnimals: -> animals
    addToAnimals: (animal) -> animals.push(animal)


hope I understood your question.


in Coffeescript you may write


class Animal
  name: ''

class Zoo
  animals: [] #notice you do not specify type!

  constructor: (animalList) ->
    @animals = animalList #and animal list is an array of Animal class instances

zoo = new Zoo([new Animal()])
console.log(zoo.animals.length) #should be eq to 1

If you want animals to be private same as it would be in Java or C#, I would recommend not using classes but:


Zoo = (animals) ->

  return {
    getAnimals: -> animals
    addToAnimals: (animal) -> animals.push(animal)