
时间:2023-01-15 13:13:31

I want to generate my own excel report using Excel report engine in odoo 8. someone please send me a simple excel report sample or any helping URL. I'll be very thankful to you ....

我想在odoo 8中使用Excel报告引擎生成我自己的Excel报告。有人请给我一个简单的Excel报告示例或任何帮助URL。我会非常感谢你......

4 个解决方案



Here is a simple piece of code. There is really a lot of examples on the internet with good explanations. I suggest you go through the code in detail to see how it works (by the way I have copied the code also from somewhere - I cannot remember where. Also have a look at the examples here:https://github.com/OCA/reporting-engine/tree/8.0 The version 8 branch also have a number of examples.

这是一段简单的代码。互联网上有很多例子都有很好的解释。我建议你仔细阅读代码,看看它是如何工作的(顺便说一句,我也从某个地方复制了代码 - 我记不起来了。还看看这里的例子:https://github.com/OCA /reporting-engine/tree/8.0版本8分支也有很多例子。

You can add columns by editing the "my_change" variable.


from openerp.osv import orm
from openerp.addons.report_xls.utils import rowcol_to_cell, _render
from openerp.tools.translate import _

class account_move_line(orm.Model):
    _inherit = 'abc.salesforecast'

# override list in custom module to add/drop columns or change order
    def _report_xls_fields(self, cr, uid, context=None):
    return [
        'contract', 'proposal', 'description', 
        #'amount_currency', 'currency_name',

# Change/Add Template entries
    def _report_xls_template(self, cr, uid, context=None):   
    Template updates, e.g. 

    my_change = {
            'header': [1, 20, 'text', _('My Move Title')],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("line.move_id.name or ''")],
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},
    return my_change
    return {}

The code for the parser is as follows.


import xlwt
import time
from datetime import datetime
from openerp.osv import orm

from openerp.report import report_sxw
from openerp.addons.report_xls.report_xls import report_xls
from openerp.addons.report_xls.utils import rowcol_to_cell, _render
from openerp.tools.translate import translate, _
from openerp import pooler
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class contract_sales_forecast_xls_parser(report_sxw.rml_parse):

    def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context):
    super(contract_sales_forecast_xls_parser, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
    forecast_obj = self.pool.get('msr.salesforecast')
    self.context = context
    wanted_list = forecast_obj._report_xls_fields(cr, uid, context)
    template_changes = forecast_obj._report_xls_template(cr, uid, context)
        'datetime': datetime,
        'wanted_list': wanted_list,
        'template_changes': template_changes,
        '_': self._,

def _(self, src):
    lang = self.context.get('lang', 'en_US')
    return translate(self.cr, _ir_translation_name, 'report', lang, src) or src

class contract_sales_forecast_xls(report_xls):

def __init__(self, name, table, rml=False, parser=False, header=True, store=False):
    super(contract_sales_forecast_xls, self).__init__(name, table, rml, parser, header, store)

    # Cell Styles
    _xs = self.xls_styles        
    # header
    rh_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all']
    self.rh_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format)
    self.rh_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['center'])
    self.rh_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['right'])
    # lines  
    aml_cell_format = _xs['borders_all']
    self.aml_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format)
    self.aml_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['center'])
    self.aml_cell_style_date = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['left'], num_format_str = report_xls.date_format)
    self.aml_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str = report_xls.decimal_format)
    # totals
    rt_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all']
    self.rt_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format)
    self.rt_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format + _xs['right'])       
    self.rt_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str = report_xls.decimal_format)

    # XLS Template
    self.col_specs_template = {
            'header': [1, 20, 'text', _render("_('Contract Number')")],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("msr_contract_id or ''")],
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},
            'header': [1, 42, 'text', _render("_('Proposal Number')")],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("msr_proposal or ''")],                
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},
            'header': [1, 42, 'text', _render("_('Description')")],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("name or ''")],                
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},

def generate_xls_report(self, _p, _xs, data, objects, wb):

    wanted_list = _p.wanted_list
    _ = _p._

    #report_name = objects[0]._description or objects[0]._name
    report_name = _("Sales forecast from current contracts")        
    ws = wb.add_sheet(report_name[:31])
    ws.panes_frozen = True
    ws.remove_splits = True
    ws.portrait = 0 # Landscape
    ws.fit_width_to_pages = 1
    row_pos = 0

    # set print header/footer
    ws.header_str = self.xls_headers['standard']
    ws.footer_str = self.xls_footers['standard']

    # Title
    cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['xls_title'])
    c_specs = [
        ('report_name', 1, 0, 'text', report_name),
    row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, ['report_name'])
    row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=cell_style)
    row_pos += 1

    # Column headers
    c_specs = map(lambda x: self.render(x, self.col_specs_template, 'header', render_space={'_': _p._}), wanted_list)
    row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
    row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=self.rh_cell_style, set_column_size=True)        

    # account move lines
    for line in objects:
        c_specs = map(lambda x: self.render(x, self.col_specs_template, 'lines'), wanted_list)
        row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
        row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=self.aml_cell_style)

    # Totals           


The xml file will look as follows to setup the necessary actions etc.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <record id="action_contract_sales_forecast_xls"     model="ir.actions.report.xml">
      <field name="name">Export Selected Lines To Excel</field>
      <field name="model">abc.salesforecast</field>
      <field name="type">ir.actions.report.xml</field>
      <field name="report_name">contract.sales.forecast.xls</field>
      <field name="report_type">xls</field>
      <field name="auto" eval="False"/>

    <record model="ir.values" id="contract_sales_forecast_xls_values">
      <field name="name">Export Selected Lines</field>
      <field name="key2">client_action_multi</field>
      <field name="value" eval="'ir.actions.report.xml,' +str(ref('action_contract_sales_forecast_xls'))" />
      <field name="model">abc.salesforecast</field>




A second example. First the xml to create a button. This is only an extract.


<form string = "Contract Search Wizard" version="7.0">
    <button icon="gtk-ok" name="print_contract_list" string="Print Contract List" type="object" />
    <button icon="gtk-ok" name="export_contract_product" string="Export Contract vs. Product Pivot Table" type="object" />
    <button icon="gtk-ok" name="export_contract_country" string="Export Contract vs. Country Pivot Table" type="object" />                      
    <button icon="gtk-cancel" special="cancel" string="Cancel" />

The below code is a wizard with several buttons. I removed some code to save space. The report is activated from a button:


class abc_contract_search_wizard(osv.osv):

def _prd_report_xls_fields(self, cr, uid, context=None):

    SQLstring = "SELECT abc_product_list.name FROM abc_product_list;"
    tbl_products = cr.dictfetchall()


    for t in tbl_products:

    return header_list

# Change/Add Template entries
def _prd_report_xls_template(self, cr, uid, context=None):   
    Template updates, e.g. 

    my_change = {
            'header': [1, 20, 'text', _('My Move Title')],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("line.move_id.name or ''")],
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},
    return my_change

    SQLstring = "SELECT abc_product_list.name FROM abc_product_list;"
    tbl_products = cr.dictfetchall()

    abc_tmpl = {
                    'header':[1,20, 'text', _render("_('Contract ID')")],
                    'lines':[1,0, 'text', _render("line.abc_contract_id.name or ''")],
                    'totals':[1, 0, 'text', None],
            'contract_name' :
                    'header':[1,40, 'text', _render("_('Contract Name')")],
                    'lines':[1,0, 'text', _render("line.abc_contract_name or ''")],
                    'totals':[1, 0, 'text', None],
                    'header':[1,10, 'text', _render("_('Exlusive')")],
                    'lines':[1,0, 'text', _render("line.abc_country.name or ''")],
                    'totals':[1, 0, 'text', None],

    for t in tbl_products:
                    'header':[1,3, 'text', _render("_('" + t['name']+"')")],
                    'lines':[1,0, 'text', _render("line.abc_contract_id.name or ''")],
                    'totals':[1, 0, 'text', None],
    return abc_tmpl

    'start_date':fields.date('Start Date'),
    'end_date':fields.date('End Date'),
    'product_type':fields.many2one('abc.product.type','Product Type'),
    'regions':fields.many2one('abc.regions', 'Regions'),
    'contract_type':fields.many2one('abc.contract.types','Contract Type'),

def find_product(self, tbl_contractproducts, product_id):
    for t in tbl_contractproducts:
        if product_id==t['product_id']:
    return is_there

def get_contract_products(self, cr, uid, ids, context, contract_id, tbl_products):

    SQLstring = "SELECT abc_contract_product_list.product_id, abc_contract_product_list.contract_id FROM abc_contract_product_list " \
    + "WHERE (((abc_contract_product_list.contract_id) =" + str(contract_id) + "));"    
    tbl_contractproducts = cr.dictfetchall()
    for t in tbl_products:    
        if self.find_product(tbl_contractproducts,t['product_id']):
    return products

def export_contract_product(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

    rst = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0]
    country_id = rst.country.id
    product_id = rst.product.id
    start_date = rst.start_date
    end_date = rst.end_date
    product_type_id = rst.product_type.id
    partner_id = rst.partner.id
    region_id = rst.regions.id
    exclusive = rst.exclusive
    contract_type_id = rst.contract_type.id

    SQLwhere = ""   
    SQLstring = "SELECT DISTINCT abc_official_documents.id, abc_official_documents.contract_id, abc_official_documents.name AS doc_name,  abc_official_documents.contract_exclusive_agreemnet " \
    + "FROM res_partner INNER JOIN (((abc_contract_countries INNER JOIN (((abc_contract_product_list INNER JOIN (abc_product_type INNER JOIN abc_product_list " \
    + "ON abc_product_type.id = abc_product_list.product_type) ON abc_contract_product_list.product_id = abc_product_list.id) INNER JOIN abc_official_documents ON "\
    + "abc_contract_product_list.contract_id = abc_official_documents.id) INNER JOIN abc_contract_types ON abc_official_documents.contract_type = abc_contract_types.id) "\
    + "ON abc_contract_countries.contract_id = abc_official_documents.id) INNER JOIN abc_countries ON abc_contract_countries.country_id = abc_countries.id) INNER JOIN "\
    + "abc_regions ON abc_countries.country_region = abc_regions.id) ON res_partner.id = abc_official_documents.contract_partner_id "

    if country_id:
        SQLwhere = " AND ((abc_contract_countries.country_id) = " + str(country_id) + ")"
    if product_id:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_contract_product_list.product_id) = " + str(product_id) + ")"
    if start_date:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_start_date) < " + str(start_date) + ")"
    if end_date:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_termination_date) < " + str(end_date) + ")"
    if partner_id:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_partner_id) = " + str(partner_id) +")"
    if region_id:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_countries.country_region) = " + str(region_id) + ")"
    if exclusive:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_exclusive_agreemnet) = true )"
    if contract_type_id:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_type) = " + str(contract_type_id) + ")"    
    if product_type_id:    
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_product_list.product_type) = " +str(product_type_id) + ")"

    SQLwhere = SQLwhere[-(len(SQLwhere)-5):]      #Vat die eerste "AND" weg (5 karakters)

    if ((not SQLwhere) | (len(SQLwhere)==0)):
        SQLstring = SQLstring + " LIMIT 100;"
        SQLstring = SQLstring + "WHERE (" + SQLwhere + ") LIMIT 100;"


    tblContracts = cr.dictfetchall()

    SQLstring = "SELECT abc_product_list.id AS product_id, abc_product_list.name as product_name FROM abc_product_list;"

    tbl_products = cr.dictfetchall()

    pivot_table = []
    datas={'ids':context.get('active_ids', [])}
    for t in tblContracts:
        if t:
            if t['contract_exclusive_agreemnet']:
                excl = "No"    
            contract_table = {
                    'contract_id': t['contract_id'],
                    'contract_name': t['doc_name'],
            product_table=self.get_contract_products(cr, uid, ids, context, t['id'], tbl_products)
            full_table = dict(contract_table.items() + product_table.items())
    datas['contract_list']= pivot_table    

    return {
        'report_name': 'contract_products',


Here is the code for the parser:


class contract_products_parser(report_sxw.rml_parse):

def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context):
    super(contract_products_parser, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
    forc_obj = self.pool.get('abc.contract.search.wizard')
    self.context = context
    wanted_list = forc_obj._prd_report_xls_fields(cr, uid, context)
    template_changes = forc_obj._prd_report_xls_template(cr, uid, context)
        'datetime': datetime,
        'wanted_list': wanted_list,
        'template_changes': template_changes,
        '_': self._,

def _(self, src):
    lang = self.context.get('lang', 'en_US')
    return translate(self.cr, _ir_translation_name, 'report', lang, src) or src

class contract_products_xls(report_xls):

def __init__(self, name, table, rml=False, parser=False, header=True, store=False):
    super(contract_products_xls, self).__init__(name, table, rml, parser, header, store)

    # Cell Styles
    _xs = self.xls_styles        
    # header
    rh_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all'] 
    self.rh_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format)
    self.rh_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['center'])
    self.rh_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['right'])
    # lines  
    aml_cell_format = _xs['borders_all']
    self.aml_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format)
    self.aml_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['center'])
    self.aml_cell_style_date = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['left'], num_format_str = report_xls.date_format)
    self.aml_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str = report_xls.decimal_format)
    # totals
    rt_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all']
    self.rt_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format)
    self.rt_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format + _xs['right'])       
    self.rt_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str = report_xls.decimal_format)

    self.col_specs_template = {


def get_c_specs(self, wanted, col_specs, rowtype, data):

    returns 'evaluated' col_specs

    - wanted: element from the wanted_list
    - col_specs : cf. specs[1:] documented in xls_row_template method
    - rowtype : 'header' or 'data'
    - render_space : type dict, (caller_space + localcontext)
                     if not specified

    row = col_specs[wanted][rowtype][:]


    row.insert(0, wanted)
    return row

    return True

def new_xls_write_row(self, ws, row_pos, row_data, header, headrot_style, dark_style,
                  row_style=default_style, set_column_size=False ):
    r = ws.row(row_pos)
    for col, size, spec in row_data:    

        data = spec[4]
        if header:
            if (col!=0) & (col!=1) & (col!=2):
                row_style=headrot_style #+  'align: rotation 90;'
            if data=="X":
                row_style=dark_style #+ 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_color 0;'
        formula = spec[5].get('formula') and \
            xlwt.Formula(spec[5]['formula']) or None
        style = spec[6] and spec[6] or row_style
        if not data:
            # if no data, use default values
            data = report_xls.xls_types_default[spec[3]]
        if size != 1:
            if formula:
                    row_pos, row_pos, col, col + size - 1, data, style)
                    row_pos, row_pos, col, col + size - 1, data, style)
            if formula:
                ws.write(row_pos, col, formula, style)
                spec[5]['write_cell_func'](r, col, data, style)
        if set_column_size:
            ws.col(col).width = spec[2] * 256
    return row_pos + 1

def generate_xls_report(self, _p, _xs, data, objects, wb):

    wanted_list = _p.wanted_list
    _ = _p._
    #report_name = objects[0]._description or objects[0]._name
    report_name = _("Export Contract Countries")        
    ws = wb.add_sheet(report_name[:31])
    ws.panes_frozen = True
    ws.remove_splits = True
    ws.portrait = 0 # Landscape
    ws.fit_width_to_pages = 1
    row_pos = 0

    _xs = self.xls_styles 
    headrot_style = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all'] + 'align: rotation 90'
    dark_style = _xs['borders_all']+'pattern: pattern solid, fore_color 0;'

    #self.rh_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format)
    #self.rh_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['center'])

    # set print header/footer
    ws.header_str = self.xls_headers['standard']
    ws.footer_str = self.xls_footers['standard']

    # Title
    cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['xls_title'])
    c_specs = [
        ('report_name', 1, 0, 'text', report_name),
    row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, ['report_name'])
    row_pos = self.new_xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, False, xlwt_headrot , xlwt.easyxf(dark_style), row_style=cell_style )
    row_pos += 1

    # Column headers
    c_specs = map(lambda x: self.render(x, self.col_specs_template, 'header', render_space={'_': _p._}), wanted_list)
    row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
    row_pos = self.new_xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, True, xlwt_headrot, xlwt.easyxf(dark_style), row_style=self.rh_cell_style, set_column_size=True)        

    # account move lines
    for line in data['contract_list']:
        c_specs = map(lambda x: self.get_c_specs(x, self.col_specs_template, 'lines', line), wanted_list)
        row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
        row_pos = self.new_xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, False, xlwt_headrot, xlwt.easyxf(dark_style), row_style=self.aml_cell_style)




To Create an Excel file or a spreadsheet


“import xlwt” package functionality to create sheet in your Py file.We can define the title, header, number, date, and normal style using xlwt.easyxf().

“import xlwt”包功能在Py文件中创建工作表。我们可以使用xlwt.easyxf()定义标题,标题,数字,日期和普通样式。

For example title style is given below new_style = xlwt.easyxf(‘font:height 230; align: wrap No;border: top thick;border: bottom thick;’)

例如,标题样式在new_style = xlwt.easyxf下面给出('font:height 230; align:wrap No; border:top thick; border:bottom thick;')

Define how the border should appear.define the workbook. Workbook is actually what we view in our spreadsheet. To define workbook, wbk = xlwt.Workbook() sheet = wbk.add_sheet(‘New_sheet’, cell_overwrite_ok=True) for write in to the sheet sheet.write(4, 4, ‘Spellbound Soft Solution’,font_size) To change the width and height of a cell, sheet.col(1).width = 500*12 sheet.row(5).height = 70*5

定义边框的显示方式。定义工作簿。实际上,工作簿是我们在电子表格中查看的内容。以限定工作簿时,WBK = xlwt.Workbook()片材=以与片材sheet.write wbk.add_sheet( 'New_sheet',cell_overwrite_ok =真)写入(4,4, '出神软案',FONT_SIZE)要改变单元格的宽度和高度,sheet.col(1).width = 500 * 12 sheet.row(5).height = 70 * 5

for more goto : http://spellboundss.com/xls-report-in-odoo/ Thanks




  • Simply add this report_xlsx module from the app store.
  • 只需从应用商店添加此report_xlsx模块即可。
  • your_module_name --> report--> my_report.py
  • your_module_name - > report - > my_report.py
  • your_module_name --> report--> my_report.xml
  • your_module_name - > report - > my_report.xml



    from openerp.addons.report_xlsx.report.report_xlsx import ReportXlsx
except ImportError:
    class ReportXlsx(object):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

class PartnerXlsx(ReportXlsx):

    def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, partners):
        for obj in partners:
            report_name = obj.name
            # One sheet by partner
            sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(report_name[:31])
            bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
            sheet.write(0, 0, obj.name, bold)

PartnerXlsx('report.res.partner.xlsx', 'res.partner')



  string="Print to XLSX"



Here is a simple piece of code. There is really a lot of examples on the internet with good explanations. I suggest you go through the code in detail to see how it works (by the way I have copied the code also from somewhere - I cannot remember where. Also have a look at the examples here:https://github.com/OCA/reporting-engine/tree/8.0 The version 8 branch also have a number of examples.

这是一段简单的代码。互联网上有很多例子都有很好的解释。我建议你仔细阅读代码,看看它是如何工作的(顺便说一句,我也从某个地方复制了代码 - 我记不起来了。还看看这里的例子:https://github.com/OCA /reporting-engine/tree/8.0版本8分支也有很多例子。

You can add columns by editing the "my_change" variable.


from openerp.osv import orm
from openerp.addons.report_xls.utils import rowcol_to_cell, _render
from openerp.tools.translate import _

class account_move_line(orm.Model):
    _inherit = 'abc.salesforecast'

# override list in custom module to add/drop columns or change order
    def _report_xls_fields(self, cr, uid, context=None):
    return [
        'contract', 'proposal', 'description', 
        #'amount_currency', 'currency_name',

# Change/Add Template entries
    def _report_xls_template(self, cr, uid, context=None):   
    Template updates, e.g. 

    my_change = {
            'header': [1, 20, 'text', _('My Move Title')],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("line.move_id.name or ''")],
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},
    return my_change
    return {}

The code for the parser is as follows.


import xlwt
import time
from datetime import datetime
from openerp.osv import orm

from openerp.report import report_sxw
from openerp.addons.report_xls.report_xls import report_xls
from openerp.addons.report_xls.utils import rowcol_to_cell, _render
from openerp.tools.translate import translate, _
from openerp import pooler
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class contract_sales_forecast_xls_parser(report_sxw.rml_parse):

    def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context):
    super(contract_sales_forecast_xls_parser, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
    forecast_obj = self.pool.get('msr.salesforecast')
    self.context = context
    wanted_list = forecast_obj._report_xls_fields(cr, uid, context)
    template_changes = forecast_obj._report_xls_template(cr, uid, context)
        'datetime': datetime,
        'wanted_list': wanted_list,
        'template_changes': template_changes,
        '_': self._,

def _(self, src):
    lang = self.context.get('lang', 'en_US')
    return translate(self.cr, _ir_translation_name, 'report', lang, src) or src

class contract_sales_forecast_xls(report_xls):

def __init__(self, name, table, rml=False, parser=False, header=True, store=False):
    super(contract_sales_forecast_xls, self).__init__(name, table, rml, parser, header, store)

    # Cell Styles
    _xs = self.xls_styles        
    # header
    rh_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all']
    self.rh_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format)
    self.rh_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['center'])
    self.rh_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['right'])
    # lines  
    aml_cell_format = _xs['borders_all']
    self.aml_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format)
    self.aml_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['center'])
    self.aml_cell_style_date = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['left'], num_format_str = report_xls.date_format)
    self.aml_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str = report_xls.decimal_format)
    # totals
    rt_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all']
    self.rt_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format)
    self.rt_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format + _xs['right'])       
    self.rt_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str = report_xls.decimal_format)

    # XLS Template
    self.col_specs_template = {
            'header': [1, 20, 'text', _render("_('Contract Number')")],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("msr_contract_id or ''")],
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},
            'header': [1, 42, 'text', _render("_('Proposal Number')")],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("msr_proposal or ''")],                
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},
            'header': [1, 42, 'text', _render("_('Description')")],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("name or ''")],                
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},

def generate_xls_report(self, _p, _xs, data, objects, wb):

    wanted_list = _p.wanted_list
    _ = _p._

    #report_name = objects[0]._description or objects[0]._name
    report_name = _("Sales forecast from current contracts")        
    ws = wb.add_sheet(report_name[:31])
    ws.panes_frozen = True
    ws.remove_splits = True
    ws.portrait = 0 # Landscape
    ws.fit_width_to_pages = 1
    row_pos = 0

    # set print header/footer
    ws.header_str = self.xls_headers['standard']
    ws.footer_str = self.xls_footers['standard']

    # Title
    cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['xls_title'])
    c_specs = [
        ('report_name', 1, 0, 'text', report_name),
    row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, ['report_name'])
    row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=cell_style)
    row_pos += 1

    # Column headers
    c_specs = map(lambda x: self.render(x, self.col_specs_template, 'header', render_space={'_': _p._}), wanted_list)
    row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
    row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=self.rh_cell_style, set_column_size=True)        

    # account move lines
    for line in objects:
        c_specs = map(lambda x: self.render(x, self.col_specs_template, 'lines'), wanted_list)
        row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
        row_pos = self.xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, row_style=self.aml_cell_style)

    # Totals           


The xml file will look as follows to setup the necessary actions etc.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <record id="action_contract_sales_forecast_xls"     model="ir.actions.report.xml">
      <field name="name">Export Selected Lines To Excel</field>
      <field name="model">abc.salesforecast</field>
      <field name="type">ir.actions.report.xml</field>
      <field name="report_name">contract.sales.forecast.xls</field>
      <field name="report_type">xls</field>
      <field name="auto" eval="False"/>

    <record model="ir.values" id="contract_sales_forecast_xls_values">
      <field name="name">Export Selected Lines</field>
      <field name="key2">client_action_multi</field>
      <field name="value" eval="'ir.actions.report.xml,' +str(ref('action_contract_sales_forecast_xls'))" />
      <field name="model">abc.salesforecast</field>




A second example. First the xml to create a button. This is only an extract.


<form string = "Contract Search Wizard" version="7.0">
    <button icon="gtk-ok" name="print_contract_list" string="Print Contract List" type="object" />
    <button icon="gtk-ok" name="export_contract_product" string="Export Contract vs. Product Pivot Table" type="object" />
    <button icon="gtk-ok" name="export_contract_country" string="Export Contract vs. Country Pivot Table" type="object" />                      
    <button icon="gtk-cancel" special="cancel" string="Cancel" />

The below code is a wizard with several buttons. I removed some code to save space. The report is activated from a button:


class abc_contract_search_wizard(osv.osv):

def _prd_report_xls_fields(self, cr, uid, context=None):

    SQLstring = "SELECT abc_product_list.name FROM abc_product_list;"
    tbl_products = cr.dictfetchall()


    for t in tbl_products:

    return header_list

# Change/Add Template entries
def _prd_report_xls_template(self, cr, uid, context=None):   
    Template updates, e.g. 

    my_change = {
            'header': [1, 20, 'text', _('My Move Title')],
            'lines': [1, 0, 'text', _render("line.move_id.name or ''")],
            'totals': [1, 0, 'text', None]},
    return my_change

    SQLstring = "SELECT abc_product_list.name FROM abc_product_list;"
    tbl_products = cr.dictfetchall()

    abc_tmpl = {
                    'header':[1,20, 'text', _render("_('Contract ID')")],
                    'lines':[1,0, 'text', _render("line.abc_contract_id.name or ''")],
                    'totals':[1, 0, 'text', None],
            'contract_name' :
                    'header':[1,40, 'text', _render("_('Contract Name')")],
                    'lines':[1,0, 'text', _render("line.abc_contract_name or ''")],
                    'totals':[1, 0, 'text', None],
                    'header':[1,10, 'text', _render("_('Exlusive')")],
                    'lines':[1,0, 'text', _render("line.abc_country.name or ''")],
                    'totals':[1, 0, 'text', None],

    for t in tbl_products:
                    'header':[1,3, 'text', _render("_('" + t['name']+"')")],
                    'lines':[1,0, 'text', _render("line.abc_contract_id.name or ''")],
                    'totals':[1, 0, 'text', None],
    return abc_tmpl

    'start_date':fields.date('Start Date'),
    'end_date':fields.date('End Date'),
    'product_type':fields.many2one('abc.product.type','Product Type'),
    'regions':fields.many2one('abc.regions', 'Regions'),
    'contract_type':fields.many2one('abc.contract.types','Contract Type'),

def find_product(self, tbl_contractproducts, product_id):
    for t in tbl_contractproducts:
        if product_id==t['product_id']:
    return is_there

def get_contract_products(self, cr, uid, ids, context, contract_id, tbl_products):

    SQLstring = "SELECT abc_contract_product_list.product_id, abc_contract_product_list.contract_id FROM abc_contract_product_list " \
    + "WHERE (((abc_contract_product_list.contract_id) =" + str(contract_id) + "));"    
    tbl_contractproducts = cr.dictfetchall()
    for t in tbl_products:    
        if self.find_product(tbl_contractproducts,t['product_id']):
    return products

def export_contract_product(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

    rst = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0]
    country_id = rst.country.id
    product_id = rst.product.id
    start_date = rst.start_date
    end_date = rst.end_date
    product_type_id = rst.product_type.id
    partner_id = rst.partner.id
    region_id = rst.regions.id
    exclusive = rst.exclusive
    contract_type_id = rst.contract_type.id

    SQLwhere = ""   
    SQLstring = "SELECT DISTINCT abc_official_documents.id, abc_official_documents.contract_id, abc_official_documents.name AS doc_name,  abc_official_documents.contract_exclusive_agreemnet " \
    + "FROM res_partner INNER JOIN (((abc_contract_countries INNER JOIN (((abc_contract_product_list INNER JOIN (abc_product_type INNER JOIN abc_product_list " \
    + "ON abc_product_type.id = abc_product_list.product_type) ON abc_contract_product_list.product_id = abc_product_list.id) INNER JOIN abc_official_documents ON "\
    + "abc_contract_product_list.contract_id = abc_official_documents.id) INNER JOIN abc_contract_types ON abc_official_documents.contract_type = abc_contract_types.id) "\
    + "ON abc_contract_countries.contract_id = abc_official_documents.id) INNER JOIN abc_countries ON abc_contract_countries.country_id = abc_countries.id) INNER JOIN "\
    + "abc_regions ON abc_countries.country_region = abc_regions.id) ON res_partner.id = abc_official_documents.contract_partner_id "

    if country_id:
        SQLwhere = " AND ((abc_contract_countries.country_id) = " + str(country_id) + ")"
    if product_id:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_contract_product_list.product_id) = " + str(product_id) + ")"
    if start_date:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_start_date) < " + str(start_date) + ")"
    if end_date:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_termination_date) < " + str(end_date) + ")"
    if partner_id:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_partner_id) = " + str(partner_id) +")"
    if region_id:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_countries.country_region) = " + str(region_id) + ")"
    if exclusive:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_exclusive_agreemnet) = true )"
    if contract_type_id:
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_official_documents.contract_type) = " + str(contract_type_id) + ")"    
    if product_type_id:    
        SQLwhere = SQLwhere + " AND ((abc_product_list.product_type) = " +str(product_type_id) + ")"

    SQLwhere = SQLwhere[-(len(SQLwhere)-5):]      #Vat die eerste "AND" weg (5 karakters)

    if ((not SQLwhere) | (len(SQLwhere)==0)):
        SQLstring = SQLstring + " LIMIT 100;"
        SQLstring = SQLstring + "WHERE (" + SQLwhere + ") LIMIT 100;"


    tblContracts = cr.dictfetchall()

    SQLstring = "SELECT abc_product_list.id AS product_id, abc_product_list.name as product_name FROM abc_product_list;"

    tbl_products = cr.dictfetchall()

    pivot_table = []
    datas={'ids':context.get('active_ids', [])}
    for t in tblContracts:
        if t:
            if t['contract_exclusive_agreemnet']:
                excl = "No"    
            contract_table = {
                    'contract_id': t['contract_id'],
                    'contract_name': t['doc_name'],
            product_table=self.get_contract_products(cr, uid, ids, context, t['id'], tbl_products)
            full_table = dict(contract_table.items() + product_table.items())
    datas['contract_list']= pivot_table    

    return {
        'report_name': 'contract_products',


Here is the code for the parser:


class contract_products_parser(report_sxw.rml_parse):

def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context):
    super(contract_products_parser, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
    forc_obj = self.pool.get('abc.contract.search.wizard')
    self.context = context
    wanted_list = forc_obj._prd_report_xls_fields(cr, uid, context)
    template_changes = forc_obj._prd_report_xls_template(cr, uid, context)
        'datetime': datetime,
        'wanted_list': wanted_list,
        'template_changes': template_changes,
        '_': self._,

def _(self, src):
    lang = self.context.get('lang', 'en_US')
    return translate(self.cr, _ir_translation_name, 'report', lang, src) or src

class contract_products_xls(report_xls):

def __init__(self, name, table, rml=False, parser=False, header=True, store=False):
    super(contract_products_xls, self).__init__(name, table, rml, parser, header, store)

    # Cell Styles
    _xs = self.xls_styles        
    # header
    rh_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all'] 
    self.rh_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format)
    self.rh_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['center'])
    self.rh_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['right'])
    # lines  
    aml_cell_format = _xs['borders_all']
    self.aml_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format)
    self.aml_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['center'])
    self.aml_cell_style_date = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['left'], num_format_str = report_xls.date_format)
    self.aml_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(aml_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str = report_xls.decimal_format)
    # totals
    rt_cell_format = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all']
    self.rt_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format)
    self.rt_cell_style_right = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format + _xs['right'])       
    self.rt_cell_style_decimal = xlwt.easyxf(rt_cell_format + _xs['right'], num_format_str = report_xls.decimal_format)

    self.col_specs_template = {


def get_c_specs(self, wanted, col_specs, rowtype, data):

    returns 'evaluated' col_specs

    - wanted: element from the wanted_list
    - col_specs : cf. specs[1:] documented in xls_row_template method
    - rowtype : 'header' or 'data'
    - render_space : type dict, (caller_space + localcontext)
                     if not specified

    row = col_specs[wanted][rowtype][:]


    row.insert(0, wanted)
    return row

    return True

def new_xls_write_row(self, ws, row_pos, row_data, header, headrot_style, dark_style,
                  row_style=default_style, set_column_size=False ):
    r = ws.row(row_pos)
    for col, size, spec in row_data:    

        data = spec[4]
        if header:
            if (col!=0) & (col!=1) & (col!=2):
                row_style=headrot_style #+  'align: rotation 90;'
            if data=="X":
                row_style=dark_style #+ 'pattern: pattern solid, fore_color 0;'
        formula = spec[5].get('formula') and \
            xlwt.Formula(spec[5]['formula']) or None
        style = spec[6] and spec[6] or row_style
        if not data:
            # if no data, use default values
            data = report_xls.xls_types_default[spec[3]]
        if size != 1:
            if formula:
                    row_pos, row_pos, col, col + size - 1, data, style)
                    row_pos, row_pos, col, col + size - 1, data, style)
            if formula:
                ws.write(row_pos, col, formula, style)
                spec[5]['write_cell_func'](r, col, data, style)
        if set_column_size:
            ws.col(col).width = spec[2] * 256
    return row_pos + 1

def generate_xls_report(self, _p, _xs, data, objects, wb):

    wanted_list = _p.wanted_list
    _ = _p._
    #report_name = objects[0]._description or objects[0]._name
    report_name = _("Export Contract Countries")        
    ws = wb.add_sheet(report_name[:31])
    ws.panes_frozen = True
    ws.remove_splits = True
    ws.portrait = 0 # Landscape
    ws.fit_width_to_pages = 1
    row_pos = 0

    _xs = self.xls_styles 
    headrot_style = _xs['bold'] + _xs['fill'] + _xs['borders_all'] + 'align: rotation 90'
    dark_style = _xs['borders_all']+'pattern: pattern solid, fore_color 0;'

    #self.rh_cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format)
    #self.rh_cell_style_center = xlwt.easyxf(rh_cell_format + _xs['center'])

    # set print header/footer
    ws.header_str = self.xls_headers['standard']
    ws.footer_str = self.xls_footers['standard']

    # Title
    cell_style = xlwt.easyxf(_xs['xls_title'])
    c_specs = [
        ('report_name', 1, 0, 'text', report_name),
    row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, ['report_name'])
    row_pos = self.new_xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, False, xlwt_headrot , xlwt.easyxf(dark_style), row_style=cell_style )
    row_pos += 1

    # Column headers
    c_specs = map(lambda x: self.render(x, self.col_specs_template, 'header', render_space={'_': _p._}), wanted_list)
    row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
    row_pos = self.new_xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, True, xlwt_headrot, xlwt.easyxf(dark_style), row_style=self.rh_cell_style, set_column_size=True)        

    # account move lines
    for line in data['contract_list']:
        c_specs = map(lambda x: self.get_c_specs(x, self.col_specs_template, 'lines', line), wanted_list)
        row_data = self.xls_row_template(c_specs, [x[0] for x in c_specs])
        row_pos = self.new_xls_write_row(ws, row_pos, row_data, False, xlwt_headrot, xlwt.easyxf(dark_style), row_style=self.aml_cell_style)




To Create an Excel file or a spreadsheet


“import xlwt” package functionality to create sheet in your Py file.We can define the title, header, number, date, and normal style using xlwt.easyxf().

“import xlwt”包功能在Py文件中创建工作表。我们可以使用xlwt.easyxf()定义标题,标题,数字,日期和普通样式。

For example title style is given below new_style = xlwt.easyxf(‘font:height 230; align: wrap No;border: top thick;border: bottom thick;’)

例如,标题样式在new_style = xlwt.easyxf下面给出('font:height 230; align:wrap No; border:top thick; border:bottom thick;')

Define how the border should appear.define the workbook. Workbook is actually what we view in our spreadsheet. To define workbook, wbk = xlwt.Workbook() sheet = wbk.add_sheet(‘New_sheet’, cell_overwrite_ok=True) for write in to the sheet sheet.write(4, 4, ‘Spellbound Soft Solution’,font_size) To change the width and height of a cell, sheet.col(1).width = 500*12 sheet.row(5).height = 70*5

定义边框的显示方式。定义工作簿。实际上,工作簿是我们在电子表格中查看的内容。以限定工作簿时,WBK = xlwt.Workbook()片材=以与片材sheet.write wbk.add_sheet( 'New_sheet',cell_overwrite_ok =真)写入(4,4, '出神软案',FONT_SIZE)要改变单元格的宽度和高度,sheet.col(1).width = 500 * 12 sheet.row(5).height = 70 * 5

for more goto : http://spellboundss.com/xls-report-in-odoo/ Thanks




  • Simply add this report_xlsx module from the app store.
  • 只需从应用商店添加此report_xlsx模块即可。
  • your_module_name --> report--> my_report.py
  • your_module_name - > report - > my_report.py
  • your_module_name --> report--> my_report.xml
  • your_module_name - > report - > my_report.xml



    from openerp.addons.report_xlsx.report.report_xlsx import ReportXlsx
except ImportError:
    class ReportXlsx(object):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

class PartnerXlsx(ReportXlsx):

    def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, partners):
        for obj in partners:
            report_name = obj.name
            # One sheet by partner
            sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(report_name[:31])
            bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
            sheet.write(0, 0, obj.name, bold)

PartnerXlsx('report.res.partner.xlsx', 'res.partner')



  string="Print to XLSX"