In response to discussion in
Cross-platform strings (and Unicode) in C++
How to deal with Unicode strings in C/C++ in a cross-platform friendly way?
如何以跨平台友好的方式处理C/ c++中的Unicode字符串?
I'm trying to assign a UTF-8
string to a std::string
variable in Visual Studio 2010
我试图在Visual Studio 2010环境中为std::string变量分配一个UTF-8字符串
std::string msg = "महसुस";
std::string味精= "महसुस”;
However, when I view the string view debugger, I only see "?????" I have the file saved as Unicode (UTF-8 with Signature) and i'm using character set "use unicode character set"
但是,当我查看字符串视图调试器时,我只看到“????? ?”我将文件保存为Unicode (UTF-8,带有签名),我使用字符集“使用Unicode字符集”
"महसुस" is a nepali language and it contains 5 characters and will occupy 15 bytes. But visual studio debugger shows msg size as 5
“महसुस”是一个尼泊尔语,它包含5字符并将占领15字节。但是visual studio调试器显示msg大小为5
My question is:
How do I use std::string to just store the utf-8 without needing to manipulate it?
如何使用std: string来存储utf-8而不需要对其进行操作?
5 个解决方案
If you were using C++11 then this would be easy:
如果你用的是c++ 11,那么这很简单:
std::string msg = u8"महसुस";
But since you are not, you can use escape sequences and not rely on the source file's charset to manage the encoding for you, this way your code is more portable (in case you accidentally save it in a non-UTF8 format):
std::string msg = "\xE0\xA4\xAE\xE0\xA4\xB9\xE0\xA4\xB8\xE0\xA5\x81\xE0\xA4\xB8"; // "महसुस"
Otherwise, you might consider doing a conversion at runtime instead:
std::string toUtf8(const std::wstring &str)
std::string ret;
int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), str.length(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (len > 0)
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), str.length(), &ret[0], len, NULL, NULL);
return ret;
std::string msg = toUtf8(L"महसुस");
If you have C++11, you can write u8"महसुस"
. Otherwise, you'll have to write the actual byte sequence, using \xxx
for each byte in the UTF-8 sequence.
如果你有c++ 11中,您可以编写与“महसुस”。否则,您将不得不为UTF-8序列中的每个字节编写实际的字节序列,使用\xxx。
Typically, you're better off reading such text from a configuration file.
You can write msg.c_str(), s8
in the Watches window to see the UTF-8 string correctly.
There is a way to display the right values thanks to the ‘s8′ format specifier. If we append ‘,s8′ to the variable names, Visual Studio reparses the text in UTF-8 and renders the text correctly:
有一种方法来显示正确的值由于s8′格式说明符。如果我们添加的变量名,学生8′,Visual Studio重新解析在utf - 8和呈现的文本文本正确:
In case, you are using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, you need to apply hotfix
如果您正在使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1,那么您需要应用hotfix
If you set the system locale to English, and the file is in UTF-8 without BOM, VC will let you store the string as-is. I have written an article about this here.
If you were using C++11 then this would be easy:
如果你用的是c++ 11,那么这很简单:
std::string msg = u8"महसुस";
But since you are not, you can use escape sequences and not rely on the source file's charset to manage the encoding for you, this way your code is more portable (in case you accidentally save it in a non-UTF8 format):
std::string msg = "\xE0\xA4\xAE\xE0\xA4\xB9\xE0\xA4\xB8\xE0\xA5\x81\xE0\xA4\xB8"; // "महसुस"
Otherwise, you might consider doing a conversion at runtime instead:
std::string toUtf8(const std::wstring &str)
std::string ret;
int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), str.length(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (len > 0)
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), str.length(), &ret[0], len, NULL, NULL);
return ret;
std::string msg = toUtf8(L"महसुस");
If you have C++11, you can write u8"महसुस"
. Otherwise, you'll have to write the actual byte sequence, using \xxx
for each byte in the UTF-8 sequence.
如果你有c++ 11中,您可以编写与“महसुस”。否则,您将不得不为UTF-8序列中的每个字节编写实际的字节序列,使用\xxx。
Typically, you're better off reading such text from a configuration file.
You can write msg.c_str(), s8
in the Watches window to see the UTF-8 string correctly.
There is a way to display the right values thanks to the ‘s8′ format specifier. If we append ‘,s8′ to the variable names, Visual Studio reparses the text in UTF-8 and renders the text correctly:
有一种方法来显示正确的值由于s8′格式说明符。如果我们添加的变量名,学生8′,Visual Studio重新解析在utf - 8和呈现的文本文本正确:
In case, you are using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, you need to apply hotfix
如果您正在使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1,那么您需要应用hotfix
If you set the system locale to English, and the file is in UTF-8 without BOM, VC will let you store the string as-is. I have written an article about this here.