使用jQuery.post将多个参数发布到MVC Controller

时间:2022-12-05 17:02:25

I have a controller defined as:


        public JsonResult PostMoreData(DataContracts.Address address, DataContracts.GeoLocation geoLocation)
            return Json("test");

where DataContracts.Address and DataContracts.GeoLocation are complex types.

From my View i'm trying to post using jQuery as such:


        function PostMoreData() {

            var JsonAddress = {

                "Building": $('Building').val(),
                "UnitNumber": $('UnitNumber').val(),
                "StreetNumber": $('StreetNumber').val(),
                "StreetName": $('StreetName').val(),
                "StreetType": $('StreetType').val(),
                "Suburb": $('Suburb').val(),
                "State": $('State').val(),
                "Postcode": $('Postcode').val(),
                "MonthsAtAddress": $('MonthsAtAddress').val()


            var JsonGeoLocation = {
                "Latitude": $('Latitude').val(),
                "Longitude": $('Longitude').val()

            jQuery.post("/AddressValidation/PostMoreData", {address: JsonAddress, geoLocation: JsonGeoLocation}, function(data, textStatus) {
                if (textStatus == "success") {
                    var result = eval(data);
                    if (result.length > 0) {
            }, "json");

However, on the controller, I get nulls.


It works if my Controller takes just 1 argument and I post just one object.


        public JsonResult PostMoreData(DataContracts.Address address)
            return Json("test");
        function PostMoreData() {

            var JsonAddress = {

                "Building": $('Building').val(),
                "UnitNumber": $('UnitNumber').val(),
                "StreetNumber": $('StreetNumber').val(),
                "StreetName": $('StreetName').val(),
                "StreetType": $('StreetType').val(),
                "Suburb": $('Suburb').val(),
                "State": $('State').val(),
                "Postcode": $('Postcode').val(),
                "MonthsAtAddress": $('MonthsAtAddress').val()


            jQuery.post("/AddressValidation/PostMoreData", JsonAddress, function(data, textStatus) {
                if (textStatus == "success") {
                    var result = eval(data);
                    if (result.length > 0) {
            }, "json");

Any ideas how i can post more than one object?


4 个解决方案



Note that the "default serialization" that jQuery is doing here isn't going to work no matter what your controller does. jQuery doesn't "traverse" the parameter map below the first level, so the example in the question is likely generating this post data:

请注意,无论您的控制器做什么,jQuery在这里执行的“默认序列化”都不会起作用。 jQuery不会“遍历”第一级下面的参数映射,因此问题中的示例可能会生成此发布数据:


The other, working example does not contain any sub-objects, so it is being translated directly, like this:



The easiest fix is making the parameter map flat, each key prefixed with either 'Address.' or 'GeoLocation.', depending.




Thank you everyone for your input on this issue.


At this stage, we have departed from using jquery to post complex types to controllers. Instead we use the ms ajax framework to do that. ms ajax post nicely binds the complex types automatically out of the box.

在这个阶段,我们已经不再使用jquery将复杂类型发布到控制器。相反,我们使用ms ajax框架来做到这一点。 ms ajax post很好地自动绑定复杂类型开箱即用。

So our solution now uses a mix of jquery and ms ajax framework.

所以我们的解决方案现在使用jquery和ms ajax框架的混合。




Your code requires that the way jquery serializes an object is compatible with the MVC default model binder, which I think is unlikely.


If you can build your javascript object so that it serializes as a flat object with dot notation (JsonAddress.Building) that would work, or you can let jquery do the default serialization and then create a custom model binder to deserialize to the action parameter types.




I had the same problem and couldn't get anything to work. Also someone raised it as a bug with jquery and they closed it as not a bug.


I have found a few solutions which answer part of the whole question. And the answer includes the following.


1) Client side: we would need to stringyfy all the objects you need to send. This could be a normal object or an array. It works on both.


2) Client side: You send the data as you have in the first post. As you would object by object.


Tip: When you send parameterised objects, jquery encodes the data sent to the server.


Following all are server side implementations 1) Deserializer class: which will take the input string and put it back in to object/list<>/IList<> what ever you have defined as datatype of the parameter of the controller function. You would need to implement ActionFilterAttribute for the above.

接下来是服务器端实现1)反序列化器类:它将获取输入字符串并将其放回到对象/列表<> / IList <>,您已将其定义为控制器函数的参数的数据类型。您需要为上面的内容实现ActionFilterAttribute。

2) Finally add an attribute to controller function, so that it uses the deserialiser class to get the parameters.


As this is quite a lot of code let me know if you need details or have you solved the problem.


Deepak Chawla



Note that the "default serialization" that jQuery is doing here isn't going to work no matter what your controller does. jQuery doesn't "traverse" the parameter map below the first level, so the example in the question is likely generating this post data:

请注意,无论您的控制器做什么,jQuery在这里执行的“默认序列化”都不会起作用。 jQuery不会“遍历”第一级下面的参数映射,因此问题中的示例可能会生成此发布数据:


The other, working example does not contain any sub-objects, so it is being translated directly, like this:



The easiest fix is making the parameter map flat, each key prefixed with either 'Address.' or 'GeoLocation.', depending.




Thank you everyone for your input on this issue.


At this stage, we have departed from using jquery to post complex types to controllers. Instead we use the ms ajax framework to do that. ms ajax post nicely binds the complex types automatically out of the box.

在这个阶段,我们已经不再使用jquery将复杂类型发布到控制器。相反,我们使用ms ajax框架来做到这一点。 ms ajax post很好地自动绑定复杂类型开箱即用。

So our solution now uses a mix of jquery and ms ajax framework.

所以我们的解决方案现在使用jquery和ms ajax框架的混合。




Your code requires that the way jquery serializes an object is compatible with the MVC default model binder, which I think is unlikely.


If you can build your javascript object so that it serializes as a flat object with dot notation (JsonAddress.Building) that would work, or you can let jquery do the default serialization and then create a custom model binder to deserialize to the action parameter types.




I had the same problem and couldn't get anything to work. Also someone raised it as a bug with jquery and they closed it as not a bug.


I have found a few solutions which answer part of the whole question. And the answer includes the following.


1) Client side: we would need to stringyfy all the objects you need to send. This could be a normal object or an array. It works on both.


2) Client side: You send the data as you have in the first post. As you would object by object.


Tip: When you send parameterised objects, jquery encodes the data sent to the server.


Following all are server side implementations 1) Deserializer class: which will take the input string and put it back in to object/list<>/IList<> what ever you have defined as datatype of the parameter of the controller function. You would need to implement ActionFilterAttribute for the above.

接下来是服务器端实现1)反序列化器类:它将获取输入字符串并将其放回到对象/列表<> / IList <>,您已将其定义为控制器函数的参数的数据类型。您需要为上面的内容实现ActionFilterAttribute。

2) Finally add an attribute to controller function, so that it uses the deserialiser class to get the parameters.


As this is quite a lot of code let me know if you need details or have you solved the problem.


Deepak Chawla