I am working with a json feed about cars. Part of the text has [VIN:'vin_number_is_here']Car make model here[/VIN]. I am using this in an ng-repeat and would like to, unless there's a better way, use a filter to process the text and create a hyperlink to a custom function ending up with something like <a ng-click="modalViewCar('vin_number_is_here')">Car make model here</a>
我正在处理一个关于汽车的json提要。部分文本中有[VIN:'vin_number_is_here']Car make model here[/VIN]。我在ng-repeat中使用它,除非有更好的方法,否则我希望使用一个过滤器来处理文本并创建一个到自定义函数的超链接,其结果如下所示:
I have the replacement of the [/VIN] done but am at a loss for how best to handle the opening "tag".**
Additionally when I have hardcoded a test string I have found that the link never works which I assume is something Angular is responsible for...
app.filter('linkToVIN', ['$sce', function($sce) {
return function(input) {
input = input.replace("[/VIN]","</a>");
**input = input.replace("[VIN='12345abcdef']","<a ng-click=\"modalViewCar('12345abcdef')\">");**
return $sce.trustAsHtml(input);
<div ng-repeat="car in cars">
<div class="col-sm-12" ng-bind-html="car.details | filter:search | linkToVIN"></div>
The VIN link is in the body of text. Sometimes multiple times. So each ng-repeat has a {{car.details}} which may, about 1 in 3 times, have at least one string with the [VIN] structure. What I'd really like to do is hot link those as they appear within the text as so far I have found a few outlier cases where there are references to other [VIN] numbers. E.g.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [VIN:'12345abcdef']consectetur[/VIN] adipiscing elit. Vivamus laoreet odio nisi, eget gravida nunc porta gravida. Pellentesque nec porta tortor. In neque mi,[VIN:'000hijk']pretium[/VIN] at mattis ut, consectetur eget felis. Etiam tortor lacus, varius quis augue sed, condimentum varius massa.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [VIN:'12345abcdef']奉献了爱的elit。我要到那里去。Pellentesque nec门tortor。在neque mi,[VIN: 000hijk]pretium[/VIN]在mattis ut, resptetur eget felis。静脉曲张,静脉曲张,静脉曲张。
Which I would like to convert to.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, < a ng-click="modalViewCar('12345abcdef')" >consectetur< /a > adipiscing elit. Vivamus laoreet odio nisi, eget gravida nunc porta gravida. Pellentesque nec porta tortor. In neque mi,< a ng-click="modalViewCar('000hijk')" >pretium< /a > at mattis ut, consectetur eget felis. Etiam tortor lacus, varius quis augue sed, condimentum varius massa.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, < a ng-click="modalViewCar('12345abcdef')"奉献我要到那里去。Pellentesque nec门tortor。在neque mi中,< a ng-click="modalViewCar('000hijk')"b0 pretium< /a >在mattis ut, resptetur eget felis。静脉曲张,静脉曲张,静脉曲张。
2 个解决方案
solving the regexp
You can do this with one regexp using multiple matching groups to build your anchor tags:
data.replace(/\[VIN:'([\w\d-_]*)'\](.*?)\[\/VIN\]/gmi, '<a ng-click="vc.modalClick($1)">$2</a>')
test - https://regex101.com/r/tU5sG2/2
compiling the DOM
The next issue is that you need to compile the DOM correctly. In order to do that, I recommend a directive
.directive('vinContainer', function($parse, $compile){
restrict: 'A',
link: function($scope, elem, attrs){
regex = /\[VIN:'([\w\d-_]*)'\](.*?)\[\/VIN\]/gmi
anchor = '<a href="#" ng-click="vc.modelClick(\'$1\')">$2</a>'
data = $parse(attrs.ngModel)($scope)
parsed = data.replace(regex, anchor)
<div vin-container ng-model="vc.viewData"/>
codepen - http://codepen.io/jusopi/pen/VeebEO?editors=101
This solution assumes that you are tightly coupling your directive to your view controller because your compiled anchors know which method to call. You could further break this down by:
- creating an isolate scope with a callback expression you declare on the DOM
- 使用在DOM上声明的回调表达式创建隔离范围
- have the compiled links call the callback expression passing back the id as the payload
- 编译后的链接是否调用回调表达式,将id作为有效负载返回
Doing it that way would be much more scalable. Here is the codepen for that version as well - http://codepen.io/jusopi/pen/yeeXJj?editors=101
那样做将会有更大的可扩展性。这是该版本的代码页——http://codepen.io/jusopi/pen/yeexj? editors=101
Say your cars
array looks something like this
var cars = [{details: "[VIN='12345abcdef']something[/VIN]"}, {details: ...}, ...];
You can transform it to a usable object by mapping the array
$scope.cars = cars.map(function(car) {
var parts = car.details.match(/^\[VIN='(.+?)'\](.+?)\[\/VIN\]$/);
return {
vin: parts[1],
details: parts[2]
and then in your template
<div ng-repeat="car in cars">
<a ng-click="modalViewCar(car.vin)" ng-bind-html="car.details"></a>
This makes the assumption that all your car.details
entries match the regular expression.
solving the regexp
You can do this with one regexp using multiple matching groups to build your anchor tags:
data.replace(/\[VIN:'([\w\d-_]*)'\](.*?)\[\/VIN\]/gmi, '<a ng-click="vc.modalClick($1)">$2</a>')
test - https://regex101.com/r/tU5sG2/2
compiling the DOM
The next issue is that you need to compile the DOM correctly. In order to do that, I recommend a directive
.directive('vinContainer', function($parse, $compile){
restrict: 'A',
link: function($scope, elem, attrs){
regex = /\[VIN:'([\w\d-_]*)'\](.*?)\[\/VIN\]/gmi
anchor = '<a href="#" ng-click="vc.modelClick(\'$1\')">$2</a>'
data = $parse(attrs.ngModel)($scope)
parsed = data.replace(regex, anchor)
<div vin-container ng-model="vc.viewData"/>
codepen - http://codepen.io/jusopi/pen/VeebEO?editors=101
This solution assumes that you are tightly coupling your directive to your view controller because your compiled anchors know which method to call. You could further break this down by:
- creating an isolate scope with a callback expression you declare on the DOM
- 使用在DOM上声明的回调表达式创建隔离范围
- have the compiled links call the callback expression passing back the id as the payload
- 编译后的链接是否调用回调表达式,将id作为有效负载返回
Doing it that way would be much more scalable. Here is the codepen for that version as well - http://codepen.io/jusopi/pen/yeeXJj?editors=101
那样做将会有更大的可扩展性。这是该版本的代码页——http://codepen.io/jusopi/pen/yeexj? editors=101
Say your cars
array looks something like this
var cars = [{details: "[VIN='12345abcdef']something[/VIN]"}, {details: ...}, ...];
You can transform it to a usable object by mapping the array
$scope.cars = cars.map(function(car) {
var parts = car.details.match(/^\[VIN='(.+?)'\](.+?)\[\/VIN\]$/);
return {
vin: parts[1],
details: parts[2]
and then in your template
<div ng-repeat="car in cars">
<a ng-click="modalViewCar(car.vin)" ng-bind-html="car.details"></a>
This makes the assumption that all your car.details
entries match the regular expression.