
时间:2022-11-28 09:17:37

When I select multiple lines of code and want to indent them as usual with TAB key, it just deletes them all. I come from Eclipse where I always did it that way. How's that done in Xcode? I hope not line by line ;)


18 个解决方案


The keyboard shortcuts are +] for indent and +[ for un-indent.

键盘快捷键为⌘+]表示缩进,⌘+ [表示取消缩进。

  • In Xcode's preferences window, click the Key Bindings toolbar button. The Key Bindings section is where you customize keyboard shortcuts.
  • 在Xcode的首选项窗口中,单击“键绑定”工具栏按钮。 Key Bindings部分是您自定义键盘快捷键的地方。


Select your code to reindent, then Go to


Editor -> Structure -> Re-Indent

编辑器 - >结构 - >重新缩进


+ [ and + ] are the equivalents to shift+tab in Xcode.

⌘+ [和⌘+]是Xcode中shift + tab的等效项。


Here are the shortcuts, to format the code in XCode


  1. Format entire code (entire class/controller)


    Select the entire code and press control+I on mac to format your code.

    选择整个代码并按下Mac上的control + I来格式化代码。

  2. Format particular block of code


    Select the code and press:


    • +] for right move (indent)
    • ⌘+]用于右移(缩进)

    • +[ for left move (un-indent)
    • ⌘+ [用于左移(非缩进)

Note: as per @JavierGiovannini sugesstion you can do using Editor Menu option

注意:根据@JavierGiovannini sugesstion,您可以使用Editor Menu选项

  1. Select your code and navigate to Editor > Structure > Re-Indent
  2. 选择代码并导航到Editor> Structure> Re-Indent


Another way to quickly reformat indenting is a quick cut and paste. +x and +v. I often find it faster than +[ or +] as you can do it with one hand (versus two) and it will reformat to the correct indent level in one shot.

快速重新格式化缩进的另一种方法是快速剪切和粘贴。 ⌘+ x和⌘+ v。我经常发现它比⌘+ [或⌘+]更快,因为你可以用一只手(相对于两只)来做它,并且它将在一次拍摄中重新格式化为正确的缩进级别。


If you use synergy (to share one keyboard for two PCs) and PC(MAC) in which you are using xcode is slave, and master PC is Windows PC

如果您使用synergy(为两台PC共享一个键盘)和使用xcode的PC(MAC)是奴隶,而主PC是Windows PC

keyboard shortcuts are alt+] for indent and alt+[ for un-indent.

键盘快捷键是alt +]用于缩进和alt + [用于un-indent。


But from synergy version 1.5 working +[ for indent and +] for un-indent

但是从synergy版本1.5开始工作⌘+ [用于缩进和⌘+]用于非缩进


In Xcode 9, you can finally use Tab and Shift+Tab to indent multiple lines of code. Yay!

在Xcode 9中,您最终可以使用Tab和Shift + Tab来缩进多行代码。好极了!


First, select all code using command+a

首先,使用命令+ a选择所有代码

Second, hold key ctr and then press i


the whole selected code will nicely indent.



Select "Tab key: Indents always" in Preferences->Text Editing->Indentation Then you can indent a single line or a selection of lines by pressing TAB or SHIFT+TAB Sadly this removes altogether the possibility to insert tabs where you want, and conflict badly with the tab key being used to switch between "autocompletion fields".

在首选项 - >文本编辑 - >缩进中选择“Tab键:始终缩进”然后您可以通过按TAB键或SHIFT + TAB缩进单行或选择行。遗憾的是,这样可以完全删除在所需位置插入制表符的可能性,以及用于在“自动填充字段”之间切换的tab键严重冲突。

I guess we need more tab keys in the keyboard, one is not enough...



For those of you with Spanish keyboard on mac this are the shortcuts:


+ + [ for un-indent

⌘+⌥+ [用于取消缩进

+ + ] for indent



here all the important shortcuts from another question answered on stack overflow 如何在Xcode中缩进多行?



To all frenchs Xcoders around, the default keybindings are as follow :


Indent selection:

+ + + )


Unindent selection:

+ + + (



If you want to remap the standard Xcode's +[ to TAB, you can do the following:

如果要重新映射标准Xcode的⌘+ [到TAB,您可以执行以下操作:

  1. Install a program called "Karabiner".


  2. Go to Preferences ~> "Misc and Uninstall"


  3. In "Custom Setting" section click on the "Open private.xml" button


  4. Open the file and replace its content with the following code:


    <?xml version="1.0"?> 
            <name>Tab instead of Command+[</name>
                KeyCode::TAB, ModifierFlag::NONE,
                KeyCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L | ModifierFlag::NONE
  5. Go to Preferences ~> "Change Key" ~> click on "Reload XML" button


  6. Put a tick in the checkbox which is called "Tab instead of Command+["

    勾选一个名为“Tab而不是Command + [”的复选框

  7. Enjoy


PS: Please note that this setting works globally on your machine, not just in Xcode. However, I am sure that google might help you to find a solution how to customize it even further, applying the changes only to Xcode.



Danish Keyboard

Unindent: + + 8

Unindent:⌘+⌥+ 8

Indent: + + 9

缩进:⌘+⌥+ 9


Basically [ for left multiple indent and ] right multiple indent.


For TR keyboard you can left multiple indent with 8 and right multiple indent with 9.Because both 8 and 9 are ALT characters of the these nums.Or if you have a keyboard which has [ or ] characters are belong to ALT() property so you can use KEYBOARD CHARACTER

对于TR键盘,您可以使用⌘⎇8保留多个缩进,使用⌘⎇保留右多个缩进.9。因为8和9都是这些nums的ALT字符。或者如果您的键盘具有[或]字符属于ALT (⎇)属性,因此您可以使用⌘⎇KEYBOARDCHARACTER


Since I didn't see an update to this question for the current version of Xcode, I thought I'd add that in Xcode 9.3, Tab works for indenting selected line(s) of text as well as moving from one autocomplete field to another.

由于我没有看到当前版本的Xcode对此问题的更新,我想我会在Xcode 9.3中添加它,Tab用于缩进所选的文本行以及从一个自动完成字段移动到另一个。


Tab for Indent SHIFT + Tab Re-indent

缩进SHIFT + Tab重新缩进的选项卡


In Xcode 4.2 auto-indenting is pretty good. You can now indent a selection of code by pressing the Tab key. I find that Xcode generally formats code really well automatically, and you rarely have to move things around yourself. I find it faster to select a piece of code, right-click and choose Structure -> Re-indent if some code looks messy.

在Xcode 4.2中,自动缩进非常好。您现在可以通过按Tab键缩进选择的代码。我发现Xcode通常可以很好地自动格式化代码,而且你很少需要自己动手。我发现选择一段代码会更快,右键单击并选择Structure - > Re-indent,如果某些代码看起来很乱。


The keyboard shortcuts are +] for indent and +[ for un-indent.

键盘快捷键为⌘+]表示缩进,⌘+ [表示取消缩进。

  • In Xcode's preferences window, click the Key Bindings toolbar button. The Key Bindings section is where you customize keyboard shortcuts.
  • 在Xcode的首选项窗口中,单击“键绑定”工具栏按钮。 Key Bindings部分是您自定义键盘快捷键的地方。


Select your code to reindent, then Go to


Editor -> Structure -> Re-Indent

编辑器 - >结构 - >重新缩进


+ [ and + ] are the equivalents to shift+tab in Xcode.

⌘+ [和⌘+]是Xcode中shift + tab的等效项。


Here are the shortcuts, to format the code in XCode


  1. Format entire code (entire class/controller)


    Select the entire code and press control+I on mac to format your code.

    选择整个代码并按下Mac上的control + I来格式化代码。

  2. Format particular block of code


    Select the code and press:


    • +] for right move (indent)
    • ⌘+]用于右移(缩进)

    • +[ for left move (un-indent)
    • ⌘+ [用于左移(非缩进)

Note: as per @JavierGiovannini sugesstion you can do using Editor Menu option

注意:根据@JavierGiovannini sugesstion,您可以使用Editor Menu选项

  1. Select your code and navigate to Editor > Structure > Re-Indent
  2. 选择代码并导航到Editor> Structure> Re-Indent


Another way to quickly reformat indenting is a quick cut and paste. +x and +v. I often find it faster than +[ or +] as you can do it with one hand (versus two) and it will reformat to the correct indent level in one shot.

快速重新格式化缩进的另一种方法是快速剪切和粘贴。 ⌘+ x和⌘+ v。我经常发现它比⌘+ [或⌘+]更快,因为你可以用一只手(相对于两只)来做它,并且它将在一次拍摄中重新格式化为正确的缩进级别。


If you use synergy (to share one keyboard for two PCs) and PC(MAC) in which you are using xcode is slave, and master PC is Windows PC

如果您使用synergy(为两台PC共享一个键盘)和使用xcode的PC(MAC)是奴隶,而主PC是Windows PC

keyboard shortcuts are alt+] for indent and alt+[ for un-indent.

键盘快捷键是alt +]用于缩进和alt + [用于un-indent。


But from synergy version 1.5 working +[ for indent and +] for un-indent

但是从synergy版本1.5开始工作⌘+ [用于缩进和⌘+]用于非缩进


In Xcode 9, you can finally use Tab and Shift+Tab to indent multiple lines of code. Yay!

在Xcode 9中,您最终可以使用Tab和Shift + Tab来缩进多行代码。好极了!


First, select all code using command+a

首先,使用命令+ a选择所有代码

Second, hold key ctr and then press i


the whole selected code will nicely indent.



Select "Tab key: Indents always" in Preferences->Text Editing->Indentation Then you can indent a single line or a selection of lines by pressing TAB or SHIFT+TAB Sadly this removes altogether the possibility to insert tabs where you want, and conflict badly with the tab key being used to switch between "autocompletion fields".

在首选项 - >文本编辑 - >缩进中选择“Tab键:始终缩进”然后您可以通过按TAB键或SHIFT + TAB缩进单行或选择行。遗憾的是,这样可以完全删除在所需位置插入制表符的可能性,以及用于在“自动填充字段”之间切换的tab键严重冲突。

I guess we need more tab keys in the keyboard, one is not enough...



For those of you with Spanish keyboard on mac this are the shortcuts:


+ + [ for un-indent

⌘+⌥+ [用于取消缩进

+ + ] for indent



here all the important shortcuts from another question answered on stack overflow 如何在Xcode中缩进多行?



To all frenchs Xcoders around, the default keybindings are as follow :


Indent selection:

+ + + )


Unindent selection:

+ + + (



If you want to remap the standard Xcode's +[ to TAB, you can do the following:

如果要重新映射标准Xcode的⌘+ [到TAB,您可以执行以下操作:

  1. Install a program called "Karabiner".


  2. Go to Preferences ~> "Misc and Uninstall"


  3. In "Custom Setting" section click on the "Open private.xml" button


  4. Open the file and replace its content with the following code:


    <?xml version="1.0"?> 
            <name>Tab instead of Command+[</name>
                KeyCode::TAB, ModifierFlag::NONE,
                KeyCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L | ModifierFlag::NONE
  5. Go to Preferences ~> "Change Key" ~> click on "Reload XML" button


  6. Put a tick in the checkbox which is called "Tab instead of Command+["

    勾选一个名为“Tab而不是Command + [”的复选框

  7. Enjoy


PS: Please note that this setting works globally on your machine, not just in Xcode. However, I am sure that google might help you to find a solution how to customize it even further, applying the changes only to Xcode.



Danish Keyboard

Unindent: + + 8

Unindent:⌘+⌥+ 8

Indent: + + 9

缩进:⌘+⌥+ 9


Basically [ for left multiple indent and ] right multiple indent.


For TR keyboard you can left multiple indent with 8 and right multiple indent with 9.Because both 8 and 9 are ALT characters of the these nums.Or if you have a keyboard which has [ or ] characters are belong to ALT() property so you can use KEYBOARD CHARACTER

对于TR键盘,您可以使用⌘⎇8保留多个缩进,使用⌘⎇保留右多个缩进.9。因为8和9都是这些nums的ALT字符。或者如果您的键盘具有[或]字符属于ALT (⎇)属性,因此您可以使用⌘⎇KEYBOARDCHARACTER


Since I didn't see an update to this question for the current version of Xcode, I thought I'd add that in Xcode 9.3, Tab works for indenting selected line(s) of text as well as moving from one autocomplete field to another.

由于我没有看到当前版本的Xcode对此问题的更新,我想我会在Xcode 9.3中添加它,Tab用于缩进所选的文本行以及从一个自动完成字段移动到另一个。


Tab for Indent SHIFT + Tab Re-indent

缩进SHIFT + Tab重新缩进的选项卡


In Xcode 4.2 auto-indenting is pretty good. You can now indent a selection of code by pressing the Tab key. I find that Xcode generally formats code really well automatically, and you rarely have to move things around yourself. I find it faster to select a piece of code, right-click and choose Structure -> Re-indent if some code looks messy.

在Xcode 4.2中,自动缩进非常好。您现在可以通过按Tab键缩进选择的代码。我发现Xcode通常可以很好地自动格式化代码,而且你很少需要自己动手。我发现选择一段代码会更快,右键单击并选择Structure - > Re-indent,如果某些代码看起来很乱。