
时间:2022-11-28 09:12:53

I am creating automated test scripts with Ruby and Watir.


I am trying to call a div class from these lines of codes:


<div class="slimScrollDiv" style="position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 500px;">

  <div class="modal-body" style="overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 500px;">
    <form id="user-form" class="form-inline" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" novalidate="novalidate">

My aim is to use this one browser.div(:class => '').send_keys :space because I want to scroll the div, for me to be able to send_key "" in some other textfield hidden. I even try to use browser.scroll.to :bottom, but still it doesn't work.

我的目标是使用这个browser.div(:class =>'')。send_keys:space因为我想滚动div,因为我能够在隐藏的其他一些文本字段中发送send_key。我甚至尝试使用browser.scroll.to:bottom,但它仍然不起作用。

2 个解决方案



hidden text_field or just not visible in page?


you could try focus:


browser.text_field(:id => 'myid').focus

or if you need to scrolldown until it is visible


unless browser.text_field(:id => 'myid').visible?   
  browser.div(:class => 'slimScrollDiv').send_keys :arrow_down

or if you need to scrolldown to the footer (end of page)


 browser.div(:id => 'footer').wd.location_once_scrolled_into_view



So I am making some guesses as to what you are really trying to accomplish here. I'll first address your question as originally stated, then address how to do what I think you are trying to accomplish.


Selecting elements inside other elements The high level answer is that there is nothing special to doing this, in many (most) cases you don't even need to worry about how deeply nested an element is, as long as you have a unique way to identify it, such as a class, name, etc that is unique.. For example in the code you provided, to get the div with class modal-body you would just do


browser.div(:class => 'modal-body)

If there were a lot of divs on the page with that class, then you might want to locate the one you want by looking inside some other container element that is unique so you find the right one.. in the code above that would be something like


browser.div(:class => 'slimScrollDiv').div(:class => 'modal-body)

Usually you only do that sort of thing when it is difficult to find an easy way to identify an element because it has few or no attributes, or non-unique attributes.


Scrolling a custom control This I think is your real issue. You appear to have a control with a non-standard scrollbox. That is to say that instead of being simple HTML that is defined so that the browser creates and controls a scroll box (which would normally work with the methods you have already tried, or even get scrolled into view auto_magically) you instead have a custom control where the scroll box is driven by javascript code such as jQuery or Bootstrap. Such code usually is event driven, looking for things like mousewheel movement when the mouse is over the control, or manually grabbing and dragging the element that is being rendered to look like a scrollbar. Often such controls do NOT respond to keypresses like space or arrows, EVEN if they have been selected, clicked on, have focus etc.


Still I would first suggest try using .location_once_scrolled_into_view on the sub element you want that is inside the scrollbox. (See example in other answer) If that does not work then try manipulating the controls of the sçroll area.

我仍然建议尝试在你想要的子元素上使用.location_once_scrolled_into_view在滚动框内。 (参见其他答案中的示例)如果不起作用,则尝试操作söroll区域的控件。

Based on class values in your code fragment, I think you may be dealing with a jQuery powered 'slimScroll' control similar to those shown on this page. If that is indeed the case, then you can scroll the control by using drag methods on the scrollbar element. In slimScroll the element you want will be inside the div with class 'slimScrollDiv' and is another div with the class 'slimScrollBar'.


As long as the scrollbar is visible, you should be able to do a .drag_and_drop_by on it to scroll the content in the scrollbox. If it is not visible (as can happen in the first example on the linked page) then it may be harder, you might have to try firing mouseover events, or invoking some JS code to change it's style to not be hidden. You will need to experiment to see how many pixels to drag it at a time to scroll the window a 'right' amount based on how much content is in there. (potentially you might be able to figure that out based on the .style 'height' values for the elements, but that would take experimentation with the actual page and only needed if the amount of content in the box is variable)

只要滚动条可见,您就应该能够在其上执行.drag_and_drop_by以滚动滚动框中的内容。如果它不可见(可能发生在链接页面上的第一个示例中)那么它可能更难,您可能必须尝试触发鼠标悬停事件,或调用一些JS代码来更改它的样式以便不被隐藏。您需要尝试查看一次拖动多少像素,以根据窗口中的内容滚动窗口“正确”的数量。 (可能你可能能够根据元素的.style'height'值来计算出来,但这需要对实际页面进行实验,只有在框中的内容量可变时才需要)

For the second example on the linked page, I was able to scroll things using the following code


scrollbar = browser.div(:class => 'slimScrollBar', :index => 1)
scrollbar.drag_and_drop_by 0,10

I'm not sure what is inside your scrollbox, but for psuedo-code purposes of we just call it 'thing_I_want' then you might be able to scroll it into view with code something like this


scrollbar = browser.div(:class => 'slimScrollBar')
until thing_I_want.present?
  scrollbar.drag_and_drop_by 0,5

as I said you might have to play with the drag distance there to get a 'right' amount, but 5 (pixels) seemed a reasonable starting place.




hidden text_field or just not visible in page?


you could try focus:


browser.text_field(:id => 'myid').focus

or if you need to scrolldown until it is visible


unless browser.text_field(:id => 'myid').visible?   
  browser.div(:class => 'slimScrollDiv').send_keys :arrow_down

or if you need to scrolldown to the footer (end of page)


 browser.div(:id => 'footer').wd.location_once_scrolled_into_view



So I am making some guesses as to what you are really trying to accomplish here. I'll first address your question as originally stated, then address how to do what I think you are trying to accomplish.


Selecting elements inside other elements The high level answer is that there is nothing special to doing this, in many (most) cases you don't even need to worry about how deeply nested an element is, as long as you have a unique way to identify it, such as a class, name, etc that is unique.. For example in the code you provided, to get the div with class modal-body you would just do


browser.div(:class => 'modal-body)

If there were a lot of divs on the page with that class, then you might want to locate the one you want by looking inside some other container element that is unique so you find the right one.. in the code above that would be something like


browser.div(:class => 'slimScrollDiv').div(:class => 'modal-body)

Usually you only do that sort of thing when it is difficult to find an easy way to identify an element because it has few or no attributes, or non-unique attributes.


Scrolling a custom control This I think is your real issue. You appear to have a control with a non-standard scrollbox. That is to say that instead of being simple HTML that is defined so that the browser creates and controls a scroll box (which would normally work with the methods you have already tried, or even get scrolled into view auto_magically) you instead have a custom control where the scroll box is driven by javascript code such as jQuery or Bootstrap. Such code usually is event driven, looking for things like mousewheel movement when the mouse is over the control, or manually grabbing and dragging the element that is being rendered to look like a scrollbar. Often such controls do NOT respond to keypresses like space or arrows, EVEN if they have been selected, clicked on, have focus etc.


Still I would first suggest try using .location_once_scrolled_into_view on the sub element you want that is inside the scrollbox. (See example in other answer) If that does not work then try manipulating the controls of the sçroll area.

我仍然建议尝试在你想要的子元素上使用.location_once_scrolled_into_view在滚动框内。 (参见其他答案中的示例)如果不起作用,则尝试操作söroll区域的控件。

Based on class values in your code fragment, I think you may be dealing with a jQuery powered 'slimScroll' control similar to those shown on this page. If that is indeed the case, then you can scroll the control by using drag methods on the scrollbar element. In slimScroll the element you want will be inside the div with class 'slimScrollDiv' and is another div with the class 'slimScrollBar'.


As long as the scrollbar is visible, you should be able to do a .drag_and_drop_by on it to scroll the content in the scrollbox. If it is not visible (as can happen in the first example on the linked page) then it may be harder, you might have to try firing mouseover events, or invoking some JS code to change it's style to not be hidden. You will need to experiment to see how many pixels to drag it at a time to scroll the window a 'right' amount based on how much content is in there. (potentially you might be able to figure that out based on the .style 'height' values for the elements, but that would take experimentation with the actual page and only needed if the amount of content in the box is variable)

只要滚动条可见,您就应该能够在其上执行.drag_and_drop_by以滚动滚动框中的内容。如果它不可见(可能发生在链接页面上的第一个示例中)那么它可能更难,您可能必须尝试触发鼠标悬停事件,或调用一些JS代码来更改它的样式以便不被隐藏。您需要尝试查看一次拖动多少像素,以根据窗口中的内容滚动窗口“正确”的数量。 (可能你可能能够根据元素的.style'height'值来计算出来,但这需要对实际页面进行实验,只有在框中的内容量可变时才需要)

For the second example on the linked page, I was able to scroll things using the following code


scrollbar = browser.div(:class => 'slimScrollBar', :index => 1)
scrollbar.drag_and_drop_by 0,10

I'm not sure what is inside your scrollbox, but for psuedo-code purposes of we just call it 'thing_I_want' then you might be able to scroll it into view with code something like this


scrollbar = browser.div(:class => 'slimScrollBar')
until thing_I_want.present?
  scrollbar.drag_and_drop_by 0,5

as I said you might have to play with the drag distance there to get a 'right' amount, but 5 (pixels) seemed a reasonable starting place.
