Select2 - Ajax搜索 - 记住最后的结果

时间:2022-11-27 19:18:21

I am using Select2 3.5.1. With this plugin I can successfully load remote data. However I am here today to ask a question to improve this search. Here is the step-by-step to understand what I would like to do:

我正在使用Select2 3.5.1。有了这个插件,我可以成功加载远程数据。但是我今天在这里提出一个问题来改进这种搜索。以下是逐步了解我想要做的事情:

  1. Setup a Select2 with remote data loading (using ajax).
  2. 设置带有远程数据加载的Select2(使用ajax)。
  3. Click on the Select2 input and search for something.
  4. 单击Select2输入并搜索某些内容。
  5. The loading will appear and after some seconds you will see a list of results.
  6. 将显示加载,几秒钟后您将看到结果列表。
  7. Click on one of the results listed - the box of results will then disappear.
  8. 单击列出的结果之一 - 结果框将消失。
  9. If you click again on the search box, the list will be empty and you will need to type some new text again to have a list of results.
  10. 如果再次单击搜索框,则列表将为空,您需要再次键入一些新文本以获得结果列表。

Is it possible that when we click again on the search box, that the list of results previously searched re-appear without any ajax call? Then if the user delete a character or change his search criteria it would then trigger the ajax search again.


If it is possible, how would we code that?


I hope my question is clear, please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.


Here is a very simple code where we do a search that return a list of results. It doesn't really search, but it does return a list when you type something. I am not sure how to use the initSelection that is mentionned in one of the response.


        Test page for ajax cache
    <script type='text/javascript' src='../../resources/javascript/jquery/jquery-1.9.1.min.js'></script>
    <link type='text/css' href='../../resources/javascript/select2/select2.css' rel='stylesheet' />
    <script type='text/javascript' src='../../resources/javascript/select2/select2.js'></script>

            ajax: {
                type: 'POST',
                url: 'ajax.php',
                dataType: 'json',
                data: function(term, page){
                    return {
                        autoc: 'country',
                        term: term
                results: function(data, page){

                    return( {results: data.results} );
            placeholder: 'Search something',
            minimumInputLength: 3,
            width: '333'

    <input type='text' name='inputdata' id='select' />

The very simple ajax.php called:


$results2['more'] = false;
$results2['results'][0] = array('id'=> "1", 'text'=> "California");
$results2['results'][1] = array('id'=> "2", 'text'=> "Canada");
$results2['results'][2] = array('id'=> "2", 'text'=> "Someword");
$results2['results'][3] = array('id'=> "2", 'text'=> "Alberta");
$results2['results'][4] = array('id'=> "2", 'text'=> "New York");

echo json_encode($results2);

1 个解决方案



I did read your post once again. I misunderstood you last time.


The solution is here.


   $(document).ready(function () {
            // this part is responsible for data caching
            dataCache: [],
            query: function (q) {
                var obj = this,
                        key = q.term,
                        dataCache = obj.dataCache[key];

                //checking is result in cache
                if (dataCache) {
                    q.callback({results: dataCache.results});
                } else {
                        url: 'ajax.php',
                        data: {q: q.term},
                        dataType: 'json',
                        type: 'POST',
                        success: function (data) {
                            //copy data to 'cache'
                            obj.dataCache[key] = data;
                            q.callback({results: data.results});
            placeholder: 'Search something',
            width: '333',
            minimumInputLength: 3,
        // this part is responsible for setting last search when select2 is opening
        var last_search = '';
        $('#select').on('select2-open', function () {
            if (last_search) {
        $('#select').on('select2-loaded', function () {
            last_search = $('.select2-search').find('input').val();



I did read your post once again. I misunderstood you last time.


The solution is here.


   $(document).ready(function () {
            // this part is responsible for data caching
            dataCache: [],
            query: function (q) {
                var obj = this,
                        key = q.term,
                        dataCache = obj.dataCache[key];

                //checking is result in cache
                if (dataCache) {
                    q.callback({results: dataCache.results});
                } else {
                        url: 'ajax.php',
                        data: {q: q.term},
                        dataType: 'json',
                        type: 'POST',
                        success: function (data) {
                            //copy data to 'cache'
                            obj.dataCache[key] = data;
                            q.callback({results: data.results});
            placeholder: 'Search something',
            width: '333',
            minimumInputLength: 3,
        // this part is responsible for setting last search when select2 is opening
        var last_search = '';
        $('#select').on('select2-open', function () {
            if (last_search) {
        $('#select').on('select2-loaded', function () {
            last_search = $('.select2-search').find('input').val();