
时间:2022-11-26 22:52:24

In my case, I want to get the select element's visible options' count (By visible options' count, I mean how many options are visible without scrolling. Thanks Matthew). If size attribute is set, then element.size is the value I need. When it isn't, things get a little tricky.


For example, in following code:


<select multiple="multiple">

In IE/Chrome/Firefox, it will show like the picture below. In this case, count should be 3:

在IE / Chrome / Firefox中,它将显示如下图所示。在这种情况下,计数应为3:


If option count in previous case is greater than 4, it still shows 4 visible lines. In this case, count should be 4:



Is there a good way, other than using if...else..., to get the visible options' count of select tag, in any circumstances?

除了使用if ... else ...之外,还有一种好方法可以在任何情况下获得可见选项的选择标记数吗?

FYI, I'm developing a test software to do functional testing for customers' website, so I'm not able to modify code of the web page.


4 个解决方案



I hope I understood correctly:


 var maxVisibleCount = Math.floor(containerHeight / optionHeight);
 var actualCount = $(this).children('option').length;
 var result = (maxVisibleCount > actualCount) ? actualCount : maxVisibleCount;

live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/md13qq0d/


edit: sorry, I have not seen that you are not using jQuery: https://jsfiddle.net/md13qq0d/2/




please check you will get count ....


  function GetSelected () {
        var select = document.getElementById ("mySelect");
        var txt = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++) {
            var isSelected = select.options[i].selected;
            isSelected = (isSelected)? "selected" : "not selected";
            txt += "The " + i + " option is " + isSelected + "\n";
        alert (txt);



You can give id to your select tag and using that id u can easily retrieve no. of visible items(options) in that particular select tag .My eg -

您可以为您的选择标记提供ID并使用该ID,您可以轻松检索否。特定选择标签中的可见项目(选项)。例如 -

<script type="text/javascript">  
alert($('#selectid option').length);  

Here 'selectid' is the id given to the particular select whose visible options u want to get .




I find out a new solution to this question, and it seems better. Here is code:


var e = document.getElementById("id_to_select");
var threshold;

if (e.size > 0) {
    threshold = e.size;
} else { // size not set
    threshold = e.multiple ? 4 : 1; // Why 4, please see below
return Math.min(e.length, threshold);

There are some basic facts on select element which make me write code like this:


  • If size property is set to valid values (larger than 0), the visible items' count is depending on the relationship between element.size and element.length, regardless of multiple set or not.
  • 如果将size属性设置为有效值(大于0),则可见项的计数取决于element.size和element.length之间的关系,无论是否有多个set。

  • If size not set, but multiple set, the count will be depending on the relationship between element.length and 4, which is the default value of size in multiple mode. For more information, please see specification of select element.
  • 如果未设置大小,但设置了多个,则计数将取决于element.length和4之间的关系,这是多模式下大小的默认值。有关更多信息,请参阅select元素的规范。

  • If both size and multiple not set, the count will be either 1 or 0, which is depending on whether the select has options or not.
  • 如果未设置大小和倍数,则计数将为1或0,这取决于select是否具有选项。



I hope I understood correctly:


 var maxVisibleCount = Math.floor(containerHeight / optionHeight);
 var actualCount = $(this).children('option').length;
 var result = (maxVisibleCount > actualCount) ? actualCount : maxVisibleCount;

live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/md13qq0d/


edit: sorry, I have not seen that you are not using jQuery: https://jsfiddle.net/md13qq0d/2/




please check you will get count ....


  function GetSelected () {
        var select = document.getElementById ("mySelect");
        var txt = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++) {
            var isSelected = select.options[i].selected;
            isSelected = (isSelected)? "selected" : "not selected";
            txt += "The " + i + " option is " + isSelected + "\n";
        alert (txt);



You can give id to your select tag and using that id u can easily retrieve no. of visible items(options) in that particular select tag .My eg -

您可以为您的选择标记提供ID并使用该ID,您可以轻松检索否。特定选择标签中的可见项目(选项)。例如 -

<script type="text/javascript">  
alert($('#selectid option').length);  

Here 'selectid' is the id given to the particular select whose visible options u want to get .




I find out a new solution to this question, and it seems better. Here is code:


var e = document.getElementById("id_to_select");
var threshold;

if (e.size > 0) {
    threshold = e.size;
} else { // size not set
    threshold = e.multiple ? 4 : 1; // Why 4, please see below
return Math.min(e.length, threshold);

There are some basic facts on select element which make me write code like this:


  • If size property is set to valid values (larger than 0), the visible items' count is depending on the relationship between element.size and element.length, regardless of multiple set or not.
  • 如果将size属性设置为有效值(大于0),则可见项的计数取决于element.size和element.length之间的关系,无论是否有多个set。

  • If size not set, but multiple set, the count will be depending on the relationship between element.length and 4, which is the default value of size in multiple mode. For more information, please see specification of select element.
  • 如果未设置大小,但设置了多个,则计数将取决于element.length和4之间的关系,这是多模式下大小的默认值。有关更多信息,请参阅select元素的规范。

  • If both size and multiple not set, the count will be either 1 or 0, which is depending on whether the select has options or not.
  • 如果未设置大小和倍数,则计数将为1或0,这取决于select是否具有选项。